Reflection: Partiko 2018 - Why I am on Steem

in #freewrite6 years ago (edited)

Am I just killing time or?

Well I started after I read an article elsewhere about it, written by @anouk.nox. It was over 1 year ago but everything did not work out the way as expected. There was hardly no interaction with other Steemians and the subject I was adviced to write about nobody actually read, so I gave up on it. I joined Steemit after my writing partner @enrique.dutch did and he left a long time ago already.
Since my connection is not stable, it became harder and harder to join a discord group plus I am not able to join life "classes" and chats so I gave up on that as well. I also found out the biggest part of what I saw and read was not what I would call "original" or "good content". So I gave mainly up on Steemit. Also because it is not easy to work via the browser of your smartphone (no I do not have a laptop).

At a certain point I did discover Steepshot. It did work for a while but I had problems with it as well. "Overwhelming" are some posters who would be labeled as scammers at every other social media. Posting whole day on and always the same 2 or 3 lines. Is this what Steemit is about? Honestly speaking: If you just see posts like these there is no reason to promote Steemit. None of the people I know are interested in seeing the same pictures time after time. We like to read and write, invest time in our comments and are not scared to have a discussion. In the meanwhile also @vampiremeerkat left. For an artist Steemit did not turn out to be the right place untill so far. Not everybody is interested in joining contests.
From one moment to an other I was not able to post anylonger (Well I was but not more as 1 post in 12-14 hours and no I did not read any message about it.)
I was bussy writing elsewhere (if it comes to writing it is not all about the money, a writer writes because it is a need to do so), but I did bump into @iamjadeline and @anonymity5.

What I figured out about Steemit:

  • You can post every piece of shit as a picture, no need to waste time on 2 or 3 words. If you post non stop, daily, you have a lot of upvotes (it beats me why).
    I also noticed very unclear pictures with some info on it, which nobody is able to read, do get a lot of votes. Although people did leave the message it is impossible to read it, nothing has changed. I wonder why people upvote pictures like that, or is it the mighty bot speaking?
  • Generally speaking: most people are not able to write good content, not in English, not in their own language. I doubt if it is possible to change that, since we are not educated on the same level plus the interests are different.
  • It is hard to get wiser over here. The FAQ on is written for those who already are familiar with the concept. Articles about crypto currencies are partly good content, but hard to understand if you just joined plus there are so many words and expressions in it a list with what it all means wouldn't be a waste of time (added to the content).
  • It is great to get some upvotes, but... it is also great to receive some comments. Without a comment it is as if you are just writing for... ("Jan Doedel" I could say).
    No comments? This means there is also no interaction, especially not if you are also not able to join discord.
  • I try to read as much as possible. This way I learn from other people, also because I am not a native speaker if it comes to the English language. I do my best and there isn't much more I can do. Yes, I do understand many Steemians are limited if it comes to Steempower. I have the same problem. It is kind of frustrating for sure, but still it is possible to leave a comment once a day.

I gave up on Steepshot because it did not work for me. I was not able to login or post most of the times and only once I was able to make a layout that looked a bit like a blog. I heard the app was gone, no longer available in the appstore either. Lately I heard it works with some people.
Well for me it is Partiko 2018 (I should say in 2018 and the New Year) from now on. Thanks to the freewriters who adviced it to me. In most cases Partiko does work for me and my very slow connection and it is way easier/more friendly as

As I started with again (more actively) I met a different group of people.

Writers and freewriters, poets, etc. People willing to explain and give a hand with some problems I had to deal with.

It took me some time to figure out what @mariannewest and @freewritehouse were standing for, how the contests work.
Mainly because these posts contain so much information it is hard for me to figure out what it is all about.

I had help from @onnovocks and @crypto.piotr so I am able to post and comment and resteem again. Since one hand washes the other I do read posts of people now, I would probably not have found on my own. It does cost a lot of time and yes I do run out of steempower fast, but I hope to recover in time.

Would I recommend to join Steem?

I will be honest. Steemit did not bring me what I did expect from it. The contact with those I started with is gone. I simply, partly, stayed and posted a bit, I quess partly because I hoped for better times and partly because I do not easily give up on something. I was not able to find people with the same kind of interests and I had way more fun and responds elsewhere.

