Day 83 of the 5 Minute Freewrite - Prompt: nose ring

in #freewrite7 years ago (edited)

I beg to differ Mrs. Steinem: "a bananafish without a bycicle" would be more appropriate.

I did it again! This is my second published #freewrite using the Most Dangerous Writing App in Italian. I then translated it in English. Consider that my true flow of thoughts is not in English and I wanted to put down for your eyes only all the original bullshit my mind is capable of at its full power.

She spoke and spoke and her talking was a lava river in full words rushing fast in front of the mirror. With one hand she combed her hair, with one foot she placed the mat, with the other hand she skewered her black hair with a hairpin, then with the nape she tried to close the cupboard door and in the meantime .. How many for god's sake? ... I think that she was facing 4 or five topics at the same time. He listened to her sitting on the toilet bowl with great patience and apparent concentration, not even if he was making a mental review of the "Critique of Pure Reason". What was she saying now? The words were mixing in his head, which began to have celestial visions of angelic choirs ... really now he was trying to nod very professionally and even at times a little 'annoyed while she was playing with her nose ring. "What an amazing serious rack she has, what a remarkable pair of...", he thought now truly absorbed. Then all of a sudden she stops ..silence.. now she is watching him as a velociraptor stares at a goat placed on the top of a sacrificial altar after 40 days of fasting ... he realized that she demanded an answer from him that was not a "um" "yes yes yes" or any other expression of his repertoire .. Her lower eyelid was already starting to tremble.. Think in a hurry! Think now! .. the cold sweat was already thickening on the sides of his temple. He said "Ahh, I understand you." It went well for this time. Female multitasking. Ughhh..


HAHAHAHA! Honestly, I had to go check and see if my husband wrote this! I feel like you've captured what he probably thinks when I get off on a verbal trail of topics!

Plus, your visual descriptions are amazing. Awesome post!

I’m helping marianne out today and visiting freewriters, here is the prompt for the next freewrite!

Haha super @byn in da house! And in a mariannewestish fashion! Tell your husband to come visiting Venice, we'll stare at the ships passing through the Grand Channel, have a couple of beers and tell to each other our stories about how we dodged our women's wrath 😜

Watch it, we might take you up on that! That sounds right up his alley.

Let's organize a live freewrite here ;-) I might find an abandoned boat where to pack everyone :-P

I so love that you started this with Gloria Steinem -and the Bananafish would be different!!

I don't know if it was a good idea to ask you all to visit. Now, I have to read all the comments because you all are so funny :)

Im quite for the rights of women, when I'm not busy dodgeing the punches of mine 😂 You see a thing that could be considered as an automatic chore became a true glue for the community.. it's interesting!

Very!! But i always thought of it as community glue. The more stake a person has in a project - the more they want to be in it :) Just have to keep nay sayers out.

You're always one step forward!

LOVE it!
She spoke and spoke and her talking was a lava river in full words rushing fast in front of the mirror.
she skewered her black hair with a hairpin
Then all of a sudden she stops ..silence..
she demanded an answer from him that was not a "um" "yes yes yes"
You nail it. And I love the ending. :)

Wow, thank you @carolkean for your comment. It's very encouraging knowing that it comes from a fine writer like you!

Thanks, and you're welcome!

HaHa! This is my daughter to a T! Without the man on the throne. So funny! But don't Italian's talk with their hands? Not this time. Everybody thinks I have some Italian in me because I talk with my hands. Anyway, this was funny and I really enjoyed it. Tip!

Wow you're spoiling me @whatisnew, thank you dear friend! You must know that northern Italians (like me) have very few things in common with southerns and the general idea of Italy and Italians that people have abroad.. we are quiet and polite but never boring (i hope!).

Here I thought all Italians were the same. You for sure are definitely not boring and that is a wonderful thing! : )

Actually they are all different, historically It was a bunch of small states till 200 years ago.. surely northerns and even central are completely different from sicilians or people from Naples.. one day, when we all meet in Venice, I'll show you 😉

HaHa! I would love for you to show me! All of us better start saving for that trip to Venice! : )

Great save at the end! 😂

Sometimes I have trouble coming up with 5th tag, too. Hell, sometimes the 4th and 5th. 😂

Lol I know you were going to notice Omra .. yes in a way or another we (almost) always find a way to have our lunch and dinner prepared 😛

you can always borrow a few of my tags LOLL #ohmygodireallypostedthis is always a good one :D

HA! love that one :D and you and @omra-sky need to go read the @sneakyninja post for today :D

Wowo thank you! I want to do the same and curate our guys how can i do?

the directions are in the sneaky's not hard but kind of a pain.......but they didn't take @brisby's so only 1 #freewrite seems to be the case...........just so you know

Thanks again @snook. And thank you for tagging me in a comment. A bot on discord notifies me if I'm tagged in a post or comment. I wanted to test it to see if it actually works. Now I know it does. Cool. Will @brisby see this?

what bot????????? can you share this bot??????? or is it your own personal bot that only answers to you? and squirrels loll

It's his minion bot 😛

It's my desk lamp. 😂

OMG this is so wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! in So SO many ways :D
I love to read your side of the story and how true it is from a women's side :D

This is just GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!

Heheh thanks @snook! I was curious in fact to know your point of view and the female one in general 😁

Oh, I thought it was very, very funny loll :D

I don't know how it is in Italy, but in America, we shut the door to the bathroom and turn the exhaust fan on so we don't have to listen to all that female stuff while we take care of our important business. 😉

Lol Deacon, it's pretty much the same. Thanks God my wife is not like that, everyone seems to think that it's self referential but it's not. She talks little and loves action movies. She's multitasking that's true.. and I cannot do that at all 🤔

Nope, I have a one-track mind and that's why I find it so hard to have the discord chat going in the background while I'm trying to work lol. I like to talk to people, and I like to write blogs and read and curate blogs, but I have to do each thing one at a time not all at the same time lol. 🙄

Your wife sounds like a keeper! 🙂

She's not overwhelming with words like many.. Blessed the silence hehe I hate the chat to be sincere for your same reason quite chattophobic and prefer way more to go into depth with anche argument at my tranquil pace

I don't have the chat open. That would drive me nuts!! I usually check once or twice a day in the ones I actually care about. Everyone has a chat now and you could spend your whole life there. I prefer to comment here and actually write posts :)

100% agreeing chatting can be a waste of time..but please Mar, when we fix a focused appointment for that thing tell me the hour.. Im ok tomorrow any time from 14:00 onward (2 pm Rome time, UTC +1) .. we could meet at my 21.. they should be your two or three o'clock in the aft.. what do you think?

That might work. do you want to try for a voice chat or typing away. Snook started a channel just for us since we ran into some tech problems with the other private room (probably my fault :(

Typing please .. I'm already brain constipated like that, let alone with voice 😁 I'll check discord for snook's channel.. i know that yesterday I saw one with six of us, was that one?

"Based on a true story", isn't it? :D
Very funny indeed!

In fact.. no! :-D But I know that it happens.. happy that you enjoyed it.

And thank you for introducing me to the scary world of The Most Dangerous Writing App!

You're welcome! One day I know that the bloody app will make me confess some dirty secret buahaha.. that's the real meaning of "dangerous", not the erasing 😛

This is fantastic! I bet it’s even better in Italian! Following you!

Thank you Jade 🙂 followed you back .. in italian i use a lot more shades and jargon hehe

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