Apocalypse and Pretzels - Apocalisse e Pretzel [ENG/ITA Freewrite]

in #freewrite7 years ago (edited)


English Version

Early in the morning, in the bitey air of an unripe April, fine pearls of rain drew averted trajectories, trying to prolong their run towards the ground. The morning sunlight slipped through them, caressing their lopsided dances.

A freshly baked pretzel perfume mingled with the acrid, yet familiar note of wet tarmac. Similar to the inviting singing of a mermaid, that fragrant smelling trail traveled for blocks coming from who knows where, bringing the illusion of a tasty breakfast at hand.
On Madison, the sound of a distant pneumatic hammer, disinterested in that diaphanous moment of peace, reminded the city of its daily duties. The need to renew the infinite interweaving of order and chaos, the human sap of a monotonous and, at the same time, different becoming.

An old beggar was taking shelter from the drizzle under the entrance of the Met Breuer.
He seemed to come out of nowhere and, in a sense, gave the idea of ​​having been there forever. The shabby headgear with ear-muffs could barely contain the explosion of white hair, gathered in damp, frayed cords due to the persistent drops of aerosol. The festive and bizarre trichological chaos reigning on his head only sharpened the contrast with the fixedness of his gaze, veiled by a cataract under the crusty eyelashes. Forearms and hands rested parallel, laying on a small and unusual pink plastic banquet that seemed to have been recovered from an abandoned nursery.

In front of him, carefully lying on the small pink table, there was a typical cardboard square. However, where a message of help was supposed to be found, not even a "everything helps" decorated the miserable panel which, laconic and brash together, was left naked to look at the sidewalk.
None of the hasty passers-by would have ever bothered to look down at the strange old man but, if someone had stopped for a while, perhaps he would have noticed that the open lips uttered a constant chant, a whisper of elusive and continuous vibrations.

"Now the distortion around him has become almost visible, how much do you think it could go on?". In truth, for several hours what had happened under the gray shed had captured the growing interest of two strange luminescent figures on the other side of the road. From time to time, they exchanged positions to pass each other the best view, and also out of boredom. Their feet seemed to slip soft like fog on the cold sidewalk.

"Learn about silence once anf for all, Duth. Would it make sense to even just hazard a guess in front of.. this thing?".

"But how is it possible for a human to perform the Chant, or to just gather.."

"And instead, if you bothered to listen, you would have noticed that this supposed human has just added the sixth voice," the archangel interrupted him, punctuating the words as he tried to separate red pomegranate grains from their peel.

"I think we've observed enough, we do not want him to start opening a seal, do we?", he continued, trying to resume his usually compassionate tone, "we just have to talk about it with Metatron, now".

The old man's eyes suddenly gnawed them, like a blacksmith's hot pincer. Duth did not even have time to finish wondering how a simple homeless had been able to identify them on the plane from which they were watching him.

An Autie Anne's Pretzels van sped in the direction of East Harlem, sprinkling the city with its fragrant trail. For an instant, the driver seemed to have heard a strange song, but he didn't pay too much attention.

Versione Italiana

Di primo mattino, nell'aria pungente di un aprile ancora acerbo, fini perle di pioggia disegnavano svogliate traiettorie cercando di prolungare la loro corsa verso il terreno. La luce del sole mattutino vi scivolava attraverso, accarezzando le loro danze sbilenche.

Un profumo di pretzel appena sfornato si mischiava con la nota acre ma familiare dell'asfalto bagnato. Come il canto invitante di una sirena, quella fragrante scia odorosa viaggiava per isolati provenendo da chissà dove e portando l'illusione di una ghiotta colazione a portata di mano.
Sulla Madison, il suono di un martello pneumatico lontano, disinteressato a quel diafano momento di pace, ricordava alla città i suoi doveri quotidiani. La necessità di rinnovare l'intreccio infinito di ordine e caos, la linfa umana del divenire monotono e, allo stesso tempo, sempre diverso.

