Finish the story, earn steembasicincome shares and upvotes! Day #3

in #freewrite6 years ago (edited)

Finish the sentence - earn SBI shares and upvotes!.v1.png

I have to confess that choosing the 3 winners is going to be a hell of a dilemma! Your neurons - like hamsters under an abundant LSD dosage - feverishly produced such crazy and suprising stories that, once again, I have been proud of being part of this community of freewriters created by our Lady of Prompts @mariannewest!

Here is how this contest works:

1. I write an unfinished fiction story/freewrite

2. You finish it with a comment in the comment section ( long stuff needed!)

3. I will donate 1 @steembasicincome share to one freewriter with the most interesting, fun, original, crazy ending (I'm the unquestionable judge. Well, technically not me.. the bananafish voices within my head are).

It's super simple and I hope we'll have loads of fun together!
Nothing is mandatory here (voting is highly appreciated though)..Just enjoy and prepare for a trip into my delirious fiction world!


For those that don't know what the @steembasicincome is, we're talking about a great program run by @josephsavage which - based on your amount of shares in it - will grant you a permanent vote on all your posts. A basic income for everyone to make this world an equal and better place.

Here you will find a complete overwiev

Steem Basic Income is a social experiment to bring a basic income to as many Steemians as possible. Members join by sponsoring others into the program. Steem Basic Income is delivered through providing regular upvotes to member content.


Too much writing! Here's the story based on @mariannewest today's prompt "gardening":

"The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence". Lately, he could not think of anything else. The thought had crept innocently into his head three weeks before and slowly gained space in his mind, filling more and more every corner of the two cerebral hemispheres, each loop of the neural river, each axon and lane in the streets of his gray matter.

In the silence of the night, with his eyes bulging, his pen had ferociously ferried for hours a stack of white sheets, which gave way inexorably, filling them with minute spaceless words. He was alone in his kitchen like a Mohai corroded by time, the empty fridge, sad dishes in the sink. A dried peel of tangerine kept company with a piece of bread, whose crumb had been dug resembling a crab claw. He had to shoot out those bloody words. It gave him relief, though less and less. He had to write more, more words more relief.

It was three o'clock in the morning when he stopped suddenly, struck by an unexpected intuition: "Is the neighbour's grass greener? I will change color!"
He couldn't contain himself with the joy of the discovery and it seemed to him that obsessive thoughts already loosened their implacable grip. He ran out of the house in his underwear and a pair of white hotel slippers shouting "It will be black! It will be blaaaaack!".

Countless sleepless nights of feverish search passed and many Dumirox bottles greeted the bin, until one day he was ready to show the world his wonder: the garden of hairs. Gardening 2.0, a new frontier for humanity.

He was a biologist and researcher in a big pharma, now retired but still well endowed. Thanks to this, obtaining a garden made of human and animal hairs had become a reality. He had used 3d printing technology for organic fabrics in order to graft his own hairs and make them grow on ever-larger surfaces. Now, in front of his house reigned a whole flowerbed of shiny black hairs, well groomed and of different kinds. The flowerbed had been assembled in the cellar and promptly installed at night in the small garden in front of the terraced house.

"Admire my hair garden and crack of envy, old asshole", thought the former biologist with ill-concealed satisfaction while the neighbour, who had gone out to retrieve the newspaper, remained stunned observing a lush array of pubic hair, neatly laid out in his neighbour's shrubbery.

On their part, even the hairs observed the scene with an apparently innocuous air ..


In the beginning, I will run 3 rounds of this contest in a week: mon/tue/wed, all the results of this week will be given on monday 5th March, 11 pm, UTC +1 (i.e. California is UTC -8).

And now, dear friends, equip yourself with specific hairy-gardening tools and let the journey begin!

F3nixBadge (1).JPG



Soon the hairs started growing at an intense rate. He wanted to keep the grass hair growing beautifully and so kept it trimmed every few weeks. He had to get a special lawnmower made to trim the fibers without pulling them out. The garbage company was getting frustrated with how much hair is being thrown in their landfill. They refused to pick up his yard waste anymore. Maveric decided to donate the hair to locks for love. He figured why not, it was all healthy hair as it never had chemicals put in it. So, every few months he sent away boxes of hair.
His neighbor was so jealous, he stole some of the hair to test exactly how he got it to grow......

