A Good Way to Start freewriting

in #freewrite6 years ago (edited)

How to start freewrite fitinfun.jpg

My son @blxphabet wants to start freewriting!!! I'm so excited to hear he will try it since he is a wonderful writer with deep thoughts. He asked me some questions, so here is the first of my series of tips for anyone who is thinking of trying to be a freewriter.

Here’s my idea today for a new freewiter to get started on this fun journey.

Enter a freewrite contest before you even start freewriting!

Start by looking @freewritehouse and enter the Tuesday Nomination Comment Post Contest they offer each week. This is your regular chance to:

  • Win a share of @steembasicincome – steemit’s version of Universal Basic Income
  • Learn how freewriters do things
  • Read some cool steemit posts
  • Meet and help some great authors
  • Gain new friends
  • Earn better rewards now and over time and you make connections with good steemers

How to compete this epic task.

Go to @mariannewest’s blog and look for her freewrite prompt posts for the Monday and Sunday freewrites. Pick one of those posts and read it in full and prepare to be astounded by your friend @mariannewest and how much help she gives people. Reading this post alone will help you do better on steemit.

Next, in order to meet other freewriters and complete your duties for the freewritehouse contest at the same time:

Go to the bottom of the comments of the prompt post. Read up the line and upvote the comments that seem entertaining to you until you have a few knocked up to the top.

NOTE: For my son #bxlphabet at his power level and sp:
Use 20% power which is about 4 cents for this comment vote. Other people can check your vote size with the slider on @penguinpablo’s steemnow.

This lets you vote for 5 freewriters comments or less depending on what you feel like. Three is going to be enough for you to find a great nominee.


Don’t vote comment dust! Oh my goodness learn this steemit quirk from @thedarkhorse who wrote a great summary of this little known fact of steemit economics. If you cannot vote for 3 cents - do not upvote any comments!
Your 2 Cent Vote is Worthless, The Real Deal on Dust Votes

Visit your choices

  • visit those freewrite posts you just upvoted the comments for
  • vote who you like for 30% until you have two or three upvoted.
  • follow, maybe resteem, comment, tweet
  • Look again after reading to observe and learn from how they do their post. What do you like or not like about it?

Pick the best one to nominate. Or maybe two. Write a little bit about each one and get ready for this week’s freewritehouse post.

When the freewrite post comes out each Tuesday

Go upvote it and add your comment nominating your freewritier. You comment is your entry to the contest. See who else people are nominating too by looking at the other comments. Visit some of those if you have time and interest.

Now you are an expert about freewriting!

Complete you own freewrite tomorrow.

After you do this, you will have a great idea of how freewrite works and then you can plunge in to the next one when @mariannewest posts her new new prompt every day.

Check each Tuesday morning for this freewritehouse contest and make it a weekly event. I am doing just that.

Here is the contest post from last week and Tuesday is almost here so you can work on it now.

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If you are not on @kryptonia, you should be! Earn SUP coin and better action on your steemit posts. Please join Kryptonia with my link and we can succeed together!

fitinfun before and after sitting difference.jpg

You can lose weight and get healthy just like I did. It was not even that hard once I got the skills and applied them.


Thank you so much for your post!!! And I am excited that Caleb wants to give it a try!!! People are really great and friendly and supportive of each other!!

I find this interesting and will try it in due course just like I have tried a great number of your suggestions. Thank you @fitinfun

From Kryptonia

Sorry, couldn't give you a bigger upvote - have tons of freewriters to vote on today.... The first day of the contest :)

Thank you so much for the shoutout!!! And yes, Tuesdays is a great way to get to know other freewriters and to win some SBI. As our account grows, we hope to be able to give out more than one at a time. But not yet. Soon...... :)

You got a 16.13% upvote from @th3voter thanks to: @fitinfun!

kitten fighting :)
Image Source cloudinary.com

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What's actually really surprised me about joining in with the freewriters (even though I've only done it twice) is that I didn't produce absolute nonsense. I'm really hard on myself and I need things to be up to very high standards for me to post them for all to see, so I was really reluctant to join in on something that requires posting 5 minutes worth of work, which I assumed would be horrible. So far both times I've actually managed to squeeze out something that resembles an actual short story with a beginning, middle, and end that I feel okay with other people reading. I know freewrites don't need to be fully fleshed out at all and it sort of defeats the purpose, but this is my neurosis talking here. It's been really great so far!

That's so great to read! I'm glad it works so well for you. My best benefit has been learning speed and focus. Freewrite works out everybody's writing kinks!

Thanks for the reminder of dust vote. I have waited quite a.number of such upvote on client
My vote value is.only 0.02 ( it was 0.03 ) few days ago

Also look at this old post. When you vote is small it's good to get some of it taken care of over day so you can focus on posting. It's a win in all ways for me.


The dust thing is kind of infuriating.

Let me say this.... I am not totally clear on this Freewriting concept as yet. I totally appreciate the post because it did clear away some of the fog - that's for sure. My next steps will be to head over to @mariannewest and see what helpful information is there as well. BUT... regardless , you can never play the game from the sidelines--- so I am coming on in. Thanks for details.

The only secret to the freewrite is to get started and do it. Not think too much, allow the words to flow without judgment. And to be okay that sometimes great writing will happen - and sometimes, not.

indeed! @mariannewest I totally agree... Thanks

Thank you for the encouragement to write. Your post is really very helpful especially for the newbies and those who are fond of writing...

Congratulations! You received a 100% upvote from @kryptoniabot.

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