Still... I would recommend to join Steem now and use Partiko. Partiko really makes it so much easier to post and read, especially if you like writing and reading. If so, do join some of the contests. It is amazing how many there are and for sure you will learn knowing a lot more people (if you like to).
I also read all kind of news I never see in the (online) newspapers.
Yes there is a lot of bad content (wrong information too), but you will find that everywhere. Just keep in mind that because someone wrote it down it does not mean it is the truth!
I wish you all a great 2019 and a warm welcome to the new Steemians!

This picture is a pic. Let's make a fist, give eachother a helping hand.

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I am also torn between what I should think about this platform. The idea I think is really great and it has been thought of on many things - but not everything.
I also do not understand why some posts get so many upvotes, even though there is no content at all.
Others really try hard but do not get any reaction at all.

It's just a matter of picking up the curations and just clicking on everything that promises them money. I was also advised daily to distribute my voting power blindly to posts that promise a lot of curation but I can not do that. And I do not want it either.
Fortunately, there are not only contentless contributions. Even if you have to look for something sometimes.

If I read all the advices over here it is mainly about how to make an income. To do so you need to be visible. To be visible you need to post frequently. To some this is daily, to others this means 20 times a day no matter what (as I was still using Steepshot I noticed how that worked with pictures of all kind of ... it is hard to not upvote once or leave a comment).
Somehow it does not feel right to upvote without reading a post first, but as I noticed these can also be a reward for an earlier post and to be honest I do appreciate it very much and it does stimulate me to continue. I think I also did lost some auto updates because I was not able to post daily for a week.
I think the only way to stimulate good content is to search for it yourself and upvote by hand and leave a comment. Personally I think also new Steemians can be great writers. We all started at some point for some reason. Might be the reason is changed now. I know for myself it did not change much. I already found out most people do not care about good content or the "human" touch @crypto.piotr is talking about. I would like to have some great followers. To me it is not about having as much followers as possible, since if they all ignore me they are just there for? So I will not stop reading posts of Steemians with less as 400 followers, I simply read and comment what might be interesting. I noticed leaving a comment is a rare thing over here. If you do so and there is no reply there will also never be any contact or connection.
I had the same advice once to give my daily voice to.. I tried it, but after a week or so I cancelled it. Somehow it does not feel good. I like to know where my voice is going to plus for what reason. Might be I live in a world full of illusions if it comes to this, it is true it is hardly impossible to be on your own here, but what if joining some community is not in there for you?
I wish you a great 2019.

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Dear @limoolia

I completly agree with @wakeupkitty with her words: "the only way to stimulate good content is to search for it yourself and upvote by hand and leave a comment"

Look, the fact is that most people will hardly bother to read your post if they do not even know you. Engaging with them will increase chance that they will recognize your posts in their newsfeed and give them a chance.

If on top of that you will manage to build healthy relationship with community and bring some emotions, then it's even better.

Let's think of content as a something you want to sell. And your payment is not money. It's other's people time and effort.

Selling product is hard. Start selling stories, personallities, emotions. Anything that will make people remember you and support you as a content creator.

I already found out most people do not care about good content or the "human" touch @crypto.piotr is talking about.

Is that really your impression? OMG. That's a bit sad that you believe in that.

So I will not stop reading posts of Steemians with less as 400 followers

Reading posts of people with large follower base = most of the time waste of the time. Those people with small follower base are the best audience.

ps. @wakeupkitty would you consider using enter to separate block of text sometimes? it would make it much easier to read


I am still working on my time scedule if it comes to here and the rest of social media and private life.

I will try to use the "enter" more often. Thought I already did. Thanks for reminding me.

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hi @limoolia

I also do not understand why some posts get so many upvotes, even though there is no content at all.
Others really try hard but do not get any reaction at all.

Most of the time it's because quality content do not guarantee visibility and engagement with people. Quite often those who create so-so content do actually promote it and they engage with people, which pays back

At the same time there is number of content creators, who just publish something and they just ... wait for traffic to come.


