Who is on My Steemdunk and a Giveaway!

in #steemdunk6 years ago

Who's on my steemdunk spring 2018 fitinfun.jpg

The giveaway part of this post is at the bottom :)

I use @steemdunk and have for a while now and recommend it to anyone. Steemdunk is very easy to set up by going here:


It will take you five minutes to set up some steemers to automatically vote for. You can use a smaller vote than 100% for one thing, so that is good for small minnows already. Other than that - the best benefits are:

  • time savings
  • stress relief
  • consistency in voting

There are two categories of people to support and those are for

  1. love
  2. money
    Money comes first in this game. Do this step with @steemdunk if nothing else.


We are not here for our health! Let’s make Steemit a worthwhile endeavor.

These are the most important places to put on your steemdunk – set these services up if you are on them. I support all these places so I’m happy to give my votes. If you are on them, you should be too.


I’m on fire for this program now. This is why I have the giveaway down below and some other giveaways I'm doing. The basic idea of @steembasicincome is - pay once and get upvotes for life for you and for one other person.

I’m happy to get the upvotes and they are growing as I give out more shares. If I can get all of those people to set up @steembasicincome on their steemdunk, they will get better SBI rewards too. And the the program of SBI will grow and get stronger. And the world will be a better place.

So this is a goal I have to get people who have shares, to then vote on the @steembasicincome posts with steemdunk. It gives the recipient (you) a better vote for nothing after thatnow get a bigger vote from SBI - just by doing this upvoting with steemdunk. Anyone should do this action if they have sbi shares. Any vote counts.

Find out more about the details of @steembasicincome in this fact-filled post by @thedarkhorse. If you have a share of sbi voting for you, you should be upvoting them.


If you vote for them at 100% something good happens. I do not remember what, but I’m still doing the upvote. They only post a few times a month. It’s a karma thing with me anyway. I’m using their service so I do what I can.


I have to upvote @qurator in order to get their upvote on my posts to be at a certain level. I get a “tier” credit by upvoting @qurator posts 7+ times a week for 5 cents+ so I do that. I go visit the posts and support them on the weekend. I need to make sure I have enough votes. If I don't, I fall down to a lower tier for a week with lessor votes. So steemdunk at least gets me in early since I need to vote anyway.

You probably have other services you use that you need to support and now you can set those up on it too. You will feel pure relief once you know you have your responsibility taken care of.


These are contests I enter that I need to vote for so I want to get in early.


Daily Crypto contests you should be entering too. You can win and learn something at the same time. You have to vote and then go upvote a comment daily. That part is manual so you go see a short movie each day and then vote. Or just vote reqardless.


Min took over the dailyfoodphotography contest from @howtostartablog and so I’m supporting that since I enter it all the time.


@juliank does these and I upvote two posts each day with the winners in them even though I never win! My photos are not good enough any time I look, so I do not feel bad. I'm just glad to post my photos anyway.

Special Category of @sydesjokes

@sydesjokes – Best place ever to hang out and get paid and meet nice people and get support. From @sydesjokes I got into SuperiorCoin (SUP) and @kryptonia. Both of those have made a big positive difference in my steemit life.


After all the business side of it is taken care of – you can support people you would anyway and get in consistently on their posts. This is a big relief to me.
@bxlphabet – My one and only real son who is always in my heart. He posts, nature, travel and healthy food and I’m very proud of his posts.
@xatu – Might as well be my kid for as much as he hung out at my house while these kids were growing up. This is a special one who does not post enough.
@mariannewest – My best friend ever on the internet and for helping @bxlphabet in person. The freewrite tag is Marianne’s and you should try it.
@world-travel-pro – Dan is living the travel dream we all want and I met him a few times during his SE Asia trip. Now he is living it up in South America.
@yankee-statman – Dan’s dad – so family to me. He posts in depth sport information you would be interested to read.
@codycookston – my tsu-son is tearing it up here on Steemit. Cody posts cool memorabila from backwoods America and sells it on ebay for bank!

