Tough Guy---Freewrite

in #fiction5 years ago

You can get much farther with a kind word and a gun than you can with a kind word alone. Al Capone

Mitch, was a tough guy.

Being tough was not something he decided in a day, like whether he should have muenster or cheddar on a burger.

It was a routine he had worked on daily for many years.

Sure he worked out every day. He practiced Krav Maga and Judo too.

Did Mitch tell anyone about these activities? Absolutely not.

The way Mitch figured it, his toughness was on a "Need to know basis".
If he ever needed would know......and fast.

Mitch was not the kind to start a fight. If one was started Mitch would finish it.

There are many tough guys out there until a real tough guy walks into the room. Mitch was the genuine article.

A tough guy impersonator would confront Mitch from time to time and Mitch would scratch his chin stubble and say with steelie eyes

"Are we gonna dance sweetheart or are you gonna stand there blabbering all night long?"

Then he would say "Kid, you look tired. Now take a Nap!"

Then Mitch would put the guy to sleep with a right to the jaw.

Mitch was one of the real tough guys.


I went a few minutes over buy couldn't resist. He has some rough edges but I like Mitch. Hope you enjoy this freewrite. If not....Take a nap.

Pistol :naltedtirt
Photo: naltedtirt
Freewrite: naltedtirt

@mariannewest (freewrite Queen)


Mitch sounds like a man with many a tall tale to get writing!:)

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I thought they only happened on Tuesday. Awesome

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Wowzers!!! Thank you so much to the kind person that chose to select my freewrite!! I very much appreciate it.

Thank you! at The Eyeball @carlgnash

"Now take a nap" - what a great twist on the prompt! What a great character, Mitch! He practiced Krav Maga and Judo too. Did Mitch tell anyone about these activities? Absolutely not. The way Mitch figured it, his toughness was on a "Need to know basis". If he ever needed would know......and fast.
Is Mitch from the same world as #Jitteryman (JitteryMan)?
He is too cool to be the ordinary-guy-turned-superhero. And too lovable to be a villain Jitteryman would take down.
More Mitch! More Mitch!

I dont know #jitteryman. I don't think Mitch is bad but if you look up "tough guy" Mitch is in the images somewhere under Chuck Norris. Lol

"Jitteryman" is the brainchild of McDougal

Mea culpa!!
Arrrrghhh, I confused you in my mind with @nmcdougal94!!!!
My brain is so bent, so broken... and I was never a smoker, drinker, or drug users. It' all Rx meds that mess with my neurons and synapses. (Not that I was much sharper before the cocktail of Pharmaceuticals my doctor insists I need to "stay the course" with after ten years of saying It's not working!).

I love Mitch!
And in spite of my faux pas, let me say again: More Mitch! More Mitch!

No faux pas noted here. My mind is saying "more Mitch more Mitch" as well. Lol

What is this I read about a stalker? I know is none of my business but I have seen several referrences and I curious.

Gilded Jack#2812


If it suits ya.

Curiosity will not kill this cat! :) Ask anything.
Someone who lives in my neighborhood (in real life, not cyberspace) started following me on social media and giving me hell for my annual rant on garlic mustard ("Kill! Kill! Kill!" is my subject header, and this person seems to think it's aimed right at her) and other assorted opinions I have on native plants, protecting oppossums (they eat 5,000+ ticks a year!), being kind to spiders and snakes, stuff that was never written with this person on my mind, yet the person kept taking offense to social media posts in which I never tagged her, named her, or thought of her at all. Recently she said someone at Steemit (I would be "shocked" if I knew who!) had been screen shotting my comments about an un-named "neighbor," and she accused me of slander, this, that, and the other, and I just thought Drama Queen, real friends do not feed each other with negative sh^t or look for trouble where none was ever brewing. How many people at Steemit know where I live, or care? The more this neighbor steps up to the plate to identify herself as the unnamed person I mentioned in a public forum, the more she calls attention to (or incriminates) herself. I only mention the stalker here because of the middle-school stupidity of it, and the fact that I am aware of what's happening and think What a waste of time people! But, hey, isn't it nice to know I'm being read and my words are being preserved and people actually CARE what I think and write? 🤣
P.S. Have a nice day to you too, ladies. And I never said I "dislike" you, dear. Just that I would sometimes like to move to the city and surround myself with kinder, gentler souls.

Do you recall the story I wrote about the man with the sore face?

Maybe the same will happen to your stalker?

It sounds like the person may have an obession with Steemit? Maybe they could join and share some creativity instead of creeping on the people here.

I had a stalker once and it was no fun.

I'm sorry you know what it's like to be stalked!
Catty women getting snarky and judgmental are like gnats, not dangerous serpents whose toxic venom could kill if I don't watch my step. Let them go at it. I'll keep feeding them, not because that's what trips their trigger and I want to contribute to their daily bread, but because I don't plan to censor myself on account of some gossip who imagines I'm talking to or about her when I'm not.
So, I wish no harm to anyone (the spider volcano: gaaaaahh!)--I only wish, hope, even pray, that the bitter and angry souls will find peace and joy. I wish for tranquility for all, not retribution or bad karma.
(Ever been to a medieval torture musuem?)

I don't frequent places where I could be tortured easily but I am familiar with the term.

Some peeps have nothing better to do than slither in the shadows and try to find a tidbit of information then twist in a way that pleases them.

Reminds me of the song....You're so vain" when the song wasn't even about the person.

If I remember correctly quite a few people were killed in Salem a few years back in the "Witch trials" over gossipy women slithering in the background and spying on others.

Thankfully we have come a long ways since then.


That is exactly the way Mitch eats his cheese!! Have you met him before?
I think he has passed through your area a time or two.

I would not mess with mitch....!

Me either. He would be a good friend to have but I would tread lightly.

Me either. He would
Be a good friend to have but
I would tread lightly.

                 - naltedtirt

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

Hey thanks for stopping by! I didnt expect you so early in the morning.

I'm picturing Humphrey Bogart in this black and white scene.

I think black and white would suit Mitch.

hahahahaha my dad wrote a story about a tough guy named Mitch too LOL this was great :)

by the way - the freewrite queen is next to me and says hi ;)

She is amazing!!

Tell her I said so.

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