Day 77 5 Minute Freewrite - Shattered

in #freewrite7 years ago (edited)



"If you have any thoughts, please let me know," the woman says and clicks off, not facing her. Selena watches as she slides the phone down toward the middle of the dining room table (dark, scratched wood, an old vase with a crack through the side of it, her fault–that).

Miss Coriss, she remembers. She seems older than she did when she'd met her just a few hours ago, her face looking almost gaunt, tired.

"It's alright," she says. "We'll keep looking."

Only Selena knew it would be no use. The looking thing. She didn't have anybody else. Not a soul she knew for sure who'd want her. And Sam. She couldn't leave Sam.

She stares at the too-clean spot in the middle of the worn out silk rug, the last thing they got from her grandparents, the ones who'd have wanted to take her in, had they not been too dead to want anything.

She wishes again she'd been there when it happened. Wishes she could have stopped it, the way she had so many times before. But she wasn’t there. And Sam was too little to know what to do with a thing like that.

She stares at the clean spot again, and she can almost picture her there, they way Miss Coriss described it to her afterwards. She can picture her slim arms thrown back, her back arched in a way that nobody still alive can pull off without snapping it like a too-dry branch.

“Hungry?” The woman looks at her, then leans over and grabs the phone, stuffs it into her bag. Selena looks at the oversized canvass thing, thinking how not-pretty it is, drab and gray and not at all the sort of thing a woman should carry, at least not one who considers herself pretty. Mother was. Pretty. The kind of pretty that made her wish she wasn’t.

“Not hungry,” she says, watching the woman’s face fall. “I could go for a cup of coffee though, if we can go see Sam afterwards. I’d like to….” She suddenly can’t find a way to dislodge the words from her throat. A way to make this stranger see how this was all her fault and she is terrified that Sam knows it too, knows that she should have been there. That somebody should have, and she was the only somebody they had left.

“It wasn’t your fault, Selena,” the woman says in a slow, soft way, as if talking to someone much younger.

“I know,” she lies, and slams the door to the apartment hard enough to feel the concrete rattle through her bones.

My little submission for the five-minute freewrite... Something I'm trying to coax myself into doing daily. Today's prompt was: "If you have any thoughts, please let me know." You can find the post announcing it HERE

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This was an amazing #freewrite! I love how you incorporated the prompt into the first line of the story. This is an impressive story for a 5min #freewrite. I felt very attached to the narrator. You have a great voice. My favorite line was,

My mother was. Pretty.
The kind of pretty that made her wish she wasn't.

It put me into the shoes of a woman who may resent her appearance despite her beauty. Possibly because of the unwanted attention from men, or the constant envy from other women.

I also posted a #freewrite for today (Day 77 - "Thoughts"). I'd love if you read it and let me know what you think! I'll definitely be on the lookout for more of your posts =)

Thank you kindly @mkkenny13 and nice to meet you. Read yours and left a tiny comment. Following you for future posts. One wondering soul to another.

Awesome freewrite! I think you'll really enjoy these challenges. I have been surprised to see what comes out of my brain with these prompts, when I don't take time to think on it too much.

You wrote a fascinating story with depth and vivid imagery. Great job!

Thank you so much @byn. Never tried these before - seemed not really doable :-) I'm just glad to be writing again, and maybe, one of these will inspire a longer tale.

Seeing how much writing you got done in 5 minutes, I don't think it's anywhere near undoable for you :)

That's what the freewrites did for me. I finally finished a story that had been sitting stagnant for a long time... and have been inspired to blog more and have several other stories percolating in my brain as well! Good luck to you!

That's fantastic! Congrats. And thank you, again. I'm kind of stuck in the middle of a novel, but a few short stories can't hurt either :-)

That feeling when someone tries to comfort you and you have to lie to comfort them back. So that they'll feel that they were helpful and will just let it go...
To just say that I liked this seems weird. I enjoyed reading it, and I like that it is making my brain go offroading. Thank you for that.

Today I'm stepping in for Marianne.

Thank you kindly:-) And I did today’s already.... ages ago. Almost feeling accomplished

I apologize, I am unable to directly post Friday's prompts in comments until I've left my office for the day. Hopefully we'll be able to find someone who is able to spread the prompt in a more timely fashion soon. After seeing your page, you ought to be feeling accomplished! :)

There is a lot left for me to work on with this freewrite that you wrote in a style that I'm not at all used to. I look forward to reading more of your work and learning new things. 🙂

Thank you so much for reading:-)

Nononono... I need more of this story!

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