Yeah thats why i give accounts away to everyone I know to let it become more like Facebook. Also I see the business perspective in it as commercial. So every zzper I know gets a account from me and if they don't have a website yet I will create one for them. I see steem as an investment so I will create my pension fund on here.
You know I don't care about those spam posts where there is good there is also bad I don't spend my energy on that I spend my energy on making posts. For extra votes join the vote club of www.steem- bounty.Com you get upvote from those who joined the club and you give upvotes you can limit it to 95%of your power. And still get 10 votes a day. If you are annoyed about this spam posts just make more posts of your own and you know commenting is on Facebook what is all about so I hope I bring a lot of good to steemit. I cross post my post also on Facebook so who knows how many will join I think a whole new community will rise out of it. Your connection is not good maybe thinking on getting internet on your mobile. And no laptop you can setup a fund to buy one. If someone gets free tickets for steemfest for sure people will pitch in to buy you a new laptop.

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Facebook is not really my.thing, it never was. It was the same with Hyves. As soon as I have too much social media I forget most of them. I also do not have the time to be on the Internet 24/24.
I try to scedule my time but always something comes in between, but I will do so more this year. Each day of the week will be fore something. I need me time, writing time as well. To me Steel will not be my pension. I simply can not count on it to be there in time (in my case that time will be soon if I make it at all). Also I wonder if I am still able to lay my hands on it at that time. Btw I wonder what amount would be needed at al. If it comes to saving I think the old sock in the freezer is still the most save way (although I have no old or single socks and also no freezer).
Internet on mobile is more expensive and useless too. The fact is also my phone connection is bad. There are whole days/weeks there is no connection at all. A laptop will not work for me. I simply can not hold it if I need to lay down in bed, which I can with a smartphone.
I wonder what the sites you build look like. is simply upvoting my own posts after I payed them or?
Thank you for reading my post and answering it. Since I am always running out of steel power and I also like to post something myself it can take me some time to answer. Wish you a happy day.

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Well steem- bounty. Com has a vote club and steem forever. You can join the vote club by Going to their site and choose the lighting strike symbol. You give in your name your private post key, fill in the power percentage you want to go to I fill in 95 with the other accounts I fill in myself as some one I got the site from. It will vote automatically until your mana has reached 95% so you can vote 5x100% for yourself too. It is a vote club you get now 10 votes a day on your posts by someone of your mana level. It is a good way to not let those votes get wasted and when you have time to post you just get votes on those posts from that club. In case with you and your beautiful stories you can minutiae them forever by sharing the link and change the to steem-bounty takes a cut of the vote but you get revenue from that post forever. Because everyone can vote on that post forever.

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Times also have changed.. I was very lucky when I started being active that I got picked up by some people plus one of my first long posts received a @curie vote (back then I got 205 dollar for that post about a year ago) ..
The first months after that I had a lot of earnings, but I wrote a lot for that.. day in day out.. I know you write a lot too, I've seen it on Yoors and also here.. but unfortunately sometimes you don't get picked up by those that can make a difference.. especially when you aren't able to promote your posts on discord... too bad :(

Good to read you found some freewriters here, I just posted my first freewrite this morning.. because I'm having trouble finding my writing passion back lately (because of winter mainly). Today I also posted on Yoors since a very long time and it was nice to see people didn't forget about me :) Will be there more often now too..

To be honest, Steemit is slowly getting less attention from me every day, I notice more people getting less active here because of the low Steem prices and much more people that I wrote to daily are taking Steemit breaks.. I hope it will get back to where things were a year ago..

When you're active in one or more communities it helps a lot. Finding people with same visions that upvote your posts every time you publish one helps a lot. But it's a bit discouraging seeing only low payouts at the moment..

If you are interested in writing more in Dutch, did you hear of Whaleshares? Most Dutch writing people are more active there I've noticed and I must say the community spirit is very high.. Maybe you can have a look if that suits you.. I'm active on both platforms myself..

Have a nice Sunday!

I wonder how come people are less active. I know I am way moreduring winter. I did notice many Steemians are at Weku too.
I guess that once you are in a certain group and pay attention to other people, they will not forget you. It is the same here as it is at Yoors.
Personally I am not able to write good contant plus respond plus be at other social media.
Also I need to find the time and be in a certain mood to write. A story/tale can easily pop up in my mind, but if it comes to other content I need to do some research too, think it over and to be honest editing and posting takes me way more time as writing.
@crypto.piotr How to get more people interested? I think there is only one way. Create a strong group which will prove itself and if every member is able to attract 1 or 2 motivated other persons it will grow.
It is also an interesting subject why you have 200 replies or more. This also has to do with your subjects. You filled a big hole and made it possible for people to be active again. It was also clear that people still knew who you are after your absence and that is important too.
If I may ask: did you always write just one article a week from the very first start? What kind of subjects we could write about to reach out to...

