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RE: The Punishment: 5 Minute Freewrite, Prompt 'Switch'

in #freewrite6 years ago (edited)

Hah! I almost took "switch" in the same direction... this being my first freewrite I worried that such an approach might be ill advised. Apparently not!

Yes. I most certainly do want to hear what happens after the switch connects with her flesh :D


Yeah, you gotta watch what you write at the beginning. I wrote a lot of horror/murderish type things and I still have a reputation that the other freewriters give me a hard time about! ;) They're a pretty cool bunch of people, though. I look forward to reading yours... and finishing the writing of this one!

NEVER have I given you a hard was all @mariannewest's fault........

really, her's, I would never tease someone about hmmmmmmmm..........stuff LOLLL

and I love your mass killings and horror stories.......think it's even better that you never watch those kind of movies :D


Hah yes that's what I was worried about :D

...and I look forward to reading it!

hahaha - NO!!!!! It is all @snook's fault!! How could it be any different? LOL

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