Homemade Black Bean BROWNIE Recipe ♥ And WINNER of 200 Follower Giveaway | Glutenfreie Schokobrownies

in #food7 years ago (edited)

37. Black Bean Brownies.jpg

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Hello my fellow Steemian foodies 💚

Today I’m sharing a super fudgy and chocolaty brownie recipe with you plus I am announcing the winner of my 200+ follower giveaway. Thank you so much to everyone for your upvotes, your lovely comments and resteems!!!

If you’re looking for a healthy, vegan and gluten free alternative to chocolate brownies you should definitely try this version with black beans. It’s not only super delicious but a real protein bomb 😉

Prep time: 50 min
Portions: 10


  • 300 g black beans, cooked
  • 2 tbsp flax seeds, soaked in 8 tbsp of water
  • 80 g cocoa poweder, unsweetened
  • 3 tbsp coconut oil, melted
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 tsp ground vanilla
  • 1,5 tsp baking powder
  • 8 tbsp date syrup and a handful of soaked dates to sweeten
  • some drops of plant milk or water
  • crushed walnuts as a topping


  • Put the cooked beans into a large bowl.
  • Blend the flax seeds and the water into a sticky jelly.
  • Add the “flax eggs” and the other ingredients to the beans and blend everything until smooth.
  • Add some drops of water or plant milk, if needed.
  • Add more sweetener, if needed.
  • Grease a baking dish with some coconut oil and distribute the dough evenly.
  • Bake for around 30 minutes at 180 degrees Celsius.
  • Depending on the desired consistency bake longer or shorter.
  • Add some crushed walnuts as a topping and enjoy warm or cold.

Can’t wait for you to try this recipe and let me know in the comments how you like it 😊

Please don't forget to follow, upvote, & resteem, if you liked this recipe 💚

Also, check out some of my other delicious and healthy vegan recipes:

And the winner is…🎉🎉🎉

And now I’m pleased to announce the winner of my 200+ follower giveaway.

I created a list of everyone who entered and copied it into an online random name picker to make it as fair as possible.

37. Random name picker.jpg

And the winner is…

@govegan 👏👏👏

37. Random name picker-1.jpg

You won the 5 SBD I made in the SteemitPhotoChallenge!
Thanks everyone for reading my posts, upvoting, commenting and resteeming. I’m so happy to be part of this wonderful community and can’t wait until the next milestone and another giveaway to give somtheing back to you 💚



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Upvote! Nice post! By the way, did you know: grapes explode when you put them in the microwave, lol:D

Thank you so much, I'm happy you like it ♥
Ha ha :-)

I love brownies 💚 and your recipes too. ;)

Thanks so much, happy to hear that :D

Congrats on 200 Followers. WOOHOO!!!!!!!

Thank youuu so much Jac ♥

Yummy and nutritious 🌸💖🌸

Thanks Lena :) I hope you'll try them :)

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