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Dear @wakeupkitty

It is also an interesting subject why you have 200 replies or more. This also has to do with your subjects. You filled a big hole and made it possible for people to be active again.

Would you mind telling me more about your view on that issue? What big hole I managed to fill in? I really would love to know more about your point of view.

did you always write just one article a week from the very first start?

I tried 2 times a week at the beginning. But right now my goal is to post 3-4 times a month, reply to all comments and every week Im trying to promote someones else publication.

Like I did lately with post of @juanmolina or @neavvy (number of comments grow over 100 comparing to their average).

What kind of subjects we could write about to reach out to...

Again: if you like me to help you get some audience then I will be happy to try to work closer together. I value your knowledge already and we seem to share some interests.


hi @anouk.nox

The first months after that I had a lot of earnings, but I wrote a lot for that.. day in day out..

And that's a huge problem. Posting to often. People do not underatand that it's not instagram/twitter and posting every day only will make you lose your audience. Noone will give you 5-10 min of their time so often for free.

I'm posting maximum once a week and I dont think it's healthy to do it more often. Remaining of the time everyone should spend engaging with people, who follow them.

But then, that is just personal view.

Happy new year! :) Will follow you closely.


I don't agree with you here. Have a look at my posts starting January 2018 .. they are no instagram material, but all longreads.. and all with a lot of engagement... written for the familyprotection community and those people still follow me today...

Talking about short posts, one picture and a few words, yes then I agree this is not smart.. but I've written as if my life depended on it and it was a fulltime thing at the time. Not only for the earnings, that was a nice bonus, but I needed to write to process what happened, let's call it my therapy.

But I can't do that anymore at this moment, nice to meet you and I will visit your posts later.. have a nice day!

Dear @anouk.nox

Thank you for your reply. I know that some people will not agree with my idea of posting only every few days. Many people seem to believe that you need to flood audience with something every day.

I will continue teaching how terrible mistake it is. In a long run it's not possible to:

  • create QUALITY content every day
  • reply to all comments and on top of that engage with others (by reading their work)

Just have a look at my few previous posts. Every single one has over 200 comments (one reached 800 lately). I know that not everyone wants to build exposure and many people are satisfied with 10-20 comments and small audience.

But those who want to become influencer should avoid posting somethin on daily basis at all cost. But then, it's just my own opinion :)


It's not that I don't agree, it's just that I don't think it's something applying to everyone in every situation. For me personally, it wasn't something that I could keep doing, writing in dept articles every single day and connect with people..

After a while I started focussing on the engagement because I was asked to join several communities, so my focus started shifting. There are now many times that I don't post anything for a week while I do have plenty to share.. It's just that I need to find a new balance, and I decided to start writing 5 min freewrites for a few days while behind the scenes I'm writing other articles.

I think you're doing an absolute great job when you receive 200+ comments that's just amazing and well done!
I'm curious about your writings and maybe I will even learn something from them.

Thank you for your time, I always appreciate it when people take the time to write a valuable comment!

Enjoy newyears eve and have a wonderful 2019!


No, I haven't heard about whaleshares. Is it a Dutch community? You know me I mainly stay on my island and I do not feel comfortable to "walk inside" and force myself upon other people, but I will see what I can find about it.

As I understand from your experiences and if it comes to visibility it is no problem at all writing daily nor joining different communities.

I know you will be easily forgotten at Yoors as soon as you do not post anylonger, but if you do so again everybody (that means the few active members) will respond and it feels as if you never left. The community is different from here.
It works over there the same with new members, they are welcome, which you are not here. There are way too much Steemians and most people do ignore the new ones. It is pointless to introduce yourself. New is simply not interesting nor is their vote, no matter how good their content is.

