
This is a really great concept, and I'm looking forward to seeing the story develop!

Thanks. I'm hoping I can focus long enough to get more thoughts out before any more plot twists pop up in freewrite challenges!

Thanks for the comment!

Now I want to buy the book. Keep writing; I'm hooked.

Thank you! I was just telling my husband that I was thinking of taking this story and making it a separate ebook or something. I've started writing on the long version off and on and it's coming together into quite the story!

Wow really cool!
It hooked me up, now I want MOAR! hehehe
Great storytelling skill @byn, following now

Thank you! I'm working on a full out story from these freewrites. The whole family already had me intrigued and now there is a possible secret agent in the mix? I must write to find out more! :)

Thanks for the comment!

its just like a pocket have a very rich mind

Thank you. My mind is definitely FULL of stories!

How can you stop here - we need to know!!!! I don't think we should give you any more prompts until this story is finished!!! LOL

I thought I replied to this already, but this weekend freewrite theme is morphing into a full out book. I've got pages and pages written now, so I'll probably have to find a new theme for my weekend freewrites before I make it any more complicated! :)

I love it!!! Have you submitted any of your work to the Isle of Write for their publications?

No... I'm not sure I have anything that fits the guidelines at this point. I'll have to go reread the requirements.

Time for you Freewriters to pamper yourselves!

The massage snakes are ready.
A spider facial is laid out.
This next prompt sounds relaxing,
...unless you flail and shout!

Sunday Freewrite Day 122 - Spa

Holy beans, you guys are really raising the bar on prompt delivery!!! :)

Great story - very gripping. I loved the magical powers bit.

Yeah, I'm really excited to delve into that aspect. It's something new for me!


Love these ideas you have here, @byn! Keep them coming! :)

Thank you for reading!

Hi Byn! Post last week's freewrite in with those for today! Come on, don't be keeping it a secret! LOL!!
I'm happy that you're continuing this family's story! (Here's to hoping that Eloise doesn't manifest any powers. Then again, maybe she'd get over herself and regret being such a bitch.) They're going to have to stick together to outsmart those sneaky government spies. Good thing her mother has shown her a new way to communicate!

It's awkward because last weekend's freewrite should have come before this one! Of course, I'm ALSO writing out (or trying to!) this story as a more fully fleshed out story. I just keep getting distracted by life. :)

Thanks for the support and encouragement!

This is great @byn I also can't wait to read the rest :D

Thank you! I'm glad you liked it!

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