The Heritage - Finish The Story Contest - Week #51

in #finishthestory5 years ago (edited)

Picture by @f3nix

Here is my entry for Finish The Story Contest - Week #51!

You can find the contest at:

Original Story

The Devisal of Mr. Dankworth

by @gaby-crb and @calluna

The familiar ping jerked through my morning haze, the signal of a new email arriving in my inbox, blared from my laptop. I hastily tapped at the volume. My fingers circled around the warm mug in my hand, the hot brush of steam warning me not to take a sip yet. I checked the screen, 16 new emails already this morning. Working from home had seemed so much easier, I never liked the office, or being out on the road, at least at home I had my own brand of coffee, and my cat Neelix, but the emails never stopped.

I cleared through the top 10 as spam, another 5 were easily filed, the last however caught my attention. My eyes focused on the sender name, I hastily placed my mug on the table and clicked the email. The sound of the news playing on the TV melted into the background, even the smell of my burning toast didn't interrupt my focus.

Good day,

My name is Michael Kent, I am the personal attorney and sole executor to my late client, Mr Ian Dankworth, who shares the same surname with you.

After the death of my client, in an automobile incident, in the year 2007, the bank contacted me to provide his next of kin to inherit his fortune, totaling Thirty Seven Million Bruvna ($37,000,000.00) according to the existing bank records.

I have written several letters to his country embassy with the intent of locating any of his immediate or extended family who will stand as the next of kin and all my efforts has been to no avail.

I have received official letters from the board of directors of the holding bank in the last few weeks suggesting a likely precedent for confiscation of his abandoned personal assets in line with existing laws, therefore I have been issued a 30 working days ultimatum to provide his next of kin or forfeit the deposit.

From my professional experience I can use any and all legal means available to re-profile and present you as the next of kin to my deceased client since you share his surname, this would enable you put a claim to the funds on our behalf.

Please kindly indicate your interest by responding to this email so we can discuss further.

Yours sincerely,
Barr. Michael Kent

I glanced at the scuffed bag by the door, I had known Mr Kent would contact me eventually. I was the last person in the country with the surname Dankworth. As my eyes read over the email again, I laughed to myself, this had been easier than I initially thought.

Neelix stalked past the black bag, rubbing up against it, he then stopped and pulled out his claws, pulling at the plastic material.

I stood up fast in an attempt to scare him, knocking my coffee over my laptop in the process. I swore and grabbed at some tissues, watching as the black liquid slowly absorbed. I would forever be cleaning up my own mess.

Here is my ending

The sound of the door opening, made Larry even more nervous

"Welcome home, honey!", He greeted his girlfriend effusively, perhaps too much.

"What did you break?" Laura asked suspiciously

"I have a very good news and a relatively bad news," continued Larry trying to hide his anxiety after a nervous smile.

She huffed and rolled her eyes

"Tell me the bad one"

"The laptop was damaged," Larry quickly released, who tried to blame the cat, but Laura's screams made him close his mouth

"WHAT!? My thesis!"

"Easy, I know a great guy who can fix it"

After calming down and seeing the corpse of her inert laptop, sighed and avoided committing a possible homicide, Laura asked again.

"What's the good one?"

"Remember the distant relative I had? He's dead! Now, you are watching the lucky winner of a millionaire inheritance! Can you believe it? We're rich!"

Without believing much in his word, Laura decided to listen to his story. Larry always looked for the opportunity to create businesses, which generally never prospered. She glanced at the scuffed bag, his last project, selling haberdashery from door to door. He had assured her of a sure success, and there it was, in the same place as always. She looked away frowning her lips. She was still deep in thought, when Larry's last sentence had caused her to jump over.

"We're going to Brutgoslarvia!"

He had explained again, that they would have to go to that strange country to claim the inheritance and at that moment he'd go to communicate with Mr. Kent to confirm his decision and his plans to collect the money.

Laura decided that they would spend only one weekend in that country. Even when she was late with her thesis, she'd enjoy a good rest while Larry was busy collecting the money. Larry agreed.

