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RE: How To Make Your Court Case Irrelevant - Introducing Steemin' Marc Stevens' 'No State Project'.

in #freedom7 years ago

Again I'll repeat. We have to have definitions to communicate. A framework to communicate otherwise all I hear is Charlie Browns teacher talking.

The title to my land isn't based on right or wrong. It's based on conquest and my state defends its jurisdiction and my right to occupy the land to the exclusion of all others.

Ergo, based on the ancient Right of Conquest and the rules set up by the beneficiaries of that Conquest in America, by virtue of its original title and the United States of America's constitution, created a covenant running with the land binding all those who inhabit it either by residence or by occupancy.


A right is simply what is right. Conquest is not right, period. It doesn't matter how many murderers state otherwise.

You're confusing some sort of morality with the results of Conquest. The winners control the rights. And wrongs so to speak. That's how the world works in reality - not the fantasy snowflake world. Just ask the Palestinians. I'm not supporting the Israelíes in their conquest of Palestine but they sure are bringing civilization to the desert there. But you're going to jump into the morality pool of right and wrong again aren't you. Based on some sense of fairness... but that's what the founding fathers of America did for us. Attempted to bring some morality to our code and this is what we got for it today. Snowflakes claiming government in general is illegitimate because he wasn't personally consulted first.

There is a simple equation for balance that applies to everything that exists. Balance is defined as 'no part or aspect overpowering any other'. You can continue to support imbalance, or if you are ready, you can open up to the potential for a far greater way to live - which is actual balance. Without the lived experience, there is no way to know the fruits of real balance and no amount of judging balance to be 'fantasy' will disprove the legitimacy of balance.

If some practice of government upsets your moral code, go find a way to change it.
If it's so engrained that a reset button is needed then go raise an army to affect the change. . Sometimes you have to shove a few weights aside to create the balance you need to be happy.
Once you've been to hell and they let yourself out; every day is a good day above ground.

The ways to create the called for change are already with us and understood by those who will survive here. Balance does not arise through military action - since military action requires imbalance to further it's aims.
There's nothing wrong with force being used in a balanced way, but in that case it will not be perceived so much as force, but rather as rapid and uncontested change.

Balance does not arise from Military Action? Tell that to Panama'. It took a war of words to get the Canal from the US and an agreement to use the Dollar for Currwnvy and It took a war to unseat the Dictator Noriega..... but now Panama is independent and quickly becoming the "Dubai" of the Caribbean.
(Yes the CIA installed Noriega but America saw the error in its ways - Now theirs is an independent republic as well.

The CIA and America certainly did not see 'the error of it's ways' at all. Tons of Cocaine were shipped during that war by the CIA and the Clinton/Bush Crime Syndicates - not only did those arch criminals get away scott free, they became 'heroic presidents' in the minds of the brainwashed and ignorant.

South America has continued to be the victim of economic and military pressure from America - including assassinations of democratically elected leaders.

America also totally fabricated the 'evidence' of WMDs in Iraq for the purposes of creating perpetual war and massive profits for the crime families involved.

So let's not ignore the truth in favour of a cherry picked vision of the glories of murder.

I'm not a cherry picker. Our government is way out of balance. My goal here is to show the legitimacy of its jurisdiction not apologize for its crimes against humanity.

Tell that to the Jews who were liberated from Nazi Death Camps.

Members of my family were among the first to arrive at Belson Camp and I have since met children of numerous people who were in the camps. Some of the survivors have raged that they were not bombed by the RAF to put them out of their misery, some have said that they had no problem at all in the camps. The stories are varied, depending on the unique experiences of those involved.

While balancing such an extreme situation may involve military action (remembering that it was only military action that allowed all of this to occur in the first place) - it is not actually military action that causes the balance, but rather it is the allowance for change among the hearts and minds of those involved. There is always a pathway to achieving this that does not require violence.

Balance is the Key To Reality. I agree with that but it's one of those unachievable goals. There is always a diplomatic solution to every conflict; there has to be to have an end it. Even the Korean War had a diplomatic solution to maintain a ceasefire but sometimes it takes a war to get there. All too often however the warhawks create conflicts to sell weapons and to loan money to the people buying them to pay for them.

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