The Punishment: 5 Minute Freewrite, Prompt 'Switch'

in #freewrite6 years ago


Erotica Warning: Reader Discretion Advised. Not for the Easily Offended.

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He stood before her, that look on his face sending a tremor through her body. She glanced down at the switch in his hand and this time couldn’t stop the shudder that raced down her body. She couldn’t take her eyes off the switch, and he knew it.

She watched as the switch hit his hand. Not to hard, and yet it left a faint pink line across his palm. She swallowed so loudly, she was sure he could hear it. Why had she ever suggested that they spice things up in the bedroom?

She met his eyes again and they were dark with heat as he looked back at her, letting his eyes drop and caress every inch of her body.

She wrapped the silk robe around her body and felt herself tense as he brought the switch down, against his own thigh this time. His voice broke the silence, “Well, darling, I’d say its about time for you to remove that flimsy little robe and let me see what I’ll be dealing with tonight.” He smacked the switch meaningfully against his leg again. She flinched.

This was her idea. She kept reminding herself. She had brought it up, asked him to be more… dominating. She’d found links on the internet and had never expected it to peak his interest so thoroughly.

At first he’d been hesitant, but after the last two months of playing around, he seemed to have really settled into his role. She met his eyes after they had traveled slowly back up her now naked body. He raised an eyebrow as if to say, “Well?”

She nodded, just slightly, they so often spoke without words these days. She knew it was time for her to accept her punishment.

It no longer mattered what she had done, it was her fault, it had been her choice and she knew this would be the outcome.

She turned and leaned over the bed, bending at the waist until she felt her breasts press against the comforter on the bed. He would try the punishments without the restraints this time, but she knew she’d never be able to stay still. Nonetheless, she clenched her sweaty hands together above her head as tightly as she could. She was determined to try and take her punishment without needing the cuffs on. She heard the switch whistle through the air before it connected with her flesh…

(What do you think? Should I continue? I've been wanting to write some serious erotica for a while...)

This is done from the 5 Minute Freewrite Prompt of the Day: Switch Feel free to check it out and give it a try! You can find the prompts daily at @mariannewest

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Whoa...nice #freewrite! Keep it up! There's definitely an audience for this type of material so if you're interested in it then you should keep writing!

I decided to switch it up for today's #freewrite. Check it out and let me know what you think =)

Thank you. I'm considering starting a separate blog for more explicit topics. :)

I really want to see you run wild with this story. Great start/

Your writing is excellent, flawless. So easy (flows) to read. I cannot really comment on the erotica, as I'm more of a conservative writer. BUT, with saying that, it was actually quite nice to read. Nothing too explicit. I really liked it. Keep writing!

Although I have written more explicit stuff, when I'm reading, I pretty much prefer to let my imagination fill in the blanks. I know some people really enjoy explicit stuff, though... so who knows? If I do decide to get into super serious stuff, I'll probably make a different blog for it.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts!

I read the warning..........

then your story and now I'm off to find my hubby.........

just saying...........

Hope that answers your question LOLLLLLLLLLL

Ha! That's awesome! If I wasn't so freaking sick right now, I would have done the same thing. Except with my husband, not yours, just to be clear ;)

This CRACKED me up :D

Except with my husband, not yours, just to be clear ;)

I told my hubby what you said and he laughed and said ""too bad"" so I hit him loll

and did you see the new contest? the 'we all write' on my wall? :D it's a test :D

Not yet. I've been sick as a dog for two days and can't seem to even begin to keep up wtih my comments at the moment. My head feels like it is floating about 3 feet above the rest of me and it's hard to... do anything (like think of the word that goes there)

:'( *********HUGS**************

Hah! I almost took "switch" in the same direction... this being my first freewrite I worried that such an approach might be ill advised. Apparently not!

Yes. I most certainly do want to hear what happens after the switch connects with her flesh :D

Yeah, you gotta watch what you write at the beginning. I wrote a lot of horror/murderish type things and I still have a reputation that the other freewriters give me a hard time about! ;) They're a pretty cool bunch of people, though. I look forward to reading yours... and finishing the writing of this one!

NEVER have I given you a hard was all @mariannewest's fault........

really, her's, I would never tease someone about hmmmmmmmm..........stuff LOLLL

and I love your mass killings and horror stories.......think it's even better that you never watch those kind of movies :D


Hah yes that's what I was worried about :D

...and I look forward to reading it!

hahaha - NO!!!!! It is all @snook's fault!! How could it be any different? LOL

My safe word is "eucalyptus"...keep it up!!!

That is a GREAT safe word, because surely it wouldn't come up any other way, but I'd probably forget it and start playing the "Things related to my safeword" game, which not only isn't very effective, it also isn't very sexy. ;)

Thanks for the comment!

Urgent - Another Attempt to Steal from You. Read this Do not click on links in your wallet from @gtg.witnesses - it is a scam!!!

Now for some fun! here is the prompt for today! As I'm all bundled up under blankets! LOL

Day 127: 5 Minute - Prompt: sunburn


Thanks! Both for the prompt and the warning :)

You are doing this very well. Personally, I prefer the "lighter" versions but some of the romance novels which sell really well are much closer to porn than to light erotica. If you can do it - do it. It really is an art to write good sex scenes.

Well, they do say write about what you know...

BAHAHAHAHA... This cracked me up so much and then I read this comment aloud while my son was over visiting. He was thrilled to hear that I'm writing erotica ;)

Ha. I'm sure he is.

You know, the word "switch" is used in another context in such kinky circles. It is a name for someone who is happy being the spanker or the spankee (or whatever particular proclivity is floating their boat). It is someone who is happy to switch from dominant to submissive or vice versa.

I, uh, read about it on the internet.

Hahahaha... yeah, I might be a little aware of that myself. You know, from the internet. ;)

Pheeew eee. Getting a bit hot and heavy over here @byn 😉 Ha ha keep it going. I'm not usually a reader of erotica but I enjoyed that... maybe a little too much

;) Well I'll consider that a good sign, then!

Thanks for the comment!

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