5 Facts About Me - Yet another Steemit challenge! :)
For some reason these Steemit challenges keep coming my way.
This is the second time I have been challenged; so, I can already see some sort of pattern in my reaction. First, SHOCK!; second, the conviction of politely turning the request down. But, in this case, how can one say no to @ruth-girl?! (in the same way I would never say no to my dear @karecarrens) One simply can’t! Even more so when you are like me...
You see, I find difficult saying no to people (one fact about me right there!). But, hang on a second! This doesn’t mean I never say no. I better make this clear here before things go crazy. Anyway, my dear @ruth-girl, even if saying no was an easy thing for me; I wouldn’t say no to you anyway!
So, off we go, with a couple of facts about my past and three about my present. Brace yourselves.
I had a wooden clothes’ peg as a pet when I was 8-9 years old.
Oh yeah! His name was Archimedes and he was my best friend in the world for over a year. It all started like this: I saw a broken wooden clothes’ peg in our garden (the part that had the metal piece) and placed it on my index finger - you know, as when one has a little bird sitting on the index finger. But still .... there was something missing. So, later that day I drew a little smile on it and voalá, meet Archimedes. I took him everywhere with me! I introduced him to my friends, family and all my other toys. We were inseparable until the day he died, which was a very sad one indeed. Archimedes died of a lethal fall. He had fallen many times before, but on that day the wooden piece came apart from the metal one. I was in shock! After the funeral, I buried him in the garden, my brother helped me through that and also to move on. May Archimedes rest in peace.
I lived through an 8.8 magnitude earthquake.

I am a serial planner.

I allocate time for everything. Not only do I already have my entire next week planned in my diary, but I also have the week after that all figured out! I allocate time for everything and follow my schedule quite strictly. For example, ever since I joined Steemit I take a couple of hours in the evening from Mon. to Thu to chat in the steemSTEM.chat, browse my favourite tags and prepare my weekly article, which since Christmas I have been posting on Fridays. The great advantage of having such a habit is that I do manage to meet my deadlines and comply with my commitments without stress or dramas. However, as it is sometimes the case: the unexpected happens. Oh boy! Do I have a problem with last minute things and unexpected events? Yep. I can find myself rather overwhelmed by something that literary is not the end of the world, but just because it was not in my diary booked for 14:30 it can really distress me.
Why am I posting today? Some last minute thing just came up for tomorrow! Ahhhhhhhhhhhh. 😨
I sleep talk & sleep walk.

Sleeping for me is not an easy deed. Some of you already know I am an insomniac. On top of that, when, as if by a miracle, I manage to fall asleep, the tossing and turning begins as well as the talking and occasionally the walking. I was not an insomniac as a kid, but the sleep walking stories go waaaayyy back to the time when I was a child. It must be something that runs in my family (the talking) because I remember this occasion when I was in a hotel room with my mother, it was past midnight and she had been sleeping for a while (I was reading), when she suddenly began to laugh hysterically with her eyes wide open. My brother also has his share of stories. As for me, well, let’s just say that my husband and I learnt we must keep the front door locked at night and hide the key in a place where I cannot easily reach.
I cook some delicious meals & desserts.
There are a few months during the year when life is not so busy for me and I find myself with some extra time. So, by now, you already know how this goes, right? YES. I book in lots of things to do that includes reading books, extra yoga sessions and .... cooking! I truly love cooking! So, this is normally how this goes for me when it comes to trying a new recipe: I eat something scrumptious in a restaurant and then try to emulate it at home. The fun already starts when I begin to browse the net for the recipe. I also enjoy buying the ingredients and whatever utensil I need to make the magic happen. When the day comes, I turn my music on and enjoy every minute of the process. Here are the photos of some of the recipes that turned out successful!
Who am I challenging?
Dear @karecarrens I would love to see a post with 5 facts about you 😊
Dear reader, in case you have made this far I am truly appreciative! But now, I cannot help but ask you: do we have anything in common? We must do! So, please let me know if, like me, you find difficult dealing with the unexpected, if there is a recipe you’ve nailed and impressed all your family members and friends with; or if you have been through a really scary experience. Well, you get it!
@abigail-dantes, I happily pick up the gauntlet you have thrown down and will prepare my post! And, this is coming from someone who is never afraid to say NO. 🤣
What you shared was awesome! I thought to myself how it seems our husbands were given the gift of sound sleep 😴 while we were given the gift of being able to watch them sleep 😩.
Seeing your post this morning came as a nice surprise, since I didn't expect to see it until later today. Hooray for the unexpected 🤩
To come to your question first, it doesn't look like we have much in common, but its the difference, that makes it all the more interesting in my opinion. I like the story of Archimedes. Also, because the ancient genius is one of my favorite figures in history. Interesting, how a 8-9 year old girl would come up with such a name! When I was little, I already liked technical stuff and created all kinds of weird vehicles with my Lego and other construction kits.. and had imaginary friends steer them around. Its nice, to read about such strong imagination and how you got into it to the very end.