Un vecchio mendicante siedeva riparandosi dalla pioggerella sotto la tettoia d'entrata del Met Breuer.
Sembrava comparso dal nulla e, in un certo senso, dava l'idea di essere stato lì da sempre. Il logoro copricapo con paraorecchie riusciva a malapena a contenere l'esplosione di bianchi capelli, riuniti in corde umide e sfilacciate a causa di quell'aerosol di piccole gocce. Il festoso e bizzaro caos tricologico regnante sulla sua testa non faceva che acuire il contrasto con la fissità del suo sguardo velato da una cataratta sotto le ciglia cispose. Avambracci e mani riposavano paralleli, adagiati su un piccolo e stonato banchetto di plastica rosa che pareva recuperato da un asilo nido abbandonato.

Davanti a lui, esposto con cura davanti al piccolo tavolo rosa, si trovava un tipico quadrato di cartone. Tuttavia, là dove si sarebbe dovuto trovare un messaggio di aiuto, nemmeno un "everything helps" decorava il misero pannello che, laconico e sfacciato insieme, nudo se ne rimaneva a guardare il marciapiede.
Nessuno dei frettolosi passanti si sarebbe mai dato la pena di deviare lo sguardo verso lo strano vecchio ma, se qualcuno si fosse fermato ad osservarlo, forse avrebbe notato che le labbra dischiuse emettevano un incessante cantilena, un bisbiglio di vibrazioni sfuggenti e continue.

"Ora la distorsione si è fatta ben visibile. Quanto pensi che potrà continuare?". In verità, da diverse ore ciò che accadeva sotto la grigia tettoia aveva catturato un crescente interesse di due strane figure luminescenti dall'altro lato della strada. Ogni tanto si scambiavano di posizione per passarsi l'un l'altro la visuale migliore, e anche per noia. I piedi parevano slittare soffici come nebbia sul freddo cemento.

"Taci una buona volta, Duth, che senso avrebbe anche solo azzardare un'ipotesi risponderti di fronte a ..questo?".

"Ma come è possibile per un umano intonare il Canto, o anche solo immaginare.."

"E invece, se tu ti dessi la pena di ascoltare, avresti notato che questo supposto umano ha appena aggiunto la sesta voce", l'arcangelo lo interruppe, scandendo le parole come tentasse di separare dei rossi chicchi di melograno dalla loro buccia.

"Penso che abbiamo osservato abbastanza, non vogliamo che inizi ad aprire un sigillo", continuò cercando di riprendere il suo tono usualmente compassato, "non resta che parlarne con Metatron".

Lo sguardo del vecchio ghermì entrambi improvvisamente, come la tenaglia rovente di un fabbro. Duth non ebbe nemmeno il tempo di finire di chiedersi come un banale mendicante aveva potuto individuarli sul piano da cui essi lo osservavano.

Un furgone Autie Anne's Pretzels sfrecciò in direzione East Harlem, aspergendo la città con la sua scia profumata. Per un istante, al guidatore sembrò di aver sentito uno strano canto, ma non ci fece troppa attenzione.


Puoi sbloccare qualunque porta se hai solo la chiave.
Grazie for writing while on vacation! Your description of the scents in the air fit the scene perfectly. Not to say that your story wasn't a good read, it was! I just feel that you did a wonderful making the reader (me anyway) feel as if I was there observing the old man as well. (Hmm..guess I'm a goner then...😶)
So, for a story well done, a butterfly for your collection!

Greta oto

A volte cerchiamo invano, senza sapere che la chiave siamo noi.
Beautiful and special comment @brisby , thank you by heart for your words. One of my worries, as you know, was to recreate a credible environment even for a newyorker.. Here I discovered I've quite a good amount of time for writing as my wife is studying, so I just stay close to her and do my business.. I'm someone that with a book could stay in a room reading all the day, and now it's the same with my markpad software and writing.
The butterfly will have a place of honor in my collection..right close to the Death's head moth buahaha.

Dear @f3nix, I had to stop a little here and read yur magnificent piece. Like a chameleon, you change your style every time you write, but I see the red line of your personality emerge from the fabric of words, unmistakable. This time you were more verbose and convoluted, but the cosmic and mystical theme, veined with horror, is yours without a doubt.
Keep it up!

