Complete freedom in Zelda: Breath of the Wild - Familiar, yet contrarian

in #gaming7 years ago (edited)


We have a fantastic game year behind us and we have all played a lot of games this year. For lovers of Japanese games, 2017 will probably go down in history as one of the best game years ever. Japanese developers showed their best side and came up with extraordinarily excellent games at every turn, which were unfortunately undervalued commercially in the West. Games like Kidney: Automata, Persona 5 and Nioh are all pearls from the Far East and deserve to be called top-of-the-list in every gamers.


Fortunately, there are also Japanese games that are popular in the West and one of them is The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, the game that helped determine the successful launch of the Nintendo Switch. Once again, Nintendo delivers a Zelda game that is unprecedented.

Occupational therapy

Because where do I start when I talk about the game of the year? In The Shrine of Ressurection, of course, the starting point of this great adventure. The moment Link leaves this temple and Hyrule reveals its grandeur and splendor to him is something that will stay with me for a long time. From that moment on there was no way back for me and I had to explore Hyrule. Soon I found out that there is little left of all that splendor. Hyrule is largely destroyed and terrorized by evil monsters that hinder the reconstruction of this once powerful kingdom. Zelda must also be rescued from the hands of Ganon.


The latter sounds familiar to Zelda fans. After nineteen years of repeating the same trick, Nintendo finally found it time to renew the formula for the Zelda series. For some, that may be the biggest criticism, but as a Zelda fan I could only applaud this change.

This is mainly because I have never experienced freedom in this game before. Many open world games go wrong in my opinion by filling their world with unnecessary extras. At a certain moment you get as a player that your attention is diverted from the goal you initially focus on.

There is hardly any occupational therapy in Breath of the Wild. Hyrule is in ruins and for the most part has been abandoned, so I am motivated to find out what happened a hundred years earlier. However, I also experience a kind of feeling of serenity when I wander through the wilderness of Hyrule in search of my next adventure. Taming exotic animals, experimenting with recipes, combining attack techniques, discovering ruins, and hopelessly running away for the devastating power of the Guardians ensure that the game never gets bored.


In addition, virtually every place is accessible in Breath of the Wild and the story never forces players to walk a specific path. The choice is completely free. In comparison with other titles in the series, Breath of the Wild is also wonderfully contrarian.


Meanwhile I dare to say that The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is one of my favorite games of all time, even though the game might not be technically perfect. Already in the first five minutes of the game I had to deal with framedrops, which would continue to happen with some regularity during the rest of the game. Patches have partially solved the problem. Still: a few dips in the framerate do not outweigh the countless hours of fun that I still get from the game. When minor technical imperfections are the only criticism, you know that you are dealing with a legendary game.


There is actually little that has not been said about this masterful game. With The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Nintendo reinvented the series and once again released a classic that we will look back on with a smile in twenty years time. Breath of the Wild is undoubtedly one of the best launch titles ever and a nice farewell present for Wii U owners. In any case, I can not wait to see what the future has in store for the Zelda series.

Thanks for reading, I hope you liked it!

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This game really comes into its own at the Switch. I played this game at 10 km altitude and that really gave a 'wtf' feeling. Playing a full 3D Zelda in a plane... who would have ever thought so?

I recognize myself partly in the frame drops: especially at the Deku Tree (I hope this is not spoiler after almost a year) it was really striking. But what about one open world game that does not bother at all? The loading of immense game worlds is sometimes accompanied by framedrops. I have not really disturbed at least...

Now that the pink glasses are finished and I can watch the game more objectively, I find the story far too little deepened. The story had allowed me to concentrate more on the past. The bosses looked too much alike and were repetitive. And I think that's a good thing, because the bosses are often the climax in a Zelda game, a moment in the game where 'everything falls into place'. And I really missed that in this game.

But what will it be... I have been in the game for 300 hours and I still get goose bumps when I watch the beautiful switch release trailer for the greatest time (in which everything was revealed: Gorons! Zora's! Gerudo! Zelda !!)

This predicts so much good ... I expect a pre- or sequel a la Majora's Mask 2019-2020, because the story? That has not been told yet...

I understand very little of the jubilant enthusiasm about this game. Good game, no doubt, but under the line it is an open world rpg with this time Link in the leading role. An open world RPG that does a lot of good, that too is true, but not very exceptional. It will be me, but I was not really touched by it.

Thank you very much for sharing a nice game with us

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