The only earthquakes I have ever experienced were a few unexciting moves of the ground in California. Coming from "solid ground" in southern Germany, it was rather unusual for me and the thought of it maybe getting stronger was quite scary.
Hahaha... really had to laugh about the way, you "abandoned" your husband... I take it, it all went well in the end. Just saw a really interesting documentary about Beijing's forbidden City and how they built these massive buildings in a way so they could withstand even the strongest earth quakes.
I gave up detailed planing a long time ago. Something unexpected always comes along and that really throws me off track then. When go to bed, and thank god, I have a sound sleep, in the few minutes before I "pass out" I make a rough plan for the next day... usually like: "tomorrow I want to paint all day".. of course, first thing in the morning is my wife, needing a door handle fixed down in her café and this develops into some major project til noon..
When you are not affected by it, a person walking and talking in their sleep always appears a little funny. I am aware, that it might not be after all, but right away, I have these movie scenes in front of my inner eye, when someone does things in their sleep and then doesn't remember any of it the next day. When I was young, I had a girlfriend who talked in her sleep. Was strange at first, because thinking she was awake, I'd respond to what she was saying... but then she continued talking about something completely different and the conversation was kind of.. absurd. With time I got it though.
I used to always cook lunch. The meal in the middle of the day is traditionally the main one in Germany. The thing I always hated about it was the grocery shopping... Things changed here too and so dinner is the bigger one most of the days. Your creations look so delicious and although I usually have no appetite in the morning (which it is here now) I'm starting to get hungry just by looking at your photos... which brings me back to your question, if we have something in common...
Finally, I found something: You too are an artist 🤩
Ha! I see what you're doing here ... very smart indeed :)
Not everyone can handle differences. It is a beautiful thing indeed, to develop an interaction and why not to say a friendship with people unlike us. They can offer so much. Like you have been offering me @reinhard-schmid through your beautiful comments and invaluable interaction. For some reason I am not surprised at all to hear about the ingenious and imaginative side of your childhood. A trait that has never left you :)
This would be enough to seriously upset me and ruin my entire day! She is very lucky to have you as a husband. I know that because my husband is just like you. Yet, I still haven't learnt from him. I suppose we give each other balance in this regard :)
Well, you can see how this doesn't really affect my husband. Specially after you learnt he sleeps through an 8.8. magnitude earthquake. what is my talking and tossing and turning compare to that? Nothing! 😂
Lunch has always been our main meals and I do prefer have my bigger meals earlier in the day anyway. I have found that eating big portions at night is yet something else that prevents me from sleeping well :/
I am SO pleased to hear you liked my photos and feel incredibly flatted to think I am an artist too! This is truly nice of you :)
Lots of love to you my dearest!
All the best always.
I didn't leave a comment yesterday when I first read because I couldn't point to a single thing and say "Yay, I got this in common with you!". However, I find your experiences and habits inspirational. I wish I could get organized and act on plans like you, rather than doing things as they happen in random order. I will think more about this, and maybe start planning everything myself too. I hope not to go through an earthquake or any other natural disasters, nor I would want to sleepwalk or talk. But I sure want to up my game in cooking. I do enjoy cooking, but don't have enough confidence to share yet. Maybe one day I will :)
I really like your writing style. Thank you for sharing 5 things about yourself. You are brave!
Dearest @geekgirl, please let me tell you how grateful I feel when I see a comment from you on one of my posts ❤️
This is a truly wonderful thing to hear and it makes posting this article all the more worth it.
Meanwhile ... I really respect people who can keep their cool and get on with whatever life brings them!
It will be great to see some of your 'cooking project'. Whenever you're ready, you already know there is at least one someone here (me) looking forward to seeing it.
I could never thank you enough for your consistent, invaluable support and encouragement!❤️
Yep! The things I have been doing here lately. I think Steemit put a spell on me :)
One thing your pet Archimedes should have been proud of was that he was unique!
An 8.8 earhquake can be really scary. You're very lucky becuase most people would not be able to write about such a powerful earthquake. By the way, sleep walking can also be a bit scary, especially if you are on a mountain or some place where there is danger or risk lurking nearby.
Writing down to dos in a diary does wonders. I know because I used to for many years, and have to get back to it soon. I had thought of taking a break from my diary but the break never ended, lol.
So many facts about yourself - that is one good post!
He was unique indeed @maxabit! Thank you for pointing that out about him 😂
Well, let's say that you almost described one of my sleep walking events! That is why nowadays my husband hides the front door key when we go to bed at night.
I don't know how to get on with my daily obligations through any other way. It does work for me.
