[Thinking While Gaming] Etrian Odyssey's Maps And The Ultimate Exploration

in #gaming7 years ago

Etrian Odyssy series has an evolutionary Mapping system. One that encourages you to explore and know every corner of the world.

Etrian Odyssey Opening.jpg

Salam (Peace)

There are two reasons I play RPG games... The stories and the worlds, I love the fantasy setting with swords & magic. And I like the turn-based battle system as opposed to the Action system. But one of the things I really like is the exploration, the feeling of "What lies beyond that corner?", it's the feeling you have when you play Final Fantasy or Dragon Quest for the first time.

One of the games that surprisingly gave me that feeling is "Digimon World 1".

Etrian Odyssey

Etrian Odyssy series is THE Dungeon Crawler of the NDS/3DS and it's known by two things: Insane Difficulty, and using the bottom screen for it's Map system... Since I saw a trailer for one of the games in the series (probably it was Untold 2) I was like: "I have to play this game!!"

Well for now, the only game I played for now is Untold Millennium Girl's Story Mode on Normal, and they say it's very easy compared to other game in the series. But it's still hard compared to the most RPGs in recent times, as even the normal monster encounters are strong and the F.O.E map enemies should basically be avoided the first time they meat you meet them.

Game Cover.jpg

In this post I refer to Etrian Odyssey Untold when I say "the game."

For record, I haven't played a lot of dungeon crawlers. EO:Untold is one of the first games I really play of that genre. But I played a lot of RPG and it has the battle system of one.

The Exploration

While the story of EO: Untold isn't as amazing as any Final Fantasy game you'd play. But it makes up for that with the good studied RPG battle system and the amazing maps and mapping system. It lets you feel as though you're a real adventurer. And makes you know how hard being one is!!

In this game, you draw your own map.

Part of being an adventurer is to be able to find your way... The game wants you to make your own map of the dungeon and gets you the tool to do so... In the bottom screen You have to draw the map using the tools the game provide. The map you draw can be totally different than the actual dungeon but you want it to be as accurate as possible!!

(Dungeon Screen, F.O.E on top. Player drawn map on the bottom.)

One error in drawing your map could cost you DEATH

Or at least many hours of your time... Imagine that you drew a wall in the map while in the real dungeon it was a free space? Imagine now if you need to go there to reach the next floor.

There are also many times when you have to go back to a set point in previous floor to do something. If you didn't mark everything you see you'll waste a lot of time searching for it... Again!! Etrian Odyssey teaches the player to notice everything and record everything.

The Journey More Than The Destination

Everything in the game is made with "Being Adventurer" in mind... Many quests encourage you to explore the dungeon... The limited slots in bag makes you really think what items to bring with you to the dungeon... And the conversations between people is so adventures like... Even the story mode where the classes are pre-selected, you can choose how to distribute skill points.

The messages you get when you enter a new place:

"You feel a strong monster nearby, you decided to be more careful as you head on. Or maybe you should find another path.

A FOE?!.jpg

While the story is linear, the actual gameplay is not.

Are There Other Exploration Games?

So, I've been #ThinkingWhileGaming: The closest game that let me feel like this was Dragon Quest IX... EO:Untold is way stronger than it in that regard. I will proably get my hands on all the entries in this series of games (and Persona Q which play the same as this but is Shin Megami Tensei themed game.)

Are there other games that gives this feeling of exploration?... that you want to find every corner?

I think this only happens with Etrian Oddessy because of it's powerful mapping system, I really want a series like this to strive for many years in the future and with the 3DS life span nearing its end, that might not be possible.

What are your thoughts?

Please say them in comments, I love to read them!!

This is the eighth post in my #challenge30days. Images are game screenshots and promotion materials, I found them on google.

Nice article, I should buy an Nintendo :/ I have never played games like this, except of pokemons.

Well, Pokemon is another great game in gameplay I should've mention it. Nintendo knows how to make/Publish a great game without the need for poweerful graphics.

exactly, even their consoles are not about power and I like this different attitude

I've never played a game where you draw your own map before, that sounds really awesome. This game makes you as adventurer as you can be indeed. I wonder if there are other games that have this mechanic, aside of the ones you mentioned, and for PC.

Aside of that, I hope you don't mind if I keep tagging you in my posts of the week quite often, because your (gaming) posts are so good..

I'd like to know that too... The game wizardy (it's very old but 6-8 are on steam) is like Etrian Oddessy but you have to draw the maps on papers outside the game. (Wizardy is the game that inspired Etrian Odyssey) I thought of getting Wizardy but decided that I already have too much games to play for a while.

The map system of EO is evolutionary!! I don't know if they exist but really want to play more games with a system like that.

I wonder if there are other games that have this mechanic, aside of the ones you mentioned, and for PC.

Aside of that, I hope you don't mind if I keep tagging you in my posts of the week quite often, because your (gaming) posts are so good..

I love your posts and I don't mid at all!! I'm always exited to see what others are saying about my posts.

I really want to play a game with that system too. It'd be great if some modern games have that. Well, not to every RPG games, as it might be not suited well to the game. But it would be nice to have some where we can do this.. forgotten feature.

One thing from the past we see a lot nowadays is the retro styled visual. I don't see much reasons why we can't have this in some games.

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