
in #freewrite6 years ago


"A tisket, a tasket, a green and yellow basket." I muttered the words to the song in my head. I think it was just in my head. My body was rocking back and forth, my arms tight, pulling my knees to my chest as I tried to calm the screaming in my head. "A tisket a tasket..." the song played on a loop.

It seemed to come to mind, to play on this merry go round inside my brain every time someone said those words, "She's just a basketcase"

I could ignore the taunts from the kids at school, from those who didn't know me, but this time it was my own father. I'd overheard him talking to my mother. I know they think I'm crazy. They think I should be locked up and maybe I should, but I don't want to go. I wasn't scared of it until I saw that movie.

The one with the Cuckoo's Nest. You know, the one with Jack Nicholson? That movie terrified me to my core. I suppose in part because I recognized myself in some of those characters. The reality of it is that I probably belong in a place like that... but it won't happen. No one will make me go. If I can just settle the people in my mind enough. If I can be normal enough. If I can take the crazy people in my head and soothe them for just a minute. It will all be okay.

I can just say that I had a really bad dream. That's what I'll tell them, and they'll believe me, because they want to. I mean, it always works, because what kind of parent WANTS to have a crazy child? There isn't a parent in the world who wants to admit it, so I'll look them in the eye and I'll apologize. I'll say that I had a really bad dream and that I lied.

"I was just acting like a crazy person because I wanted attention. I was just play acting, like on the movies," momma. That's what I'll say. I repeat the plan to myself and eventually my body rocks a little less. The voices in my brain are calming down. The little girl is feeling better. She's stopped crying now. I can get out of the closet and it will be okay.

"See? I'm not a basket case at all. I'm just a little girl. No, I'm a big girl and I'm just like all the other girls. Forget all those scary things I said... it'll be just fine."

"Can I go play, now?"


This is a 5 minute freewrite. Here you can find the prompt basket and the rules.


Click the graphic to join the fun



Animation By @zord189

art and flair courtesy of @PegasusPhysics



Click the icons to read some of my other posts!

Storytime Saturday: Love Makes for Hard Choices


Sunday Funnies: Letters from a Boat Cat


Mommy Monday: To My Kids: Let's Talk About Mother's Day


Try Something NEW Tuesday: I entered a design contest


Workout Wednesday: Working Out!


Therapy Thursday: Do Introverts Make Bad Friends?



Photos & graphics are mine except the discord channel logos and they are linked to their source


Wonderful story... and yes quite scary! Now I'll have to binge watch on something funny to get the image of the little girl out of my head!
I won't be bothering you with the new prompt as I'm sure you don't need any encouraging to write!!

She is very mature to know that the teasing of the kids do not matter because they do not truly know her, and it is sad the safety she felt with her parents will now be shattered because of what her father said. She is a strong girl and if she can stick to her plan she might just make it out ok, there is no fight like an inner fight.

Thank you for a great story, with a dose of reality

There isn't a parent in the world who wants to admit it, so I'll look them in the eye and I'll apologize. I'll say that I had a really bad dream and that I lied.

mam how funny post

yes, you can play wishes for you.....great post..@byn... visit my profile,upvote my post, support me,please

Lol. You can play now. Funny post.

This is a very interesting read. am afraid the more she tries to act sane the more obvious the weirdness will become, the mind is a rebel, when you say "don't", it says "I sure will"

This mad me a little sad to think the little girl felt she had to lie to save herself. Great story though. Kept me reading until the end.

What a battle inside her mind but she managed to talk herself out of her situation.

Yet another amazing story from you @byn. I always enjoy reading it. Thank you ;)

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