A Big Bowl of Chili ~ Maybe a Couple of Bowls!

in #food7 years ago

Chili is one of our all time favorite meals. We have it at least 1-2 x month. For me, I have made it so often that it is easy and I make it different every time. All depends on what I have on hand.


I start by browning ground beef and add in some onions and bell peppers. Sometimes I add in celery or carrots. Then I add in a can of crushed tomatoes, tomato sauce and kidney beans. Some people don't add beans but I always have. And, sometimes I don't have kidney beans so I add white beans. Add in my seasonings of garlic, oregano, chili powder, smoke paprika, cumin and some red pepper flakes for a little heat. There are different chili powders out there and they do have different flavors and heat so I love playing around with the spices. Stir, bring to a simmer and cook for 30-40 minutes.


So easy one pot meal. The leftovers are even better! I love it.


Chili is so good served with rice or pasta BUT our all time favorite is with a scoop of mashed potatoes!!! Yep, if you never have tried chili over a scoop of mashed potatoes...you must give it a try. Definite comfort food.

I usually garnish with cheese, green onions, a dab of sour cream and served with some tortilla chips.

Hope this gives you an idea of what to make for dinner. Have a good day and enjoy.

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Please UPVOTE and FOLLOW ME. Thanks so much and have a good day. Tess :)


Thank you ! 🌶 I also will have a look to your other recipes.

Oh my gosh that looks amazing!! Never tried over mashed potatoes but I'm adding that to the top of my "must try" list! Mmm

You have to try! It is amazing. My family has always served chili that way. Not sure if it is a Pennsylvania Dutch thing? but it is good. Enjoy.

Looks delicious, thanks for the great inspiration ♥
I love to use green spelt instead of beef for the vegan version ;)

I was raised that chili and spaghetti go together. My dad's family is from Ohio which is where that came from.

Oh yes, chili and spaghetti are good. I also sometimes put chocolate in there. :)

They call it Cincinnati chili. Its good.

Oh didn't know that was the name haha

You just can't beat a big bowl of Chili from time to time !! xx

One of my faves!

Happy Monday!

Thanks @artedellavita You have a happy Monday as well :)

This looks so easy and delicious! I will totally try it! And I love the way you put the cheese on top! Great presentation! Thanks!

By the way, I am following you now! Thanks!

Following you right back! Thanks and have a great day. Tess

Oh, I appreciate that! Have a great day!

I'm not the biggest fan of beans, but I'm liking the cheese I see on that big dish of chilli :)

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