I am glad you liked this post @maxabit! You are truly sweet and you never fail to leave your encouraging words here on my posts. All the best to you always :)
Wonderful sharing, Abigail! I like to be organized like you, but I always end up working in chaos. I prepare my planners and everything, and look at me, it's 13th and I'm only now writing my New year resolutions. :D Good thing is I'm always ready for unexpected to happen. :)
Your recipes look delicious! I like cooking myself, but nowhere near your level. :) I'm sure we have many things in common though that we just haven't figured out yet!
@alcibiades!!!! ❤️😍❤️
Well, our passion for music is the first thing that I can think of that we have in common. Also, I did suspect you enjoyed cooking! I am so pleased you liked the photos of my meal and desserts! They are all pretty straight forward to make :)
So, let’s do the following... you teach me how to be more sponteanous and cope with the unexpected and I will give you a few tips on how to start following up your plans. It looks like you are already half way there, considering you prepare your planners!
Thank you so much for taking the time to read my post and leave a lovely comment my dear Alcibiades 😘
Hello my friend. I loved this revealing post about yourself. Your friend the clothespin and the sad burial at the end. It’s kind of a sad story about your best friend.
The mountains of Chile! What an incredible place to be during an earthquake. Is your husband still there where you left him?
All kidding aside. I had a feeling you are an organized planner. Actually you are pretty much all of the things I am not. That being said...... It is not unusual to enjoy people that are more or less opposites. Usually there is a common ground where the fun and sharing take place. You have a gift of love and sharing that makes me want to be a better person. Love you for that my friend.🐓🐓
Ahahahaha .... nope, thank goodness he is here with me! 😂 After I left the cabin he came after me. We just sat there on a stone, watching the bright sky. That was a beautiful, scary, surreal night that we will never forget!
I love the fact that we are different @mother2chicks ❤️ You live in a very special place in my heart! 😊 Have a wonderful weekend!
I feel like I know you much better now! I sometimes talk in my sleep, too, but only if I'm really stressed. The first time I flew in an airplane (not the first time, but the first in several years) I was talking about the flight that night in my sleep! But it sounds like sleep talking for you is just pretty normal. I've only walked in my sleep once (that I know of). But that sounds pretty scary and I'm glad you keep your door locked! But have you ever unlocked the door in your sleep?
Oh nooo ... so many people are scared of flying! My brother was when he was younger, but he overcame his fear. Yes, I have walked twice out of the house. Well, once out of that very cabin in the mountain and another time I walked out of our apartment. I also, every now and then, wake myself up in the living or at my desk ... las time was a couple of months ago. I am pretty used to it nowadays.
All the best to you @geke 😘
I laughed with Archimedes. How innocent and frugal can children be sometimes.
It's nice to meet a serial planner with sleeping disorders (I have a sister that sleeptalks, it's scary!). Are you sure Archimedes died and you didn't kill him in your sleep? :P
Thank you for doing this for me @abigail-dantes! I really enjoyed learning new things about you!
Lots of love! ❤️❤️❤️
A homage to Archimedes @ruth-girl! How sweet of you ❤️
Yep, this is me right here :)
As for Archimedes, my brother also witnessed the fall! That was a difficult afternoon, it brings tears to my eyes just to think about it :P
You constantly seem to amaze me, when I think I have some of you figured out there you go ahead just adding to an everlasting journey of adventure into the life of @abigail-dantes.
At 8-9 years I as well had some aaah do I say "unique pets" but what really shocked me was not that your pet was a peg but that you named it "Archimedes" - at 8-9years I couldn't even spell "Archimedes". (no jokes) let alone know who he was.
My poor dear brother, please tell him I know what he is going through, and he has moral support my girlfriend would have the same.(lol)
I have a cousin that had a similar issue with sleepwalking and I remember when he was 10 years old, he started to sleepwalk while his parents where watch television in the lounge, so my cousin sleepwalked into the lounge and drop his pants and peed on the television and in his sleep went back to bed. The next morning when my cousin tried to put the television on and realised it doesn't work, his parents kindly explained to him why:) I hope you haven't had any similar incidents or maybe if you had you can share them:)
And finally master chef!
I am addicted to roast chicken and I love to make it, I have like about 10 different combinations of spices that I use, I totally learnt how to cook by watching Food Network and really enjoy it as well:)
Gosh your presentation of the food in restaurant quality, you take pride in everything you do!!!!
Thank you for sharing a little more of the gracious, sweet, brilliant Abigail-dantes.
@zest! You are a man of your word! Thank you for taking the time to leave this most amazing, funny reply.
My husband felt really comforted indeed in knowing he is not on his own in this cruel world, where people like me show their true colors in such events! :PI would; but you see Zest, I run out of facts. The limit is 5! :P Crazy story, I laughed SO hard. Tell your cousin I send him all my love and compassion :)
Lots of love to you ❤️