in #funny6 years ago (edited)

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If you've been following me for a while, you will know I am cat befok (obsessed.) When I just started Steemit I even did a meme post with cats to explain who I was. So why not tell you guys about my week in cat memes? YAS!


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I took some amazing time off this week, we have had a few public holidays here in South Africa lately, and I grabbed the opportunity to put in two days of leave and get a whole week off with both hands. I speak about how important it is to get some well earned rest and relaxation in my post here.


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So, I generally try to eat pretty healthy during the week and keep things like pizza for the weekend. Since it was weekend for about a week 😹, I had overdone it a tad. Braai (barbecue) on Friday, Sushi on the weekend, Pizza on Sunday and bacon and eggs on Monday. I promised myself a hot yoga session for Tuesday afternoon, but ALAS, I didn't make it. My Kindle and warm spot on the couch were just too good. I also made some epic mashed potato on Tuesday, find my recipe here.

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After a week of hardcore chilling, getting out of bed was not easy. The other keyholder at work also took his leave on Wednesday, so I had to kick my own ass to open the shop on time. COFEFE IN MY FACE! Work was exceptionally boring on Wednesday and I came up with what I thought was a great analogy : me being at work farting around on photoshop, instead of working on beautiful custom designed lights, is like Picasso being forced to paint exterior walls beige. Egotistical, much??? 😹😹😹I thought I was funny... Oh, well!


My day was brightened one million times over by being invited to appear on The Resteem Radio Show, which airs on MSP Waves, hosted by @ma1neevent and @poeticsnake! We had some lovely conversation and I had so much fun. I get super nervous for these kind of things, so I wouldn't be surprised if poor Snekky and Ma1ne Event were rolling their eyes at my rambling. They were both amazing, patient hosts and I had an absolute blast. They also interviewed @Crazybgadventure from Bulgaria. If you would like to listen, hop on over to @ma1neevent's post here

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Today. The radio show started at midnight my time, and went on til about 01h30. After the show I was a bit too pumped to sleep straight away, so I was a bit of a zombie today, needing much cofefe to get me through the day.


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Tomorrow: Fridays are always a bit hectic for me as I only work until 2pm. For some reason, no matter how quiet the rest of my week was, Fridays are always very busy, with clients coming in to buy loads of items, and the paper work piling up due to the shorter hours. I would rather work at break neck speed on a Friday than stay late and miss my afternoon off. HELL NO, GURL. My Friday afternoons are reserved for me time; coming home early to a quiet, empty house, a cup of tea and some chilled writing time, maybe some weed and trip hop too.

My favourite mix here (best song at 33:12):




I am not working this weekend. I do have to work some Saturdays from time to time, which, in itself is not awful, but obviously I like to be off WAY more. I don't have any plans as of yet, but am really hoping to have some time with my husband's little cousin - she's 20 and my most adored, kindred spirit. My adopted little sister.


I usually spend Saturday evenings with my husband, Kindle and cats. We live a quiet life, but it's the life I love the most.



Sundays are usually chill days for me. Reserved especially for Mork and Mew Mew time. we both work full day jobs and spend a lot of time on Steemit and Discord, so Sundays are kind of our special time. It's important to turn off and be with the ones you love, just enjoying and cherishing each other. We don't usually do too much - I'll make us some strong cofefe and creamy scrambled eggs, or we'll go grab a cafe breakfast. We might go for a walk nto the park, see some family or just chill at home with a movie. Le Good Life!

How was your week? And what do you plan to do with your weekend? Let me know in the comments section - I love catching up with my Steemian friends



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lmfao, priceless......I do believe I snorted some Shiraz on the "Fluffy Cat one"

My Cat is very Underfed and need follow for follow n upvotes because .....Kitty Lambo

hehehe kitties deserve Lambos too

Thanks for our constant suport babe. Love your craziness and how outspoken you are xx

You're an amazing human and Steemian xxx

Lol! These memes are so hilarious. The first one got me laughing hard.
Nice one Mewmew

hehe. How can one not laugh at cats? Cats are the best animals ever.

Thanks for your support xx

Thank you @princessmewmew. Those are some adorable memes :)

they are indeed. Thank you for all your comments on my blog. I really appreciate all of your support xxx

Im not fat, Im fluffy :D Adorable 💚💚💚 You had a busy week but fulfilled and nice, you deserved some relaxing

My fave too x I really did enjoy my week.

Lol! I went scuba diving once... I am a short woman and I don't really look huge fat, but I need a LOT of lead to make me sink. The dive master argued with me about how much weight I needed until I finally got in and showed him I could not descend with the weight he gave me. He says "Wow, you are really fluffy..."
That's right buddy, FLUFFY, not fat...😁

hahahahha! How funny! Thank you for sharing that with me x

This post has made my weekend (that didn't even start yet), and funny as h-e-double hockey sticks I might add! This showcases your personality, You have been busier than a Cat on a hot tin roof! Lol , I don't think I have ever heard a bad Cat joke??....but seriously all Kitten aside, I like your memes, refreshing (NEVER SEEN). I love the one where the cat it paging thru the book, he is probably reading "The Prince and the Paw-Purr"...Lol. Oh my goodness this is way too much fun to engage in! How about the one on your Friday where he is going crazy on the computer, now thats a real Meowathon! So glad I met you @princessmewmew, if not my journey here may have been a real CAT-HAS-TROPHY! Hugs Gurl

No bad cat jokes on the internet ;) Friday is definitely me getting all of my work done before the weekend!

hehe, you are HILARIOUS. I loved that so much. Thank you very much xxx

I am super glad to have met you too

Ahahahaha. A cat meme calendar. Who'd have thought?

It's reasonable temp here today, but we are forecast to have our first 40C day on Saturday. My friend the naturalist is joining Sam and I for our walk Saturday, should be a good one.

And I am down to 4 days with my doggy. He leaves for Summer Vacation on Tuesday. I'm going to miss him. My plan is to go see him sometime in July...

ah, that is adorable! Why is he going on a vacation? That's so sweet!

It was great to see you get some relaxing time with Mork this week. We are trying to plan some relaxing time ourselves soon. Much needed!!! I know how hard you work so I think that gif for Friday could apply almost every day. LOL I am looking forward to the weekend so we can have some chill gardening time. It so late this year with all the bad weather.

I love gardening too. We only have a balcony so its just herbs and succulents, but I still love them xx

I'm waiting for the season to change here in Alaska so I can work on some gardening before summer trips. I just love being outside. It's been hailing here and plants are coming back slower than usual!

I like to be outside too. It's very relaxing. Alaska must be freezing!

A girl after my own heart! I love weekends and lately, I have been on an extended work/vacation holiday, so there is scuba and beach involved, along with some adventures in travel.

Pass along that weed.

Meow! xoxo

that sounds amazing :)

Travelling is awesome, I can't wait to start planning my trip for this year (don't ask where we are going, we are still deciding!!)

Reading through this had me like, "Why don't you start a diary on Steemit?"
But I'm like "Naaahhh...it's Mewmew's thingy😁"
I enjoyed this post...particularly interested in the mashed potato recipie. I'll go look it up.

And oh...the cat memes, the Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday had me really laughing😁

hehe thank you my paduwan.! You can totally start your own Steemit diary - I am sure everyone will love it

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