Friends I’ve met here:
@getonthetrain – great great budget and sales ideas to make those other streams of income and cut expenses too.
@thedarkhorse – runs the Pay it forward contest you should be in. Excellent posts about family and steemit ideas.
@watertoncafe – The guy that got me into @steemdunk. Never coming off.
@gmichelbkk – My helpful and interesting Thailand expat friend. I get lots of pratical help of Michel’s feed.
@lucylin – Another Thailand Expat with invaluable knowledge for me and my financial dealing in this place.
@majes-tytyty – A traveling teacher and photographer of amazement. Good ESL help over there.


@steem-untalented – This feed is all post that resteem to it. These are little people trying and I like to support it. The account only makes 2-3 posts per week and I want to see them.

So there you have it – the 20 steemians I support in the spring of 2018. Most of them are also on my son @bxlphabet’s @steemdunk, but we are not completely the same. He has some other friends but he’s the same on the business side as me.

I look at the @steemdunk site daily to see what I voted for and to visit all the places I want to see.


The Giveaway Part of the Post!!!!

Here are the winners

These people are getting a share of sbi now and two people in the comments will get one in a few days. It depends on what comments I get on this post for the last two shares of this giveaway.

Everyone we are giving shares to is a frequent poster so they will get the advantage of it.

@bxlphabet is giving one share each of @steembasicincome to these people:

@gmichelbkk - helps my mom
@lucylin - in Thailand and interesting
@scottsantens - he is sad for Finland so some basic income should cheer him up.
@fitinfun - mom

sbi giveway steemdunk post bxl 4 people.PNG

@fitifun is giving one share each of @steembasicincome to these people:

@getonthetrain - Such a good friend to me and good advice for all of us.
@sydesjokes - As I said above - one of the best places I post.
@howtostartablog - I don't qualify for his contests now, but you might, so go take a look! They are good!
@bxlphabet - my son....

sbi giveway steemdunk post fitinfun 4 people.PNG

Two more SBI shares are still to be given.

@bxlphabet will give out the two shares in the comments as well. You have to do this to win your share of SBI in the comments:

  • write a good comment in the next few days
  • have a good feed with 6+ posts per week
  • be picked by @bxlphabet and @fitinfun.

Then you will get a share of SBI and some upvotes too!

fitinfun before and after difference.jpg

This is what I really do. I can help you lose weight naturally if you ask me to.


Ohhhhhhh I'm on here! LOL ;) Thank you Sharon.

Now go set up yours and make me happy!

Are you using the Free Version for 20 authors or less? Also, when I go to Steem Now it is showing that even with my 100% UpVote that my vote is worth ZERO!!! I know at the beginning when I voted people would get 1 to 3 cents but now it's showing NOTHING even with me at 100%. Any ideas about that? If I signed up for this and it voted automatically I'm not sure it'd even do anyone any good. Ideas???

Sign up the money ones all at 100% and then see what happens - yes I am maxing out the free plan. This is why the vote is a low percentage. So I do not blow out my power.

Ok Sharon. I signed up, set it up, maxed out at my 20. Most I have set to 1 vote per day at 100%. A few I have 2 votes at 100%. For you and your son, I have it set at 4 Votes per day at 100%. Right now my voting power is at 100% and my bandwidth is 99. something another. It's not auto voted anything yet. I'll check back this evening or tomorrow and see what happens. LOL.

That might be too high - Most of my 20 are voting at less than 15%.

Yeah I think it is. I'm down to 86% voting power. I'm gonna see what it is tomorrow when I get up (it's 9 pm here) an if it's dipped me below the 75% you were talking about I will go in an make some changes.

