in #freewrite5 years ago (edited)

Chad the hippo was a sliver stacker.

Being the most dangerous land animal in the World ensured he always got the best deal at his LCS (local coin shop).

He had many bars, coins, free pours and stored his loot deep under a pond in 2 massive teak wood trunks.

Inventory took awhile as Chad could only hold his breath for 5 minutes at a time.

He had to count fast then pop to the surface of his pond, take a quick gulp of air, then sink to the bottom again.

Chad could not type but used a special GTS (grunt to text) technology and was often seen in discord on the @alliance or @steemsilvergold chat posting funny gifs.

He would pull out his suspenders, puff out his chest proudly and proclaim "I am the biggest stacker on Steemit!"

At 8,775 pounds....he probably is the biggest.

His favorite coin, though not the largest of his collection is a 10 ounce dragon coin. That he got from Monarch Precious Metals.

If you see Chad around here make sure and say "hello".




Check out my freewrite from yesterday:

Photos by: naltedtirt (aka Gilded Jack)
Story by: see photos by (my name is pudentame ask me again and I will tell you the same).

@mariannewest (freewrite Queen)
@ thehippo chad (heavy stacker)


Then there is Chad's friend Juan from the Head office Counter Manager and favorite drinking partner over at the TLP (The Local Pub), as a former immigrant from Spain, as he is a Spanish bull, he doesn't Stack silver but rather like shopping at various China Shops all over town. Both Chad and Juan always meet at the Pub on Saturdays to share each others lives, like how's the family, home projects, Steemit posts, and of course their passionate hobbies.
Chad pulls out a clam shell case showing a beautiful silver coin with a dragon scene. Juan pulls out from his backpack a beautiful Royal Dalton plate, with a strip of scotch tape holding it together.....

Has to be one of the best replies ever posted on steemit. Your reply should get @helpie because it helpied me laugh and laugh. Best part was the scotched tape plate. Write a free write about Juan the Spanish bull.

I had some real gems as 'The Stackitis Nurse' when members have the word 'Stackitis' in the title of their Blogs. I Pretend to be the Stackitis Nurse bot .

I am going to have to start posting with stacktitis in the title (whether the post is anout silver or not). I want a visit from this fabled health care provider with the crimson locks.

Have to call it day soon, maybe I may FreeWrite Juan a bit as a break from my three other story lines I'm currently on, will have to put off my small post if I could find a picture of a cracked Dalton plate. You see, Juan may drink a little more than he should before going shopping... he has issues.

You would have to have One piece of Silver or I'll have to post a Negative outcome.

That’s a find piece of silver from Monarch Precious Metals brother.👍

Thank you sir. I have always had a hard time taking pictures of it as the lid wont stay open. Then tofsy I realuzed that is what the notch in the box is the coin can slide in it and hold the lid open. I am learning. Lol

Are you still interested in a Welsh Dragon pour? Last one I made was 2 troy ounces.

Maybe we could do a trade?

That Chad, always hoarding silver and tipping boats. He is such a scamp.

He is a hooligan, a scalliwag and a rapscallion.


Are you missing me so much!??! Hehehhee

We just stopped driving and got WiFi for a little bit while we are drinking CHOFFY

It's good+!!! Look it up! Hehehe

I'm missing you, my friend!!! And one thing.... What is a sliver stacker?

Who wants to stack slivers!?!! 😜

Getting ready to get back on the road... Maybe I can load your story up first and read it (cuz I have NO cell service up here... But my goodness. It is BEAUUUUUTIFUL)

Didn't get any pics. Ans so sorry I didn't but I was driving.

But really stunning land up here.

I'll come look for you soon! Hehehe don't forget about me! Don't don't don't don't....don't youuuuu forget about me! Lolol

I am missing you so much!! My final post abot Alissia & Alexander wwnt unread.

I have been singing "oh where where can my dreemsteem be, I have no one to chat with me"

Im so sorry ☹️ I will FOR SURE look for you tonight and I'm absolutely DYING to read it!!! DYING!!!! and.if you haven't finished it... I'm gonna need MORE hehehehe

We are in the craziest coolest town right now ... It's like we are in a time warp!!! Can't wait to tell you about it!

Posted using Partiko Android

Your final post abot Alissia & Alexander went unread

because I hadn't met you yet. Send me a link to a google doc with your 6,000 word MS. I'll look. Just ask McDougall if you doubt me.
<2germanic at gmail dot come> - this will self destruct after you see it. :)

You have any idea what you doing to me? Dragons? Silver and heavyness... I absolutly LOVE this.. Most amazing one and love The details so much. 😍😉👍 Awsomeness!
And so love The story you wrote around this... You ROCK!!

Really made my Day 🤗 still drooling over The Dragons

Will have wear a drool guard when you read. Thanks my friend for stopping by to visit.

Thank you naltedtirt! You've just received an upvote of 66% by thejollyroger!

Learn how I will upvote each and every one of your posts

Please come visit me to see my daily report detailing my current upvote power and how much I'm currently upvoting.

Thank you Roger so Jolly!!

Not Ted?

  • naltedtirt (aka Gilded Jack)
  • my name is pudentame ask me again and I will tell you the same

Whatever your name,

you have some awesome visuals and lines here! Chad the hippo stored his loot in a pond but could hold his breath for only so long, so "Inventory took awhile" - love it! - but even more hilarious, instead of voice to text (@rhondak has some of the greatest stories ever on that), he uses GTS (grunt to text) --and was often seen in discord on the @alliance or @steemsilvergold chat posting funny gifs.
Now for Chad to meet Mitch. :)
Did you make those silver medallions? Awesome!

As much as I hate to say it...Mitch is tough but Chad outweighs him by 8700 ++ pounds. If Mitch is unarmed I would put my money on Chad.

Thanks for the comment on the visuals.

The pictures shown are of both sides of a 10-ounce silver coin. I wish I had made that but sadly no. I do have that coin in my possession and it is quite impressive to gaze at, hold tightly, talk to.

Awesome silver coins!

Thank you. I have seen your name around but haven't actually met you yet. Thanks for stopping by!!

Welcome @naltedtirt. I’ve been doing some of the freewrites and noticed you have been too. 😊

I have been doing freewrites for almost a week now.

Sometimes they are readable and sometimes not lol.

You never know what you might get.

Haha. I know what you mean but it helps to open up neurological pathways of creativity.

I like to keep my pathways open. :-)

I have been freewriting for almost a week. Sometimes I do good and sometimes not so much.

I am having fun and enjoying the people I meet.

I will definitely say hello!!!

Hello there! How are you doing?

Hi!!! I´m doing better thank God. How are you??

Good to hear!! Better is always an improvement. Going to tackle todays freewrite later but first doing a little work. What are you up to today?

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