BTW Yoors is about the views/money now too. If you are a great gambler and the first you can make an income as well.
Note:it is not about good content either, but about the item that is hot at the moment and yes I am sure some work in groups if it comes to voting.
I doubt if it is the best place for good content. Great writers are not recognized at all, neither do great artists. There are better and safer places for them to publish their content. At Yoors your content can simply be deleted without any reason or warning.
If the owner is bored enough, he can and will "pull the plug out of it" and everything is gone. It became clear to me there is no interest or feeling of responsibility upon the members/writers who do guarantee a great income.
The site has more bugs as any site I know and people with a smartphone are a pain in the ass and clearly not wanted. If you write about the problems and bugs, even give a solution (whichI did for smartphone users) you are painted as "always being negative".
Well if it comes to writing, there are plenty of opportunities to do so and make contacts as well. Of course every penny you can earn with it is nice, but I have no illusions I can make an income with it and live from it.

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Hoi Kitty, hoe gaat het?

To answer some of the points you brought up: Steemit has a visibility problem because everything is based on "value" meaning that a post with a large up vote, be it from a whale or a series of small bot votes that accumulated, will rank high on the trending page. This means that the small fry, ie; plankton and minnows, will never get exposure unless they get lucky. Some people partially solved this problem by joining small communities. For me this would never work so I never joined any of them.

The fact that you had trouble posting (besides your bad connection) was due to HF-20. It introduced the new Resource Credits, RCs, or mana. In the beginning this meant that new users would run out of oomph after a single post, transfer, or a few votes, and had to wait 2 days for their RCs to rise again. This became the reason I delegate 40SP to new users. I sometimes start off with 100SP and gradually reduce that so the new user has the chance to function while powering up their own SP.

One of the reasons I don't comment on everyone's posts is because at any moment I could have another issue with a shill who will try to flag me into oblivion; I don't want to bring that to new users I support.

With the current situation, and depending on your personal situation of course, I would power up most but not all of the Steem you have sitting there. Powering up what you have is good protection from being hacked because it takes 13 weeks to get it all out, giving you the chance to get help to recover your account before they take it all.

Hope this helps. On my YouTube channel, on the "about" page, you can find one of my email addresses should you ever find yourself cut-off from Steemit. Having the ability to network off platform is better than nothing should something happen beyond our control.

Happy new year!

Groetjes oet Twente.

Hoi Onno,
Het gaat een stuk beter nu. Dank je! Ik heb je maar toegevoegd via YouTube zag geen e-mail en kon je ook niet vinden via wordpress.
Ik kan wel wat NL hulp (Jip en Janneke taal) gebruiken bij het Steen, Steempower enz gebeuren. Bedoel je dat ik de savings moet omzetten in steempower?

I read what you and @crypto.piotr wrote and I agree with you, you need audience. Since Steemit is about crypto currencies these contents will be, generally speaking, interesting for everyone. This is not the case if it comes to writing short stories, music or photography of flowers.

Happy New Year
uit Gelderland

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Wow. this comment deserve upvote for sure.

Great work @onnovocks


plankton and minnows, will never get exposure unless they get lucky. Some people partially solved this problem by joining small communities

The truth is that currently being in trending page doesnt give much exposure as well. I tried several times and I hardly am receiving any comments from new people.

I would say that sending mass memos to selected group of people plus is a way to go right now


I think that Steemit was designed to build user/holder base for Steem rather than a social media alternative. Now that we are here we should try and do something with it. Your method of mass mailings works well when you know your audience, but I will never have an audience, or at a minimum it will take years to build one.

I notice this on YouTube: When I post Hard Rock, all the country bumpkins unsub and when I post Folk Music, the Thrash-Metal-heads leave, so followers on Steemit will not be different. To build an audience, in my case, would require me to stick to one particular format and one particular music genre.

I can't do that, besides, if I only posted Jazz I'd only have a handful of posts per year and maybe 3 followers :)

I will trace back the comments on my music posts as per your idea and check out steem-bounty to see how far I get with my next post.

Thank you for your time and ideas!


hi @onnovocks

I will never have an audience, or at a minimum it will take years to build one

Why not? I would be happy to help.

Most important is to keep records of all your most active followers (in notepad/excel) and spent some time every now and then engaging with them.

Building "core" of an audience is the most important. If people will notice that there is always few comments then it will atract them more than anything else.

After all this is how most people select quality content: by scrolling down right away and looking if there are any interesting comments. I do it to. If I see only comments from bots then I tend to ignore post.

