Coconut Cream Pie-Cake || Pai Krim Kelapa

in #food6 years ago

Good morning everyone...or afternoon....and/or good night 😁

Different time zone is just awesome, right? This is how we know the earth really rotating around the sun, from east to west, from coast to coast. Although for those on distant relationships, time zone isn't much fun. It can be hard keeping up one to another, I guess.


I have a very finger licking good, no, not KFC 🤣 Sorry, I'm silly 🤣 I have coconut cream pie-cake here for celebrating National Cocout Cream Pie Day


I mentioned on Sunday I baked chocolate cake, and knowing today (Tuesday) was going to be coconut cream pie day, I saved some of the cupcakes from Sunday and turned them into this following pie-cake.

So, so good, if you love cream pie and coconut. Since I used cake as the "crust", hence pie-cake 😊 - yeah I'm silly 🤣

Bottom Layer/Crust

Obv. you can use your favorite pie crust instead as mine. Whatever you decide, you should get 3 layers of goodies 😉

Dry Ingredients

• 2 1/2 c flour
• 1 1/2 c sugar
• 3 heaping tbsp cocoa powder
• 2 tsp BSoda
• A pinch or two salt

Wet Ingredients

• 2 c water
• 1/2 c cooking oil
• 2 tbsp vinegar
• 1 tbsp almond essence

How To

  • Preheat oven to 350 F
  • Line cupcake pan with cupcake liners - can also be baked in any shaped of pans
  • Mix dry ingredients in a bowl, make a well in center, then pour in wet ingredients, stir to combine completely, no lumps.



  • Pour into prepared pan and bake for 30 mins for cupcakes (spring back when touched) or 40 for other shaped of pans (until knife inserted in center comes out clean)
  • Cool on rack

Meanwhile, make the coconut cream filling!


  • 1/3 c coconut palm sugar
  • a pinch of salt
  • 3 heaping tbsp cornstarch
  • 1 can thick coconut milk, 400 ml
  • 1 heaping tsp of dessicated unsweetened coconut

How To

  • Place everything into a pot


  • Bring to boil on medium heat, until thickened, stirring continuosly

  • Let cool to room temperature


Meanwhile, let's get back to our chocolate cake!

  • Crumble 6-8 cupcakes (more if you wish, depending on how big your pie plate is)
  • Add in 2 tbsp of unsweetened dessicated coconut


  • Mix in 3 tbsp coconut oil, melted
  • Press mixture on pie plate and freeze for 10 minutes, at least

Now let's make the topping!


  • 1 can thick coconut milk that has been chilled in the fridge for over night. I love arroy-d brand as it is very good for whipping.
  • 3 heaping tbsp icing sugar


How To

  • Empty the whole can of the coconut milk - it should be firm, no liquid, once chilled over night, into a bowl. Add in icing sugar and with electric mixer beat until whipped cream consistency


Coconut Cream Pie

  • Take about 3/4 of the whipped coconut and place into piping bag


  • With the left over, beat it into pudding to combine


  • Take out cake layer from freezer, pour pudding on top, and pipe whipped cream all over
  • Chill before serving

Decoration and Serving

  • Preheat oven to 350 F
  • Toast 2-3 tbsp of dessicated coconut until golden brown


  • Cool to room temperature
  • Sprinkle on pie-cake


  • Serve pie-cake as is or heaven is with caramel sauce!

Enjoy! (@zen-art, how I wish you were here for a slice or two ❤️)

Quicky Caramel Sauce

  • Melt 6 DF soft caramels over stove top
  • Drizzle sauce on pie


this one.jpg

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Helo, helo, helo

Pa kabar teman? Semoga kalian baik-baik saja, dimanapun kalian berada yak 😊

Pagi ini aku mau berbagi resep pai krim kelapa, yang juga merupakan kue. Lah? Kok?


