Tara, part 6 (#freewrite, day 155, prompt "whiteboard")

Not sure what a #freewrite is? Lovely @mariannewest came up with the idea quite some time ago (long before I had joined Steemit ;-)) and is hosting this great contest. You can find the initial introduction to #freewrite here. The basic idea is: Check out the prompt, set a timer to 5 minutes, write whatever comes into your mind, and have fun! Join the #freewrite adventure!

Today’s prompt for the 5 minute #freewrite is “whiteboard”, and I am continuing my story of little Tara.

You can find the first parts here if you like:
part 1 - part 2 - part 3 - part 4 - part 5

Tara, part 6 (prompt “whiteboard”)

(Image is my own)

Tara opened her eyes. Where was she? Hadn’t she just been in the living room? Why was it almost dark? She saw the tiny whiteboard her grandmother had given her to her birthday. Tara loved drawing on the board and erasing her drawings and starting all over again. Now its surface was blank. She lifted her head, felt her heart pounding as if she had run really fast up and down the street, playing tag with Ben.

Her bed, she was in her bed in her room. But how did she get there? She had just been in the living room. Tara looked around in confusion, listened if she could hear something, someone talking ... talking ... Tara felt like something had happened that had to do with talking. She climbed out of her bed, headed toward the door, which – as always – wasn’t completely shut. She peaked through, she could see through the small hallway into the living room. The TV was on. Tara gasped. The TV. Someone had been talking to her out of the TV ... no, Tara thought, not someone ... her dad.

Her mom had told her he was gone ... but ... he was stuck in the TV, she thought. She had to get him out of it, how could he even live in there? Tara felt like she wanted to scream and slam the door or run to her mother and wake her up. But she didn’t. This couldn’t be true, people live in houses and apartments, not in televisions, Tara thought. Had this only been a dream?

Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by, and thanks to everybody who is contributing!


Very interesting. My paranormal sense is tingling. I would advise Tara to be cautious.

Today's prompt is ready! The nutty train to Freewrite City is about to depart. All aboard!

To indulge in a single-prompt Freewrite, click HERE!

For part 1 of the three-prompt Weekend Freewrite, click HERE!

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Thank you so much! We'll probably see tomorrow what happens next in Tara's story and if she should be cautious ...

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