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RE: Reflection: Partiko 2018 - Why I am on Steem

in #freewrite6 years ago

Times also have changed.. I was very lucky when I started being active that I got picked up by some people plus one of my first long posts received a @curie vote (back then I got 205 dollar for that post about a year ago) ..
The first months after that I had a lot of earnings, but I wrote a lot for that.. day in day out.. I know you write a lot too, I've seen it on Yoors and also here.. but unfortunately sometimes you don't get picked up by those that can make a difference.. especially when you aren't able to promote your posts on discord... too bad :(

Good to read you found some freewriters here, I just posted my first freewrite this morning.. because I'm having trouble finding my writing passion back lately (because of winter mainly). Today I also posted on Yoors since a very long time and it was nice to see people didn't forget about me :) Will be there more often now too..

To be honest, Steemit is slowly getting less attention from me every day, I notice more people getting less active here because of the low Steem prices and much more people that I wrote to daily are taking Steemit breaks.. I hope it will get back to where things were a year ago..

When you're active in one or more communities it helps a lot. Finding people with same visions that upvote your posts every time you publish one helps a lot. But it's a bit discouraging seeing only low payouts at the moment..

If you are interested in writing more in Dutch, did you hear of Whaleshares? Most Dutch writing people are more active there I've noticed and I must say the community spirit is very high.. Maybe you can have a look if that suits you.. I'm active on both platforms myself..

Have a nice Sunday!


I wonder how come people are less active. I know I am way moreduring winter. I did notice many Steemians are at Weku too.
I guess that once you are in a certain group and pay attention to other people, they will not forget you. It is the same here as it is at Yoors.
Personally I am not able to write good contant plus respond plus be at other social media.
Also I need to find the time and be in a certain mood to write. A story/tale can easily pop up in my mind, but if it comes to other content I need to do some research too, think it over and to be honest editing and posting takes me way more time as writing.
@crypto.piotr How to get more people interested? I think there is only one way. Create a strong group which will prove itself and if every member is able to attract 1 or 2 motivated other persons it will grow.
It is also an interesting subject why you have 200 replies or more. This also has to do with your subjects. You filled a big hole and made it possible for people to be active again. It was also clear that people still knew who you are after your absence and that is important too.
If I may ask: did you always write just one article a week from the very first start? What kind of subjects we could write about to reach out to...

Posted using Partiko Android

Dear @wakeupkitty

It is also an interesting subject why you have 200 replies or more. This also has to do with your subjects. You filled a big hole and made it possible for people to be active again.

Would you mind telling me more about your view on that issue? What big hole I managed to fill in? I really would love to know more about your point of view.

did you always write just one article a week from the very first start?

I tried 2 times a week at the beginning. But right now my goal is to post 3-4 times a month, reply to all comments and every week Im trying to promote someones else publication.

Like I did lately with post of @juanmolina or @neavvy (number of comments grow over 100 comparing to their average).

What kind of subjects we could write about to reach out to...

Again: if you like me to help you get some audience then I will be happy to try to work closer together. I value your knowledge already and we seem to share some interests.


hi @anouk.nox

The first months after that I had a lot of earnings, but I wrote a lot for that.. day in day out..

And that's a huge problem. Posting to often. People do not underatand that it's not instagram/twitter and posting every day only will make you lose your audience. Noone will give you 5-10 min of their time so often for free.

I'm posting maximum once a week and I dont think it's healthy to do it more often. Remaining of the time everyone should spend engaging with people, who follow them.

But then, that is just personal view.

Happy new year! :) Will follow you closely.


I don't agree with you here. Have a look at my posts starting January 2018 .. they are no instagram material, but all longreads.. and all with a lot of engagement... written for the familyprotection community and those people still follow me today...

Talking about short posts, one picture and a few words, yes then I agree this is not smart.. but I've written as if my life depended on it and it was a fulltime thing at the time. Not only for the earnings, that was a nice bonus, but I needed to write to process what happened, let's call it my therapy.

But I can't do that anymore at this moment, nice to meet you and I will visit your posts later.. have a nice day!

Dear @anouk.nox

Thank you for your reply. I know that some people will not agree with my idea of posting only every few days. Many people seem to believe that you need to flood audience with something every day.

I will continue teaching how terrible mistake it is. In a long run it's not possible to:

  • create QUALITY content every day
  • reply to all comments and on top of that engage with others (by reading their work)

Just have a look at my few previous posts. Every single one has over 200 comments (one reached 800 lately). I know that not everyone wants to build exposure and many people are satisfied with 10-20 comments and small audience.

But those who want to become influencer should avoid posting somethin on daily basis at all cost. But then, it's just my own opinion :)


It's not that I don't agree, it's just that I don't think it's something applying to everyone in every situation. For me personally, it wasn't something that I could keep doing, writing in dept articles every single day and connect with people..

After a while I started focussing on the engagement because I was asked to join several communities, so my focus started shifting. There are now many times that I don't post anything for a week while I do have plenty to share.. It's just that I need to find a new balance, and I decided to start writing 5 min freewrites for a few days while behind the scenes I'm writing other articles.

I think you're doing an absolute great job when you receive 200+ comments that's just amazing and well done!
I'm curious about your writings and maybe I will even learn something from them.

Thank you for your time, I always appreciate it when people take the time to write a valuable comment!

Enjoy newyears eve and have a wonderful 2019!


No, I haven't heard about whaleshares. Is it a Dutch community? You know me I mainly stay on my island and I do not feel comfortable to "walk inside" and force myself upon other people, but I will see what I can find about it.

As I understand from your experiences and if it comes to visibility it is no problem at all writing daily nor joining different communities.

I know you will be easily forgotten at Yoors as soon as you do not post anylonger, but if you do so again everybody (that means the few active members) will respond and it feels as if you never left. The community is different from here.
It works over there the same with new members, they are welcome, which you are not here. There are way too much Steemians and most people do ignore the new ones. It is pointless to introduce yourself. New is simply not interesting nor is their vote, no matter how good their content is.

BTW Yoors is about the views/money now too. If you are a great gambler and the first you can make an income as well.
Note:it is not about good content either, but about the item that is hot at the moment and yes I am sure some work in groups if it comes to voting.
I doubt if it is the best place for good content. Great writers are not recognized at all, neither do great artists. There are better and safer places for them to publish their content. At Yoors your content can simply be deleted without any reason or warning.
If the owner is bored enough, he can and will "pull the plug out of it" and everything is gone. It became clear to me there is no interest or feeling of responsibility upon the members/writers who do guarantee a great income.
The site has more bugs as any site I know and people with a smartphone are a pain in the ass and clearly not wanted. If you write about the problems and bugs, even give a solution (whichI did for smartphone users) you are painted as "always being negative".
Well if it comes to writing, there are plenty of opportunities to do so and make contacts as well. Of course every penny you can earn with it is nice, but I have no illusions I can make an income with it and live from it.

Posted using Partiko Android

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