Shortest Horror Stories 4 - @merej99

in #flashfiction8 years ago

Driving on the long stretch of I-90 heading toward Montana with little to no sleep for three days, I had my eyes set on the Rocky Mountains far off in the distance, yet they never seemed to get any closer no matter how fast I drove.

I'd already passed the Black Hills of South Dakota and the Devil's Tower in Wyoming when I felt the beginnings of out of body experiences, which I attributed to sleep deprivation more than anything.

The locals at some rundown diner I'd stopped at for gas and coffee a few hundred miles back spoke about an old Arapaho ghost they called hisei bo'oo nih-eyoo - The lady of the long road.

Laughing off their talismans, I hit the road without a second thought.

But as I looked in the rear-view mirror, dead, hollow eyes were looking back - and the slumped, lifeless body of someone looking strangely like me was in the back seat.

The End

  • I found an online Arapaho dictionary, but I'm sure I slaughtered the language, so please excuse the loose translation. Lady of the Long Road, to my knowledge is a figment of my imagination and not of any folklore.

Check out some of my other flash fiction!

Crime & Horror

Shortest Horror Stories
Shortest Horror Stories 2
Shortest Horror Stories 3
Come Out & Play With Me
The Dream


A Short Erotic Tease
Belisama - The Lady of the Inlet
The Roommate

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witchy merej99
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Beautiful work as always, thanks for sharing other shiny material, aprecioso your words and your time to visit my post. Congratulations

@jlufer, you are my most ardent fan & commenter.
Te aprecio

Not bad. Especially when it's pitch black and under the covers. Spooky.

I do love a good spooky story. And they're great year round because once Halloween season is over, we just call them Campfire stories...or... at least I do. :D

This is a very fun and creative project. Plus it's the exact amount of scary that I can handle... Which is not a lot because I'm a total scaredy cat.

You are so funny @hanshotfirst!
How ever did you survive childhood with scary campfire stories? LOL

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