LOL! I can see the neighbour green of envy trying to figure out his secret! I enjoyed the care and details you put in your amazing happy ending. Thanks for playing with us @pixiehunter 😊

It is quite fun to see what others come up with. Glad you liked mine too. :-)

Lol this one is awesome!! And the responses are priceless :D I think I'll sit this one out, I'm just enjoying reading ;)

You're right.. they overcame totally my expectations! This is why tomorrow i will give 2 shares per contest in place of one. It's too difficoult to choose..

:D isn't it wonderful when that happens? I will definitely participate in the next one!

Let's see what deliriums our mind is capable of 😉

Oh I think we can get pretty delirious 🤣


The neighbors knew he had finally lost it. Thay had already tried to call every government agency they could but to no avail.

Time went on. An odd thing started happening to that flowerbed of hair. They all started to grow but not in the way one would have thought. The hair started ballooning out and tiny pods were formed which he kept safe by installing an electric fence once again breaking no laws except the law of freaking out your neighbor.

Time passed, the house with its now hairy pod bed had the neighborhood on edge. Sounds now could be heard from the bed at all times of the day and everyone was walking along on eggshells to try and figure out what was really going on.

On a beautiful extra warm Thursday morning and the time just before dawn, there came a sound that no one was meant to ever sleep through. A sound that God had made to help keep the human race alive.

The front garden of hairy pods now turned into bassinets, tiny babies cradled in all. A fly had landed on one such baby startling it, which set off the cry, which carried over to the one thousand babies the hair had reproduced.

One tick of the clock brought 27 vans all painted a very dark metallic green. Doors flew open, a team of 7 from each van came out and walked the walk to the new children's hairy beds.

One by one each person dug up their new charge and placed it gently in an incubator.

Doors closed, vans went, except for the last black one soon to hold the biologist and researcher in its hold.

You my friend are making the winner's choice a real nightmare for me because even this one is so akwardly beautiful.. looks like a derailed Spielberg's movie! Thank you for being here Snookie ☺️

yaaaaaaaaaaaaa :D I love surprising you :D makes me happy LOLLLLLLLL

...then lice came.

Bwahaha such powerful plot in three words 😂

@moneyinfant has added your contest to the list Steemit Writing Contests: Issue #34. The list is updated on a daily basis and your contest will remain on the list until its expiration - there's nothing you need to do.

The list was created to save writers the excessive amount of time spent searching through the #contest tag for writing contests. Now they can just come to the list each day, see new contests and use their time doing what they love - writing.

If you'd like to help spread the word about the Steemit Writing Contest List I'd really appreciate a resteem, but it certainly isn't necessary. The project is simply meant to help writers save time and contest creators attract more contestants.

P.S. If you know of any contests I've missed I'd love to hear about them. Thanks!

The garden of pubes was coming in nicely, the birds were using the longer ones to build their nests. The biologist admired his garden of short and curlys everyday, when he went to check the mail. It hadn't rained in forever and the neighbors started mailing their pubes to the biologist, so he could start a pubic garden for them. The red hair patch garden looked really nice in the sun.
The biologist was glancing over at his neighbor's grass and it wasn't looking very green. He thought to himself, "the grass ain't always greener, on the other side of the fence." Then he called his Home Owners Association to report his neighbor for having dead grass.

Buahaha!! Bruni I'm cracking for laughter at work.. a pubic garden instead of a public garden.. this would be anche improvement for all the citizens! You're hilarious and it's not true that you're not good with fiction!

The neighbor ambled over to get a closer view:
"Ah.. do you realize that a very intimate body waste happens to be soiling your garden?"
"What?! That's not body waste! That is the ultimate in the gardening of the future!"
The neighbor turned to him and shrugged his shoulders.
"It looks like pubic hair to me."
"It is pubic hair."
"Well my friend - that is a body waste and should be disposed of in an infectious bin. I would recommend you get rid of it before the cops come around. You could also be booked for indecent exposure!"
As he fumed and popped a gastric ulcer, the neighbor turned around and walked back inside. It was realized then that the garden was there purely for his pleasure and wasn't there to prove or produce anything for anyone else. Especially not that horrible cretin next door.

I hope this terrible neighbour didn't make his ocd pop out again! I loved it, the dialogue makes it lean, fast to be read and fun 👍😁

With the passing of the days, the lush garden of pubes began displaying glimpses of sentience and a fanciful love of rude topiary art.

