Whose House Doesn’t Stink?

in #freewrite6 years ago


Yes, my little dogs breath stinks, but for a thirteen-year-old it’s not so bad, not as bad as Calamity Janes’ Chihuahua, Cowboy. Bless his little heart, he’s gone onto heavenly, sunlit meadow-runs with plenty of baco-treats, but his little mouth was capable of filling her entire craftsman with a liver and onions atop sulfur-yellowed, rotting-eggs-yolk dish, a noxious and thick cloud she endured for his precious little yaps.

My own mouth souring as I write this, background muzak blasting on speaker (on hold for an insurance agent) as I sip cold coffee from my porcelain, gold-rimmed wild dog mug I excavated from the wolf house Biff’s Dad bought and had to clear the piss-infested, hoarder stacks that closed off entire rooms before being able to re-sale.

There were some great finds in that old, unpainted Victorian and we were invited to help haul garbage into the rented industrial bin with our pay being the taking away of anything that fed our whims, the problem being everything in that house was covered in a nasty-smelling film.

I was told the owner had traded a Harley Davidson for the rundown, mini-mansion in the sixties. His wife had died, his Culture Club loving daughter (as evidenced by framed Boy George pics from Tiger Beat) had run, I imagine a Duran Duran inspired get-away, Hungry-like-the-wolves pack her father kept as house dogs. What friends would ever agree to spend the night at the place on the hill where a gang of real wolves paced incessantly the tall, chain-linked fence?

The hundred and fifty year, ornate stair banisters, deeply scratched, sprayed and with white-gray tufts still attached to these splintered spindles, led to a room in which iron gate, floor to ceiling, had been added, the smell and remnants of hair here were pronounced, and the space carried the energies of suppression and abuse, sex-slaved secrets, the bad vibes of the worst parts of humanity, boxes of porn magazines in the next room and all of the piled trash, spoke of dark living.

We wore dust masks and gloves and I only lasted an hour, mainly a voyeur to the horrors, but I did retrieve a stack of albums, Dylan, the Stones and The Psychedelic Furs, the vinyl inside the greasy sleeves pristine. I wiped the jackets with damp rag and air-dried them in the sun. And, the set of wolf mugs from a tightly packed box in the attic, where the dogs never climbed the bring-down ladder, were clean, and really who could ask for a better souvenir from the man who loved wolves?

Ironically, while waiting on an operator to break up this same ‘ole song, I have lost track and boiled away all the water on the two eggs I’d put in a pan as I’d dialed—the ick smell of burnt egg cancelling any hint of my dog’s breath.


Rad that your photo is the perfect complement to an otherwise putrid story of an ugly existence. A ladder and album sleeves protecting a silver lining. Well done.

All unfolded at the same time :)
Love that you read at such depth!

Grab a partner and join in. I think @eyedreemit and you would make a beautiful team!!!
We know that you love the We-Write 😀 The new challenge is up. Remember, besides the prices, each entry gets a 100 % upvote from the Freewrite House. Hope that you will join the contest.


Hey @kimberlylane, I've never tried a We-Write, but am game if you are. Option 3 seems the most practical.

Would agree 3 seems best.

@freewritehouse and @eyedreemit, was out of town last night and today, and with tired eyes read the we-write contest. Wouldn't be opposed, but when do you turn it in/post? A day? A week?

Deadline is in one week.

From Wednesday's? And, do you pick any prompt, or the Wednesday one? Sorry if I seem dense...

Freedometowrite put the eagle scout prompt as the one to use in the post - but in the past, we have accepted any prompt :)
I think as long as people partner up and do this thing, we are not so particular which prompt ended up getting used. :)

Fantastic! You should indeed write novels. Your ability to create an atmosphere is astonishing. I think you gain the milage here which is needed to become a good writer.

I could smell everything, the dog's breath and all that other yucky stuff, too! Bleh.... As well as the feeling of the 80s and an old house and its secret sticky things.

Wow! You had me from beginning to end and all of my senses were peaked as if I was right there. You are such a talented writer @kinberlylane! Tip!

Resident cat here, out for a breath of fresh air while delivering today's new prompt:https://steemit.com/freewrite/@mariannewest/day-279-5-minute-freewrite-wednesday-prompt-eagle-scout

Win a Membership in Steem Basic Income - Tell us About a Favorite Freewrite

Love the encouragement and thank you for the prompt :)

I don't think that you need any encouragement because you are a wonderful writer and I envy you. I nominated this freewrite of yours as one of my favorites. : )

Thank you so much for the nomination :)
Humbled and elevated by your words.

Arghhh, burned eggs are worse than dog's breath!! and how do I know that? Not telling 😉

Yes, they stink up the house pretty darn good!

You've been featured in our Freewrite Favorites post this week! Thank you for being such a great part of our writing community.


Fantastic, thanks!

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