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RE: Finish the story, earn steembasicincome shares and upvotes! Day #3

in #freewrite6 years ago


The neighbors knew he had finally lost it. Thay had already tried to call every government agency they could but to no avail.

Time went on. An odd thing started happening to that flowerbed of hair. They all started to grow but not in the way one would have thought. The hair started ballooning out and tiny pods were formed which he kept safe by installing an electric fence once again breaking no laws except the law of freaking out your neighbor.

Time passed, the house with its now hairy pod bed had the neighborhood on edge. Sounds now could be heard from the bed at all times of the day and everyone was walking along on eggshells to try and figure out what was really going on.

On a beautiful extra warm Thursday morning and the time just before dawn, there came a sound that no one was meant to ever sleep through. A sound that God had made to help keep the human race alive.

The front garden of hairy pods now turned into bassinets, tiny babies cradled in all. A fly had landed on one such baby startling it, which set off the cry, which carried over to the one thousand babies the hair had reproduced.

One tick of the clock brought 27 vans all painted a very dark metallic green. Doors flew open, a team of 7 from each van came out and walked the walk to the new children's hairy beds.

One by one each person dug up their new charge and placed it gently in an incubator.

Doors closed, vans went, except for the last black one soon to hold the biologist and researcher in its hold.


You my friend are making the winner's choice a real nightmare for me because even this one is so akwardly beautiful.. looks like a derailed Spielberg's movie! Thank you for being here Snookie ☺️

yaaaaaaaaaaaaa :D I love surprising you :D makes me happy LOLLLLLLLL

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