One Tuesday, while headed out to lunch, the neighbor was apalled by the sight of a lineup of hair gnomes. All intricately formed with tiny fists that proudly flipped the bird at an agle that could be easily seen from the neighbor's yard. In disgust at the retired scientist's childishness, he drove away, swearing to make mention of this at the town meeting.

On Wednesday morning, the annoyed neighbor looked across his yard to the sight of black, hairy pigs fornicating in delight. The beauty in the details would have made landscapers weep but all the neighbor felt was embarrassment.

Thursday brought a rippling form of two cheeks with lowered trousers while Friday morning began with a OVERLY endowed giraffe administering to its blessings. Each hairy display ratcheting up the rage of neighbor, who's phone calls to the neighborhood association had become an hourly ritual.

Saturday afternoon arrived and the neighbor waited for the the committee to visit and witness the atrocious pieces in the Scientist's yard. A sound from the window sent him ouside, eager to witness the lashing the disgusting garden would earn. After a few steps outside he faltered and lurched to a stop. The slap of shock and confusion washed through him, rooting him in place.

Three of the Neighborhood Association's Review Committee were chatting happily with the looney scientist! He was smiling broadly and enthusiastically gesturing to his pube garden, which was artfully filled with adorable duck and playful bunny formations! Where had the wild eyed and screaming man on the toilet from this morning gone? How had that damned man had time to change the topiaries before the comittee arrived?

As the Association's van drove away, a rippling flurry of movement turned the neighbors' attention back around to the garden. There, where the sweet ducks and bunnies had been moments ago, was again thesculpture of man on the toilet. It's hairs reformed now to point laughingly at the neighbor.

Topiaries of sensient and naughty pubic hairs! If only there could be more of this in this world! Thank you so much for your contribution Bris .. it's some days that I don't see you a lot, it was nice to read you (don't forget to vote the name on the sheet hehe) ☺️

Word got out of that marvelous garden full of human pubic hair... There was a local chapter of Bald and Proud.

"Let's go and check out this human hair garden... If this man can create pubic hair, why can't he make head hair?"

An assemblage of 20 bald men nodded shiny skulls in unison. "

We need to go and visit this biologist and have a discussion with him. Why should all of his knowledge and labor go to waste?"

"We want hair!" stated a short, bald man. This man had taken the longest to shave off his comb over.

"I thought we were bald and proud?" said a tall, with man of forty.

The gathering began to grumble and shift their feet. Chairs were screeched on the wood floor as men rose.

"What if he can only create pubic hair? I'm not going to walk around with a head of pubic hair!" sneered a man in white tennis shoes.

Several of the baldies nodded their heads.

"I say we give him a chance." said the quiet spoken chubby guy with a mustache.

The men lined up by the door and slowly filtered out... they showed up out front of the house with the glorious patch of pubic hair prepared to make their request.

Your ending broke the narrative frame made by me, which was focused on ocd behaviour / envy / neighbourhood / hair looking back ... I'm enthusiast, had tons of fun with the dialogues ("I thought we were bald and proud?" Hahaha!!), plus I learnt from your style which is so fluent and fun. Thanks Janelle!

That is why I don't like contests with one winner only!

There are pros and cons Marianne.. when I did the 20 club article I donated a SBI to everyone commenting me, no matter how many they were. I would flood the freewriters with SBI shares if I could but unfortunately I don't have such resources .. still.. but I will and when I will every friend will be sharing my wealth. Like me and @marcoriccardi are. Till then, let's just play a game and - if you know me a bit - you won't be upset if you don't win couse you know that most probably you'll get it the next time.. (if with God's grace i've enough to put on this 😉) It's also nice to push each other with some good competition..look at Bruni what nice crazy stuff he wrote when he abandoned his comfort zone and stepped into fiction! Just this was worth the try.

You are right - if we are rich - we can do so much more. But what I was trying to say - I don't want to be the one who has to choose one over another... :)
And you are a very generous man!!

You got that right, fiction is definitely not my forte, or writing for that matter. But, this is so much fun, I can stop. I give credit to @mariannewest she has created another # freewrite monster. 😘

If you can't stop.. please don't couse your ideas are fun and cool! 😁

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