Ok Sharon. Question... WHAT MAKES YOUR UPVOTE WORTH MONEY??? Do you have to have STEEM or STEEM POWER??? I have NO Steem at all because when I had some last week I converted it to Steem Power because I thought that was what I was supposed to do, but know looking at steemnow site it seems that the Steem is what gives your upvote worth so much, not the steem power. BTW, your 100% upvote is now worth $0.26 which I thought was amazing. Mine is still worth zero and I looked up another person on here I've talked to and he has very little steem but quite a bit of steem power and his is only worth I think it said $0.04 for 100% upvote so now I'm a little confused. Which one do I need the most? Steem or Steem Power? HELP!!! LOL

You need sp - like a video game - If you look in my wallet, you will see I lease most of my sp as does @bxlphabet. If you just power up that little tiny bit it does zero for you. There are better ways to leverage that STEEM/SBD when you are small and I am going to post about it soon.

And there's this I already wrote a long time ago.
Minnow tip - Lease Delegated SP ASAP Now is a Good Time

Well I've played around with it. I took all my Steem Dollars and changed it into Steem with Block Trades. Then I tried to get Steem Power using the Minnow thingie but you have to use at least 1 Steem and I only have 0.95 something so I will have to wait til later today or tomorrow when I get more payouts to make it into steem and then I can get steem power from minnow. Now, am I doing this right? Cause I really don't know what I'm doing... LOL. ;)

Yes - you have the right general idea. Just keep accumulating steem and trying to lease sp as you can. Posting and commenting :)

Okie Dokie. I would have been able to leased some steem power earlier but I got confused and turned my SBD straight into SP instead of turning it into regular steem and using the steem to lease SP. Oh well. I'll have enough by tomorrow to do it and maybe the ball will finally be rolling. IDK. LOL. Today has been EBAY HELL!!! I don't know what's going on in the universe but the war involves Ebay, the Post Office and my Sanity today. NOT A GOOD DAY!!! Grrrrrr :(

Sharon something neat... Steem Dunk upvoted my Spalding Bats Counter Sign so that gave me a nice little money boost on it. Already at 27 Cents. I'm amazing at how fast the payouts on my posts have climbed with me being here such a short time and having so few of followers. My Red Bird post is at 55 Cents. May not post much tomorrow. Busy day tomorrow morning packing/shipping and tomorrow evening we're having a birthday dinner for my granny at her house. She will be 78 tomorrow.

I got enough Steem to apply for a lease on power and I did it. This is what I am waiting for and it will make my 100% upvote worth a whooping $0.01 but it's a start.

Your delegation request for 4 weeks 43.013 SP is in the process of being filled. If it can not be filled within 3 days, it will be returned to you.

This is some really great information! Thank you so much, I learned about a lot of amazing people on steemit through this post! As someone pretty new steemit, I am always looking for new people to check out!!

I'm glad you like it! It's confusing here is the beginning for sure. You might like this older post I wrote with minnow tips for getting started. Don't vote on it - but the info is still good :)

Make Money Blogging on Steemit Top Tips and Checklist for Better Results!!

Thank you for all the shout outs 😄 I have resisted auto voting since I am always running out of Vp, but I think you convinced me. There are days when things get a bit overwhelming and it is good to stay on top of things!!

At least getting the "money" ones will help you. You know you need to get them anyway, so you might as well get it early and without effort. I play with my percentages every few weeks so I do not drain my power.

Thanks for all the love and appreciation. Along with the monetary rewards that we get through Steemit, we don't need much else to be happy and successful here.

More importantly, thanks for all your excellent posts supporting and promoting the Steemit community. It seems like the growth of Steemit is reflected in the growth of your contributions.


Aw! That's so nice of you. I want this place to work and we need more minnows to succeed!

Right. And they will need support and encouragement to succeed, cuz it clearly is tough at first.

I use SteemDunk based on your suggestion, and that's made my life – and my support of mostly minnows – so much easier and effective.

It's amazing the relief of this!

Very helpful. Thanks! I just got into @steembasicincome and that's how I found this post. But I was wondering how to auto vote this morning, and now I found that, too!

Wonderful! I'm glad I could be of help. @steemdunk works well for me :)

Thank you for the mention and having me on your SteemDunk!

Very glad to do both. You have helped me so many times :)

Thank you for the mention.

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