Mouse Named Isabella - Part 8 Freewrite Selfie Contest

in #freewrite6 years ago

Mouse Named Isabella

I was asked by @wonderwop to continue the Mouse named Isabella story with today's choice prompt: bones

Here are the beginning parts of the story of Isabella the Mouse:

Part 1 by @isabella
Part 2 by @snook
Part 3 by eroticaban
Part 4 by @simgirl
Part 5 by @byn
Part 6 by @kimberlylane
Part 7 by @wonderwop

I would like to nominate @improv for part 9.

From Part 8 @wonderwop

"Isabella, Isabella, open up, I have a surprise for you!" Max screamed.

Isabella opened the door and saw that foil wrapper from the Toblerone bar, "Max you did it!" she said, while hugging Max.

"And there's so much more food! We need to gather the others!" Max yelled.

Part 9

Suddenly, a loud crack echoed from down the hall. Isabella let out a surprised squeak and pulled Max roughly in by his chest fur.

"Hurry!" she begged.

Max's eyes were as wide as saucers. He didn't need any additional coaxing. They fell down on the pink pillow bed in their haste to get away from the door. Loud, booming steps followed the strange crack and tinkling sounds, reminjcent of breaking glass, a plate??

They were followed by floor rocking footfalls!

"Oh my gosh!" groaned Max, "It's the monster, Norman! He must have followed me!"

"Hush!" hissed Isabella, "Don't move."

Max stood as still as a statue. The footfalls began moving again down the hall followed by a loud human's cursing.
"#@%&#! "

Thump, bump, bump

A door slammed shut at the far end of the hall. Silence.

Isabella crept to the little mouse door, moving back the dingy piece of brown leather to one side and holding it with tiny fingers. She slowly poked her pink nose out, just enough to wiggle her blonde whiskers safely. Her little tail whipping nervously behind her.

"I smell something delicious!"
Her little lips quivered with barely controlled excitement.

Max crept forward and puffed out his chest.

"I'll go and scout for the food!"

Isabella rolled her eyes, "Are you sure?"

Max pushed by her, patting her on the shoulder. "I'll be back!"

He skittkered into the hall at breakneck speed only to fall right into a pile of bones slippery with sweet BBQ sauce, barely escaping getting sliced by shards of broken ceramic plateware bespeckled with tiny teacup rose buds.

"Isabella! I've discovered the mother load! Get the paper cup bucket and you won't believe what else the monster dropped!


This is my 5 minute freewrite hosted by @mariannewest. The prompt is : bones

I hope you'll join in with a growing group of lively frreewriters!


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art and flair courtesy of @PegasusPhysics

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I love it, thank you, thank you, thank you. Isabella lives on. 🐁🐀

Thank you @wonderwop for tagging me. Bones worked out to be a nice promp to continue the tale (tail lol). <3

This had my heart racing! Very good use of the prompt.

I loved this line:

Max's eyes were as wide as saucers.

Great description! I am so glad you had the chance to continue the mice saga. Wonderful writing!

Thank you so much! I had to read through the story a couple of times post migraine in order to be able to follow it LOL it's so cute!

So exciting! Thank you for writing more, it was great!

And I couldn't help but notice that on part one, Isabella the mouse is tagged haha

My pleasure! It's an adorable tale! Thanks for beginning it!

They are cute little mouse!! And yay to brave max

Thank you for stopping over and reading! <3

That was cute!

Thank you for reading! It was a lot of fun writing. Have a wonderful week.

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