Lazimnya pai kan kres-kres tuh kulitnya, nah kali ini aku pakai remahan kue 😉 Jadinya yah kue-pai deh 🤣

Ada2 saja nih TKF 😁

Eeeiiitss, dicobain deh. Dijamin suka, soalnya emang enak 😉

Bahan Dasar

  • 2 1/2 gelas terigu
  • 1 1/2 gelas gula pasir
  • 3 sdm kakao bubuk
  • sejumput garam
  • 2 sdt soda kue
  • 2 gelas air
  • 1/2 gelas minyak sayur
  • 2 sdm cuka Makan
  • 1 sdm esens kacang almond

Cara Membuat

  • Campurkan bahan kering, lalu masukkan bahan basah, aduk rata
  • Tuang ke loyang cupcake atau bentuk apapun, panggang dalam oven yang sudah di panaskan terlebih dahulu 350 F, selama 30-40 menit

Lapisan Tengah

  • Didihkan hingga mengental, 400 ml santan kental, 3 sdm maizena, dan 1/3 gelas gula semut (palm suiker), serta 1 sdt kelapa parut kering
  • Biarkan dingin suhu ruangan

Cara Bikin Pai

  • Hancurkan 6-8 buah cupcake
  • Tambahkan 2-3 sdm kelapa parut kering
  • Lelehkan 3 sdm minyak kelapa padat, dan tuang Ke kue, aduk rata
  • Tuang campuran ke loyang pai, tekan2 merata
  • Masukkan ke lemari es selama 10 menit
  • Ambil 1 kaleng santan kental siap pakai yang sudah di dinginkan semalaman di lemari es - untuk memadatkan santan. Buka kaleng dan tuang isinya Ke mangkuk, kocok bersamaan 3 sdm gula bubuk
  • Ambil 3/4 bagian krim dan masukkan ke kantung segitiga
  • Kocok sisa krim bersamaan lapisan tengah
  • Keluarkan loyang pai dari kulkas, tuang lapisan tengah, dan semprotkan krim. Dinginkan sebelum disajikan.
  • Hias pai dengan taburan kelapa sangrai, dan jika mau, sajikan dengan saus karamel

Mantap deh 👍



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I will try for cooking this cake.Thanks for this post.

Thanks for visiting, let me know how it turns up for you 😊

Uuuummmmmmmmmmm....👌 tempting...looks very delicious.. @thekitchenfairy. U got send a slice ...😉

Im still trying to figure out how to send it over my phone screen to your screen without messing the pie AND my screen 😉 was sweet..though😉

These pictures are making my mouth water!

Quick! Grab a tissue, just in case!

I 🤣

Sounds nice, even it is very difficult to find coconut in my country :(

Really? I thought i saw some coconut covered turkish delights while visiting Turkey, not many coconut there, hey, interesting!

Yes in Turkey they have coconuts and I was buying the flakes when I was there. Now I am back to Tunisia and we rarely get it here :(

Mau tidur.. cemilannya muncul.. duhhh hahaha

Pengantar tidur ki mas 🤣

It was good. I love everything coconut 😊

howdy thekitchefairy! I wish I was there for the whole pie!
do you make up all these national holidays?? lol seems to be alot of
bakery goods holidays all of a sudden. Not that I'm against it, I think everyday should be a holiday for a different bakery item.
you're so fun! me thinks you were made for this platform.

Ah not at all

We actually dont have all these national days i posted, but you, Americans do!

National Day Calendar, if you Google, you will find the website

Its all American days 😊

oh, what are we...a bunch of gluttons??
I blame it on the Canadians, they make us hungry with all their
delicious recipes!

Oh honey, can I adopt you? 😁
I bet this is super delicious.
I would take care of you and all you would have to do is cook for me, what do you say? Want to move to another continent? 😁

I am such a sucker for sweets, this would not last long at my place. Thank you for sharing your skills again 💚💚💚

I have to politely decline

My adoptive family wont be happy if another family tries to adopt me, i dont think

Besides, i already have too many PR statuses in a couple of countries, someone bound to think im somekind of undercover boss 🤣


Oh well, I had to ask ... 🤣

Oh this looks delish! Coconut cream pie is one of my favorites... I never make it though, because my husband hates coconut. Can you believe that?! I could make it anyway, but that would mean that it would just be the kids and I eating it... so basically, just me. Not good. lol
I love the idea of using up cake for the crust, too!

We should have coconut party, just us and our kids, ditch the hubhubs🤣

Ha! That sounds great to me! I love all the coconut!

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