Let’s get this fitness challenge started! Who's In!

So looks like so far we do have a few people interested in this fitness challenge I proposed HERE and a few minor adjustment have been proposed which should make it more fun for everyone.


I think we should run it as a head to head contest as well as a personal contest.

Everyone will pledge whatever amount they feel comfortable with to help motivate them but it will also affect your possible winnings at the end. The max will be 50SBD. Let’s only use SBD to keep it simple as well. So if the starting pot is 200SBD and I pledge 50SBD, I would be eligible to win 25% of the pot if I meet my goal in the end.

Everyone will also make their own personal goal based on any of the three metrics or any combination of them. The minimum would be a change of 5% to at least one metric, but you can make higher goals if you want to be more motivated. That means if you already have a body like Adonis like @goldenarms you can only pledge to see a gain in your baseline exercise or resting HR, etc.

If you achieve your goal at the end you will win you share(as above) of 75% of the pot based on your contribution.
The other 25% will be awarded to the three overall(50% first, 30% second and 20% third) winners based on all three metrics combined regardless of any initial pledge.

The metrics are;

Percentage Weight Loss

We would just use the total amount lost, divided by starting weight to determine everyone's percentage of loss for comparison.

Resting Heart Rate

I think this is the simplest marker of health and fitness for everyone to use, we would just once again use the percentage of change over the course of the competition.

Running/Exercise Time

I was thinking of lastly using a percentage of improvement to a few standard options for exercise. Like a 5km walk/run (outside/treadmill) or something we decide is equivalent in a swim, bike or any other stationary equipment. Something that takes approx 30 minutes as a baseline. We can use pace or total time to complete or distance covered in 30 minutes or whatever you prefer as long as we keep it consistent for each participant.


My Goals

My goals are a Resting HR under 55, Weight under 180lbs and 5km run would be a pace of 5:30
With my starting values of HR 65, Weight 193lbs and run 6:29, I would be looking at a percentage of 14.4%, 6.7% and 15.1%.

I know I’ve set some ambitions goals, but that’s where I used to be and plan to get back there and If I don’t achieve that minimum there’s a nice chunk to fund everyone else. I am also pledging the max 50SDB.

I will make a contest post every 2 weeks on a Monday which will also include my personal updates, and then everyone will have 3 days to make their own posts. There were some people that would prefer not to make a post on their blog so making a comment with you progress on the main post would also be sufficient. If people fail to make a post or comment with there progress they will be eliminated. I will also add all the SBD earned by each of these 2 week posts (as well as this one) to the pot for everyone to win as well. Others are welcome to do the same but it will not be mandatory. Any additional funds sent along the way will be a donation to the pot and not affect the original pledge amount and winning %. Let’s also start using the tag #fitnesschallenge for any update or contest related posts.


I hope this all makes sense and there's still time for minor adjustments and don't hesitate to ask for any clarifications if this doesn't make sense.

Otherwise it looks like some friends over and MSP will be able to help with holding the funds for us and I’ll have details in the coming days. We’ll give everyone 2 weeks to make their first post and there first payment and I also think we can continually accept any new registrants along the way since they will all be handicapped by having less time. Please go ahead and share this post or make your own post and let everyone know about this and maybe it can get huge.

The following people have expressed an interest in participating.

It will run from now until March 5th which will be a full 3 months so pace yourselves and make sustainable lifestyle changes and we’ll all come out of this much healthier.

Footer by @bearone


I did start a few months back and since running my half marathon, my weight has ballooned back up. Im now more jabba the Hutt than man(its not a pretty sight). Can we not wait till after Christmas as my weight gain in December is legendary!!

Haha, this way everyone will have to take it easy during the holidays too, you can always join in Jan and hit it extra hard!

Nice. I'll be following :) follow me too because very soon I'll start with training plans on @streemit.

Awesome I'll keep a look out.

Beep! Beep! This humvee will be patrolling by and assisting new veterans, retirees, and military members here on Steem. @shadow3scalpel will help by upvoting posts from a list of members maintained by @chairborne and responding to any questions replied to this comment.

Good luck with this initiative! Lots of positive things could come from this type of challenge with a Steem Support Group/Team!

Thx man, looking forward to it, I think it'll start growing as more ppl commit.

@phelimint are you fronting the initial 200SBD or did that come from a donor? If they want to remain anonymous that's fine, but I don't mind splitting some of the reward pool with you (by that I mean donating some money so the 200 SBD isn't coming all from you. I reread this and realized it sounded like I was wanting to run away with half the funds with you and that's not what I meant). Send me a discord message if you want.

May want to provide some sort of explanation on how to take a resting heart rate. I guess I could just google it, but my lazy way was just going to hop on a treadmill start walking and take my heart rate based on what the macine tells me.

I probably shouldn't take my heart rate right now as I've downed an energy drink and 2 cups of coffee, so will post my starting stats later this week.

The 200sbd was just an example, there's nothing in the pot yet but my own 50sbd pledge and this posts Sbd payout.

As for resting heart rate, I'd say sit comfortably and wait at least 5 mins to settle. Then take you pulse on your neck or wrist for 15, 30 or 60seconds. If you use 15 then multiply by 4 and if 30 then multiply by 2.

Awesome thanks!

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Great challenge buddy!
I will follow you blog and I'm looking forward to updates.
I will do fitness posts as well on my blog. Today I published my first post about fitness/health.
Have a nice weekend! :)

Thanks man, I'll have to take a look.

I'm totally in!

(Sorry, I was away from the interwebs during the holiday.)

So... question: Regarding the last option: Running/Exercise Time.

I don't really... run... Lol!
However, I DO enjoy hilarious dance workouts.

Right now, I'm about DEAD at 6 minutes. LOL. Could my goal be to be able to GET through 30+ minutes of cardio without dying?

I'm actually planning to jog/walk... but not run so much. I have only mountain trails to use (which is good cause I hate walking/running on cement).

I suppose I need to do some research on what is safe to lose in three months... 😏 I'd like to get back down to before, but that may be a little much at first.

I'll stay tuned for the update post and get my intro post ready to go.

Thanks for organizing this!

Aweome looking forward to it. You certainly don't need to run. Any sort of walking even would work, I'll have to come up with a better way to standardize different things I'm sure there's a way to incorporate the dancing.

Oooh! Interesting. I am definitely interested... assuming I can figure out how to convert some of my wallet funds to SBD. :/ Ignorant newbie here.

Awesome hope to see you there. As for wallets ins not that bad, just sellent market then put your amount and buy/ask price and amount. I'd wait a few days till the Sbd price settles a bit more. No rush

Awesome. I'm looking forward to it. I like doing challenges with a group because it definitely helps keep me motivated.

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