So if you would like to blog more about blockchain/crypto then I can help you get some exposure. You can mix it with your music passions.


The reason I'll never develop a steady audience is because I don't/can't stick to 1 genre of music (see what I wrote about YT).

As an example: One of my videos was stolen; copied, cut and uploaded to FB. On someone else's FB account that only handled the Blues; that stolen video got 1,400 views per day!! On my YT channel it got 700 views in 6 months. It had nothing to do with the quality of the recording because that track ended up on the live CD for the band and it was good enough to steal and risk getting caught (which he did).

The reason that the video got so few views on my YT channel is because most of the folks that follow me there are into Rock and Metal and they don't really care for 40's or 50's style Blues.

I'm not a blogger, I came here because I was told that DTube was a good altrnative to YouTube. As it stands, DTube wasn't really working for me. It's missing a feature I absolutely can't do without, forcing me to use YT for that, and I do not have time to game the system after spending 2 or 3 days making a video (this is true for YT as well; Sites like devumi(.)com were selling views and subs, not unlike the bots on Steemit).

For me the challenge is to make a halfway decent music video under less than perfect circumstances and I don't care who is on Stage as long as they can play :) To do this I deal with bad lighting, drunks, and audiences that like to hear themselves talk.

I can't chase after only Jazz or only Rock bands, it would be far too time consuming, I get what I get. Such is life :)

Piotr, thank you for your offer to help and your time, but videos is all I really do. Crypto currencies only interest me as far as participating in a new economy and the constant banter about this coin or that coin, up or down, etc don't interest me enough to write a decent article on the subject, even if I am interested in what knowledgeable folks have to say about it.

Kind regards,

Dear @onnovocks

Piotr, thank you for your offer to help and your time, but videos is all I really do.

Of course.


You can make a post out of your answers over here.
Like you said "I think that Steemit was designed to build user/holder base for Steem rather than a social media alternative. Now that we are here we should try and do something with it." I think this is what it is about. This is not a substitute for facebook or twitter or instagram. So what can we do with it?

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With "So what can we do with it" you asked the right question. I'm still looking for the right answer and I suspect there may be more than 1 correct answer, but none of the answers would be interesting to us unless we can produce something in exchange for Steem in a profitable manner.

hi @wakeupkitty

Thanks for mentioning me in your publication.

Steemit did not bring me what I did expect from it.

It seem that everyone who comes here has expectations that are not ever going to become reality.

ps. I personally do not recommend Partiko to anyone. Especially those who want to build solid followerbase. In my humble opinion only using Steemit together with other tools can bring some success here. Not to mention that it would help to use Excel to at least store information of names of those who engage with us a lot.

But then, that is just personal view.

Happy new year! :)


Hi @crypto.Piotr,
The expectations people have do come from the one who did invite them.
My only access to the internet is by smartphone. It is very hard to post via and also word is not easy. It is all very small you have to work with.
I have a handwritten list of people I want to pay more attention too and a very good memory if it comes to their names. Excel at my phone is too much for me, it is already overloaded and if I start writing and search, need to translate etc etc it is already kind of chaotic. The way I work now works for me. With an unstable/bad internet connection it is way easier to log in and post as it is via the browser.

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I love what you said, (if it comes to writing it is not all about the money, a writer writes because it is a need to do so), it is the same reason I do the freewrite challenge everyday. It is the same reason I write everyday of my life.

And this article is awesome. Luckily I had a friend who was into Steemit, and he was spot on, so I knew what to expect, and making money wasn't it. I didn't join Steemit for the money, and I'm almost convinced to invest in some steem, but I'm not quit there. Cause once you lose money you never get that money back. You can always make more money, but its never the money you lost.

I joined because I'm a writer and I want several places to direct agents and editors to get a fill of what type of writing I do and get a feel of who I am. Basically using the steem platform as a stepping stone to capture my ambitious. The good news is I found the freewrite community and bunch of good people. and Like you it took me a week or two to figure out @mariannewest and @freewritehouse were standing for. Now that I do I love it and try to do it everyday. I think the trick to steem is finding a community that you fit in with.

There is lot crap on Steemit, and I mean a whole lot of crap. With that said there are some very good creators who do create great content and hardly make nothing, the freewriters is a perfect example. It is an unfair system and it's sad to see it. But I love Steem and I keep coming back everyday.

