The Shimmer ~ Part 1

in #freewrite6 years ago (edited)

Hi Everyone!

This is my Day 113 - Freewrite, Prompt: ski Plus due to a conversation with @mikesthoughts, where I dared him to add the words dead zombie, I thought I had best add it to mine too. Fair is fair when it comes to dares!!

I hope you get a kick out of my Freewrite below!

If you have never done a @mariannewest Freewrite do yourself a favor and give it a go!! You will be so happy you did!!

The Shimmer

A group of us all started out skiing together. Going down the slope I hit a mogul finding myself flying up through the cold air.

The sky in front of me started to shimmer. It was not the normal happy shimmer I'm use to seeing. This shimmer had black sparkling around the edges. I started pinwheeling with all my might to stop my forward thrust, panic setting in. Through the shimmer, I went........

The land that greeted me was dead. Dead? Yes!

Bodies were everywhere that looked like, hmmm, Zombies? I didn't know you could kill a zombie! Now I'm in a whole town of the darn dead things. Crap!

The weather was well over 100 Fahrenheit. Sweat pouring down the inside of my ski coat made me realize I was not dressed for this.

Turning back around I went searching for the shimmer hoping against hope it was still there.

Nope, of course not. I was in a dead zombie town! Why would I even think I was going to get out of this so soon.

Now the question became, who? What? was strong enough to kill a whole town of zombies?

Taking my ski clothes off, ski's still in hand, I slowly started to walk forward to see what was what, using the skis as a shield.

Happy Writing!


Part 2 of this story can be found here written by @deaconlee: Ski Part 2, my notes from the event.

Part 3 written by me can be found here: "The Shimmer" Part 3

Part 4 of this story can be found here written by @deaconlee: "The Shimmer" Part 4 - Simgirl Saves the Day

If you would like to read more of my posts follow the links below.

How to: Steem Dunk (for old-ish people)

New House~

Who done it?

Sim your life ~ Episode 3

How to: Bitmoji (for old-ish people)


I read your sequel, but I still have to write mine lol. 😎

My Notes from this event: Shimmer - My Notes

I'll have you know that my tummy is overfull on yummy, yummy food and you made me CRACK yup so much that now my food is all mixed up again LOLLLLLLLLLLLL

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HUGS

I find it incredible how you can strat from the ski prompt to land to a zombified apocalyptic scenario! Kudos to the great @snook, creator of universes!

Welcome to the weekend freewrite banquet! Another seven days have passed in a blink and every day we grow stronger thanks to the energy of our limitless creativity! But let’s just cut to the chase, here is the menu that our master chef @mariannewest has expertly prepared for us:
Delicatessen #1 – Single prompt option
Delicatessen #2 – Weekend freewrite in three parts: 1- 2 - 3

Thank YOU, you always make me relook at my stories in such a different light :D a better light!! Thank you for your always wonderful comments!!

and already done!!!!! Zombies again LOLLLL

I want to turn the page and keep reading! That's such a cliff-hanger!

:D Thank You for your wonderful comment!! You made my day!!

And what did you find? You should do in the next .lol
It is a good write, a fine balance between story plot and plan, and then of course you arrive so deep, so fast!

Thank You!! for stopping and reading my story and your wonderful comment!! :D

Pleasure is mine, thanks

Zombies and skiing, huh? Doesn't seem like anything could be better lol!

I thought it worked out well because I have only skied once and it was a nightmare LOLLL

Thank You for always reading and leaving me such wonderful comments!!!

Hhahaha... such an unforgettable experience you have.

Thank You!!

The challenge...make every focus about zombies, lol. Now that could be fun :)

hmmmm..........I don't know if you are up to Zombies yet.....
Do you think you can handle a Zombie story??

lol, anything to distract me from life right now :)

HA! Welcome to my world!!

and I'm sorry! hugs

a whole town of the darn dead things

And 100 degrees?

What? was strong enough to kill a whole town of zombies?

Maybe the stench? 😂😂😂

I'm CRACKING UP and now coughing from LAUGHING so hard!! LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL

Thank YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You're welcome. 😊

that was excellent!!! Love it!

Ha ha very well written article up voting

Thank You!! and thanks for stopping and reading!!!

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