Being Flagged for No ReasonsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #flaggot8 years ago (edited)

I Have been Receiving Flags for No Reason - User @Noganoo is trying to Censor me and is a Flaggot

Go Look at my blog posts and notice because I disagreed with a certain individual, that I have received a bunch of random flags with no explanation, and no legit reason. This is tantamount to censorship. I joined steemit to get to an open platform that people respected and did not misuse their flags. If this is how it is going to be on here, then this platform will fail like every other platform. If douche bags can just flag for no reason, they will whenever their feelings are hurt. I have yet to flag anyone yet who hasn't violated the terms of service agreements. Flagging for differences of opinion is so pathetic and childish it is embarrassing.

This also highly indicates that a certain user @noganoo on Steemit is using bots to flag my account multiple times. I was going to get into a flag war, but honestly I don't believe in censorship. Unlike this faggot who is using sock puppet accounts to flag my blog. No one flagged any of my articles till this flaggot got mad that I made fun of Alex Jones. Too damn bad it's called Freedom of Speech, obviously something @noganoo doesn't believe in.

I would suggest anyone who values freedom of Speech and keeping this platform open not support flagging people for no legit reason. Differences of opinion don't equal a flag.

Seriously, does anyone think this is right to do? I think Freedom of Speech should be honored and flags should not be used in the manner that this douchebag is using them.


same thing, some dude called nippel66 flagged my photos for no reason

i got flagged today by bullionstacker after they advertised their hashtag whalepower for anyone to use. i still don't know why i got flagged. i dont think its fair for others to become bullies because they have more influence on the site. Like seriously
can anyone tell me what is wrong with my post?

I am so sorry that you are going through this Titusfrost.
I have been flagged a few times for no valid reasons.
In some people's minds I am "dangerous" because I question what they believe is unquestionable and they want to punish me.
I haven't even ever been rude to people or swore at them -- I go above and beyond to be reasonable and polite even when they start the attack -- but for some people nothing works.
Thankfully those people eventually moved on and did not continue to flag more than a few posts.
I am sad to see that Noganoo keeps flagging each and every new post that you do and can't seem to get that offense he feels out of his system.
PLEASE, keep posting your articles here on Steemit.
So far, the flags have never been enough to block out your posts. I don't think they are affecting your financial rewards too greatly (although I haven't looked too closely.)
I have wanted to quit Steemit at times, especially after one seemingly well-respected Steem account said that he wished my children would die -- but I took a break and then jumped back in, and fortunately my attackers moved on for the most part.
I imagine that Noganoo will move on too. As you can see, I requested him to stop and I hope that he listens. I have often voted for him and he usually votes for me ... but I had to speak out as some of us must try to help moderate situations like these.

I don't understand why noganoo behaves the way she or he does. This is where the reputation system fails us somewhat. I can appreciate how frustrating it is to be targeted by misguided judgement and spite. I'll try to upvote you when I catch your posts to help redress the balance somewhat. I don't use bots atm so bear with me :)

We need a mechanism to counteract unfair flagging


What's extra sad though, is when those of us trying to tell the truth, start attacking each other.
Noganoo has voted for many of my "truth" posts, and I have voted for him.
But then when titusfrost and noganoo have one area of disagreement, even though they probably agree on a lot, it all falls apart and everyone keeps causing offense and getting offended.
I made some comments here to moderate, and I hope that they can both work it out.

@canadian-coconut sorry, but I am not going to tolerate censorship. This kid isn't a truther if he is employing censorship because he can't handle criticism. I have not flagged one thing of his, he has flagged countless unrelated articles of mine and used sock puppet accounts to increase the flag number. He is clearly violating steemit terms of service.

Absolutely, do not tolerate censorship on speaking your mind and sharing what your research has discovered!
I am with you on this titusfrost.
But realize that noganoo does not speak for Steemit. Steemit is still in Beta stage, and they continue to figure things out and work out glitches. Don't give up yet. It is a growing and learning curve for Steemit. You have enough people supporting you here that your message is not being censored or unavailable to the viewers.

I have seen this type of behavior before though. Just recently on an anti-vaccine group I was told by another member that "my heart was black" because I promoted the "VaxXed" movie, because at the ending just before the credits there is a list of demands and one is to make the 3 individual measles, mumps, and rubella vaccines available again (so that people have a choice since the MMR is extra dangerous.)
So basically, I wasn't anti-vax enough for her. Unless one subscribed to her approach 100% they were killing kids, and she said I was killing kids by promoting a film that in realty was only about fraud at the CDC related to the MMR Vaccine, and is not an anti-vax movie but an anti-fraud movie.
That was extra hard for me to take, because I figured we were on the same side.

My point is, that for SOME PEOPLE, you can agree on 99% of the issues, but the 1% that you disagree on makes you an enemy to them.
I'm not sure what % of the issues noganoo agrees with you on -- maybe it's only 50% or maybe it's 99% -- but it is extra sad to me when a 1% difference is enough to make someone that should be an ally into your enemy.

Thanks for the support gizmosia! I appreciate it.

I used to flag but with explanations. Normally, when people put 'steem' or 'steemit' when the post isn't meta at all. I don't bother doing this, now. Since the tag limit has been implemented, I have not seen any posts that are really off topic.

Now, I have been flagged also without explaination. It happened when I was reporting technical problems. It's rather bothersome to me. The flag makes people are less likely to come and help me. For those who have a chance to make $200 from a post it must be even worse.

What's to stop say Alefantis from paying or even funding a minnow to flag you until only your followers see you? I'll continue reading your stuff. If you can recommend others that I should follow, I will add them as well.

The bad news is, the haters are going to hate.

Flagging completely unrelated posts that are in regards to exposing pedophiles that are operating in plain sight on youtube. Trying to censor that information because you are mad I don't like Alex Jones.

That is some of the biggest bullshit I have ever encountered in my life. I am making a video to document this and I will be publishing it on youtube with everyone of you that has been flagging me along with this kid. Hope you enjoy being youtube famous for being absolute thin skinned douchebags.

I just looked at Steemdb to see what happened with the other 8 flaggers.
All flags occured at the very same time.
I closely checked out 3 of the 8, and they are all real people/bloggers.
They also all have very low voting power, meaning that they are voting on lots and lots of posts.
My conclusion is that they have set up a bot to follow noganoo for some reason. (maybe he earns good curation rewards)
... and they have no idea that noganoo has flagged you.
I then checked my last post that noganoo voted on too, and all the same 8 people voted on my post at the same moment. Funny thing is that one of them is a pediatrician who would probably be appaled that his vote went to "anti-vax" articles ... ha ha
So if you are going to do a Youtube rant about this flagging, don't call out the other accounts.

I have likely set myself up to lose 9 votes now on future posts ... sigh ... but doing the right thing is always worth it.

@canadian-coconut replying here because it's nested 6 deep. You're welcome :) I know doctors who import the separate vaccines for their kids. Parents can and should do that via their doctors. it's possible but there's little awareness.

You saw what I did when Matrix flagged my post. If someone does it to you, why not do it back? I would never do it first but if someone wants to curtail my ability to communicate to more people out of spite by flagging me, then absolutely.

That is a very slippery slope.

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