I read many of your post and very good. keep up the good work.

I feel the need to write too, even write when I sleep. My head is always full with stories and ideas. I mainly write here because what I write can not be deleted or disappear, which I do find important for my children.
I do have a lack of time if it comes to writing. I like to read too and respond. (I really have a bad mood if I am not able to write and the freewrites I use to write at least something).
@crypto.piotr gave a kind of solution. Not writing + posting daily, good content, some days just reading and commenting (so people will not forget you).
I did some weekend freewrites and used 10 or more prompts to catch up a bit.
If it comes to investing in... as long as you can miss the amount it is not such a problem. My investments are not even 1/3rd of what they once were, but it is okay with me. Wish you a great 2019 (as a writer too), I keep reading you.

Posted using Partiko Android

You make a good point ~what I write can not be deleted or disappear, which I do find important for my children.

That's awesome. Like a time capsule in cyberspace for future generations. I've never thought of that before. How Lucky we Are! Mind Blown! Cool!!

Indeed! So ask yourself what you like to put in the time capsule

Posted using Partiko Android

Hi @wakeupkitty

Thx for mentioning me. Interesting conversation.

My goal is to avoid situation, where most of my followers would get bored of reading my content. It's very easy to get there.

I decided to follow one rule: do not post anything until you reply to every comment you received lately.

That's the most important rule Im following.


hi @shanedustin

I do the freewrite challenge everyday. It is the same reason I write everyday of my life.

And that's a huge problem. Posting to often. People do not underatand that it's not instagram/twitter and posting every day only will make you lose your audience. Noone will give you 5-10 min of their time so often for free.

I'm posting maximum once a week and I dont think it's healthy to do it more often. Remaining of the time everyone should spend engaging with people, who follow them.

But then, that is just personal view.

Happy new year! :) Will follow you closely.


Hi @crypto.piotr,

If there is one thing I learned from you is that on steemit it's not only about what you write but also about what others write. I saw you leaving comments regularly on my posts. It made me happy to read them and see that somebody cared...
Everybody wants to be listened to. So we also need to take the time to listen and leave comments.

Steemit is about building realtionships more than about publishing content. When you give your time to others, they will give it back to you.

Thanks mate for making a big difference in this community and happy New Year!

Best regards,



I was setting her thinking what you said, and I have to admit, you make a very good point. All day everyday all I think about is writing. My family says I'm obsessed. Probably am.

I started writing a story using @mariannewest freewrite prompts, and when I start writing a story, it is next to impossible to stop, and I never even gave it thought about me posting to much. I agree I need to key it down, but me only posting once a week while writing a story I couldn't do. If I went more than three days the story would die, and I can't let that happen, It would drive me nuts knowing I let something fizzle away and become nothing. If I did, then I have failed as a writer and more importantly I have failed myself, and I don't fail if I can help it. But with that said I agree and see your point of view. There needs to be more engagement with other content creators, and I am guilty about spending to much time in this fantasy land in my head. People writing good content deserve my attention and I'll try my best to give it them.

Thanks for tip and bringing it to my attention.

How about posting 2 parts of your story as one post? It is still the 5 minute freewrite... I agree with you people will stop reading if you only post once a week.

Posted using Partiko Android

That's a good idea. Thanks

I decided to do that too. I will keep on writing or even have my "writing days" nu posting online etc I will change plus I do like to write too what I like or find important.

Posted using Partiko Android

Good Point. Words of wisdom! Happy New Years!

I read it all and am happy someone could see steem for what it is presently. It's heartbreaking to see a once bouyant system come into this.

But I must say some guys at various Corner are working there ass off to make it great again. Just relax.

Partiko got your back.

Posted using Partiko Android

I think it is right what @onnovocks wrote: I think that Steemit was designed to build user/holder base for Steem rather than a social media alternative. Now that we are here we should try and do something with it.
Let us make it better together. We cannot just sit and wait while some people are working their ass off. Happy 2019

Posted using Partiko Android

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Hi @wakeupkitty im sorry, i don't comment on your writing, it's just that i want to say "Happy new year" hopefully in 2019 get the best for us. 😊

Success for you in 2019

Do not worry about that. Wish you all the best too!

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you so much for your very thoughtful write up! We really appreciate your thoughts!

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