Dear @marcoriccardi .. i'm literally flattered by your appreciation. Even because I'm sure that if this work was s*it you would have said it. Besides, knowing your professional background and skills this is a very important encouragement for me. As a matter of fact, I'm missing you now being here.
About this short preface to a novel I'd like to find the time to write:

  • I was impressed by some of the best freewriters here capability to depict something ordinary in a fine way. Hence, I wanted to indulge a bit more into details..here's the verbose part.
  • I think that you perfectly got where my mind goes and what's my best natural habitat.
  • I guess that we should collaborate in writing a book and launch it here maybe ;-)

I wish I had the same trust in me you have. I think I lack the discipline and constancy necessary to write a novel, I'm too disorganized.

you can always change :-P pump up your self esteem Marco! (said together with wifey here on my side ;-P)

If you check my blog, I have a surprise for you (only in Italian yet)

bello! mi puoi dire le fonti dell'mmagine che hai usato?

Quanto alla fonte, trovi il link sotto all'immagine.
Prevengo: ho letto proprio ieri (dopo questo post) un tuo intervento in merito all'insufficienza del solo citare la fonte. Oggi infatti nel mio ultimo post ho messo una mia foto.

ottimo, molto meglio...contenuto totalmente originale....!Ti seguooo

E' un onore e un piacere!

muy bonito post for sure!!!!
So happy to see your always amazing and full of surprises brain spills again!!! Hoping that you are still on vacation and having a wonderful time!!

Hahaha gracias mi amiga ;-) Yes Marianne, my brain is still capable of a couple of decent shots at times. Yes Im in vacation but wifey is studying so Im free to fart around :-P

And we are happy about that!! Well, I know that is a bit selfish - but you know, we miss you when you are not here :)
What is she studying? and are you going to introduce her to the steemit addiction? I mean, our millionaire making device?

Hahaha I miss you too I've to confess, you bunch of crazies.. she's a primary teacher. I think I will steemitize her first or after .. buahaha 😜

😱 . hahaha

Enjoyed the story. It seemed like a snapshot in the middle of a larger work. Strange new world?

Thanks @dennisauburn. You got it right as these freewrites for me are just a way to reorder my ideas and create some bricks for a larger novel. Furthermore, this is a great community. I don't know about strange new world..if I have to look for a possible source of inspiration, I'd say the Dark Tower from S. King.

I've read about a dozen of S. King's, but nothing lately. A lot of fantasy and sci-fi tho. I'm glad it will be part of a novel, I have a bunch of questions - like, who's the evil pretzel maker Autie Anne? Have fun.

Actually Auntie Anne is an existent shop in NY..I'm sure they're tasty and not evil at all.
That biscuit is just a leitmotiv and not connected to the evil slowly unfolding through the layers of this world's reality. Oh well, I guess it's better if I change it in ...Uncle Stephen's pretzel? ;-)

I always wonder how accurately cities are portrayed in novels, you know, street names and restaurants and the like. I'm thinking it varies. But it might be wise to not piss off your favorite pretzel maker. If you could check a couple of my very short stories, I'd appreciate your opinion: Some Change and Chicken Therapy. Thanks.

Will surely do! (as for this one, I had to find a proper shelter to the homeless researching street by street the East Side on street view..)

What a great scene you've painted. I'm glad you found the time to write while on vacation.

This is truly rewarding coming from you my friend, I was actually worried about setting this scene in NY due to you and @brisby .. I didn't want to make it naive to the eyes of a newyorker ;-)

Ohhhhhhh what a wonderful tale!!!! I so have missed your writings!! and your heartfelt comments! I'm so happy you are relaxing and I think this freewrite shows it!! :D

Thank you @snook ! The more we grow as a group of friends the more the freewriting zoo becomes addictive :-p hence i can't stay away for too much ..I saw you did great things here and I want to catch up with your videos ASAP.. you're always such a caring and cool person ..yes wifey is passing me positive energies, we were three months apart :-)

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