Larry had convinced Laura that they would spare no expense since they had earned a fortune. They spent about $ 3,000 on first class tickets and the stay at the best hotel in the country of Brutgoslarvia (spending everything they had in the bank and on their credit cards), they had also paid the Neelix ticket. In addition, they bought very elegant and extremely expensive clothes for occasion.

On the day of the meeting, Laura waited outside the bank, sitting in a very distinguished Café. After two hours, Larry appeared with that nervous smile, which betrayed that something was wrong.

"I have a very bad news and a bad news, what do you want to hear first?"

"Tell me the very bad one," she replied closing her eyes and her fists.

"The cat was lost in the flight"

"You lost Neelix !!!??? God damn it! "

"Calm down, I already warned the authorities, there's nothing to worry about", unfortunately he had realized that in that country they ate cats, a comment that Larry decided to omit.

"And what's the bad one?" She asked again, trying to evade her feelings of concern for Neelix.

"Weeellll ... Uhmmm... " He scratched behind his ear, trying to look away

"Drop it now!" She exclaimed enraged, between her teeth

"The 37 million Bruvnas are about $ 0.5," he replied with his nervous smile trying to diminish the bad news.

Laura, in a fit of rage and curses, lashed out and beat the sh*t out of Larry so bad, the authorities and all the people around them witnessed how the woman rampaged against the poor man.

Moments later through the news channel of the country of Brutgoslarvia, a concerned anchorman explained:

"They imprison a foreign woman for attacking a citizen of the country. It is presumed that she was trying to do so to keep the millionaire inheritance he had just received. "

The citizens watched the videos of the event broadcast on the news, disappointed by the greedy behavior of the girl.

And kids, that's how the Dankworths became extinct.


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Thank you very much :)

I've got good news and good news for you: funny and clever.
A tour de force. The little bits folded into the tale--they eat cats in Brutgoslarvia, for example--are a delight. Of course the ending, which lets us all in on the joke, tops the mad caper perfectly.
Sheer lunacy in which everyone gets hurt and none of us cares. A comedy, to be sure.
I really enjoyed reading this.

I am glad you enjoyed it

This is such a fun ending to read <3 I really enjoyed that you avoided the dark paths and that you took advantage of the fictional currency for this highly entertaining ending.

Bringing in a girlfriend and playing the characters off each other does so much for this story, I particularly love their goodnews/badnews exchanges that give this sense of building humour, as well a depth of a relationship. The bit with the cat going missing, ahh you had me smiling and chuckling throughout this. The patient enduring girlfriend pushed to her limit, outlaying all this money, yep, I can see why she snapped lol

I really appreciate that Larry had misunderstood what that much would be worth to him and Laura, but then, in the end, so did the local new station, that was a wonderful touch. A great ending!

I am glad you liked it. I love to put a smile in my readers.

But the biggest lesson of all, make sure you check the monetary value a universal commodity, like the Bruvna, has in comparison to other commodities. A lesson we all should be aware about, but one I think shouldn't bother to pinch at the lassie's actions. As she was completely justified at beating up that dumb buffoon that do anything to get a lil' bit richer and not worry about surviving.

- Jail stuck -

Oh look at her now suffering
and stuck in the rot of life's low
in a cell not in a country of hers -
yet maybe worse than theirs

Still cursing at letting herself
be tricked by the tragicomedy
that was her partner getting
always excused by her mind

Pondering why she would do so
she didn't want to even think it
as it makes no sense why she'd
to defend herself but he free from it

Tossing and turning,
the cell door bells ring
and a suit comes in -
a smile finally on her

I guess Larry used the 37 million to hire a good lawyer and get her out of jail...

It's a good ending for my ending ;)


Always check the price against the strongest currencies before going to collect - check.

That's right ;)

Kudos to the first story that I've read where the remaining 'Dansworth' was completely innocent in regards to the death of Ian! You had me laughing so many times through your story, Maparari! I'll be stuck with the idea of 'bad news Larry' in my head for the rest of the day.

After calming down and seeing the corpse of her inert laptop, sighed and avoided committing a possible homicide, Laura asked again.

Love your wording with this and I've to commiserate as I've been in a similar situation.

Line after line this comedy plays out and it was truly a welcome change in tone from the other entries.



Thank you

Im glad you enjoyed

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