Tara, part 4 (#freewrite, day 153)

in #freewrite6 years ago (edited)

A couple of #freewrites ago, I had started telling the story of little Tara, and I wanted to continue her story with further #freewrites – which I am finally doing today with today’s 5 minute freewrite hosted by lovely @mariannewest.

Check out the prompt (today it's "speaker"), set a timer to 5 minutes, write whatever comes into your mind, and have fun!

Thanks so much for reading, and thanks to everybody who is contributing!

If you’ve missed the first three parts of Tara's story, you can find them here:
Tara part 1 - part 2 - part 3

And here’s part four (prompt: “speaker”).


Image source

Tara was just about to turn around and tiptoe her way back into the hallway when she heard a strange noise from the television’s speaker. She froze. This didn’t feel right. She knew the telly was on mute, and she was sure she knew what that meant. There could be no noise coming out of it. It was some sort of swooshing, almost croaking, it sounded strange, completely unfamiliar, nothing Tara had ever heard before. Beeping every few moments, quiet, but still she could hear it. She was afraid her mom would wake up, maybe she would even blame Tara that she had broken the television.

She tried to think hard, had she turned on the telly yesterday when her mom had fallen asleep in the bedroom? Tara did that sometimes, she knew she wasn’t supposed to do this, her mom would always say that Tara was too young, too little to watch TV on her own, but Tara found it so interesting, and sometimes she even learned something knew. She had not turned it on yesterday, though, she was sure. Maybe it was from the day before or some time longer ago. Maybe, Tara wondered, she had pushed a button she wasn’t supposed to push, and now the TV was broken? Maybe, she thought.

The swooshing und croaking and beeping became a little louder, Tara tiptoed towards the TV, picking up a cushion on her way, maybe she could hold it in front of the speaker, then it wouldn't be so loud. Like uncle Jay had done it with mom once, yelling that she should be silent. Maybe this would work with the TV, too, Tara thought. She had almost reached the TV, standing only an arm’s length away from it, when she heard another sound out of the speaker, a bit darker, but so mellifluous, familiar, soothing. She listened closely.

“Tara? Tara, can you hear me? It’s me.”

And finally, here's the chance to get to know me a little better - check out my recent post that includes ten truths and one lie about me.
If you like, try to find out which one is the lie - I'm very curious what you think! :)

Huge thanks again for reading my post and staying in touch!


Oh no!! You stopped now?????? Not fair... she screams lol

Hahaha, yes, I'm such a mean storyteller, lol!!

Nice way to cliff hang me on the edge. I can't wait to see what's in the TV. BTW, here is today's prompt about nothing. I already took it on and I invite you to do so too: https://steemit.com/freewrite/@mariannewest/day-154-5-minute-freewrite-thursday-prompt-nothing

Thanks so much - hope I didn't keep you hanging too long ;) Tara's story has already continued ...

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