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RE: Finish the story, earn steembasicincome shares and upvotes! Day #3

in #freewrite6 years ago (edited)

With the passing of the days, the lush garden of pubes began displaying glimpses of sentience and a fanciful love of rude topiary art.

One Tuesday, while headed out to lunch, the neighbor was apalled by the sight of a lineup of hair gnomes. All intricately formed with tiny fists that proudly flipped the bird at an agle that could be easily seen from the neighbor's yard. In disgust at the retired scientist's childishness, he drove away, swearing to make mention of this at the town meeting.

On Wednesday morning, the annoyed neighbor looked across his yard to the sight of black, hairy pigs fornicating in delight. The beauty in the details would have made landscapers weep but all the neighbor felt was embarrassment.

Thursday brought a rippling form of two cheeks with lowered trousers while Friday morning began with a OVERLY endowed giraffe administering to its blessings. Each hairy display ratcheting up the rage of neighbor, who's phone calls to the neighborhood association had become an hourly ritual.

Saturday afternoon arrived and the neighbor waited for the the committee to visit and witness the atrocious pieces in the Scientist's yard. A sound from the window sent him ouside, eager to witness the lashing the disgusting garden would earn. After a few steps outside he faltered and lurched to a stop. The slap of shock and confusion washed through him, rooting him in place.

Three of the Neighborhood Association's Review Committee were chatting happily with the looney scientist! He was smiling broadly and enthusiastically gesturing to his pube garden, which was artfully filled with adorable duck and playful bunny formations! Where had the wild eyed and screaming man on the toilet from this morning gone? How had that damned man had time to change the topiaries before the comittee arrived?

As the Association's van drove away, a rippling flurry of movement turned the neighbors' attention back around to the garden. There, where the sweet ducks and bunnies had been moments ago, was again thesculpture of man on the toilet. It's hairs reformed now to point laughingly at the neighbor.


Topiaries of sensient and naughty pubic hairs! If only there could be more of this in this world! Thank you so much for your contribution Bris .. it's some days that I don't see you a lot, it was nice to read you (don't forget to vote the name on the sheet hehe) ☺️

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