The Night Gods II- Chapter XXIV: Yuri

in #fiction7 years ago (edited)

Artwork by @marty-art on Steemit... With many thanks!

Lena sat with Senator Ashby in his office at the Senate Office Building... the mood was glum. Denning and his closest advisors were working overtime to build a consensus for his strike against N. Korea in the Congress. Any impeachment plans were almost forgotten for the moment, taking a backseat to the probability of nuclear war and the ensuing consequences.

"We have to find a way to stop this without it looking like we're just playing politics... acting like obstructionists because we lost the primary," Ashby mused aloud.

"I have an idea," Lena began, "if I talk to Sean- his family is well connected, he knows everybody and they still respect him even though he works for Denning. He may be able to come up with someone to act as a spokesman- you know, the loyal opposition thing. A lot of people in Congress don't like Denning- on both sides of the aisle... and the prospect of nuclear war, even less like him. Senator, this must be stopped."

"He'll just invoke the War Powers Act- if he hasn't already- damned Johnson," the Senator said bitterly.

"There may be another way..." Lena said slyly, "Przybysz."

"Przybysz?" The senator was taken aback. "You mean...?"

"Exactly," Lean smiled grimly.

"You know I could never condone anything like that," Ashby said.

"even if it saves millions of lives?" She asked.

"There has to be another way... something legal," Ashby mused.

Przybysz, back in the White House was on his way to a meeting in the Oval Office when he ran into Vice President Thomas Beck, coming the other way. Beck was a man he knew well from Council business... a man he didn't particularly like because of his radical views.

"What's all this N. Korea business, Tom?" He asked.

"Council approved," Beck smiled. "Looks like Denning has finally come around to our way of thinking."

"Well, I've got a meeting with him right now," Przybysz said looking at his watch. "See you later."

Przybysz couldn't imagine that the Council would approve something this draconian- something wasn't right. He decoded to give the Doctor a call after his meeting. The meeting itself was almost comical, looking more like two boxers sparring that a meeting between a president and a senior advisor. When it was over, Przybysz hurried to his office where he took out his cellphone and made the call.

"It's Prz, Doctor," he began, "I need some information."

"I think I already know what this is about," the Doctor replied. "The proposed strike against N. Korea, am I correct?"

"Yes, Sir," Przybysz said. "Beck informed me it's been sanctioned by the Council."

In a manner of speaking it has," the Doctor went on. "There's been a split... A group within the Council that believes that the Night Gods are best served by a mass sacrifice... In the manner of the proposed strike."

"And the others?" Przybysz asked.

"Others, such as myself are vehemently opposed," the doctor informed him. "The Ancient Ones do depend on us for sacrifice, but this could lead to a nuclear disaster that could have worldwide repercussions. None of us, the Night Gods included want the planet destroyed. Denning's an idiot- he doesn't care about anybody or anything except his own sadistic lusts... The man can't see beyond his own penis. he's perfectly willing to sacrifice the entire world to cover up his perversion."

"No way to stop it on your end?" Przybysz asked.

It doesn't look that way," the Doctor said, "of course I'll keep trying."

"Orders?" Przybysz asked.

"Keep your phone handy," The Doctor told him, "I'll be in touch- this is too far along to stop by neutralizing Denning. Beck would just carry it out- it's his idea anyway."

"Ok Sir," Przybysz said glumly, "although it would be a good start if you ask me."

"Just be patient," the Doctor laughed, "you'll get your chance." They hung up.

Denning's new "consultant" was a man named Fleming- an ex-Air Force commando. In Przybysz opinion he had even less scruples than his new boss.. it wouldn't be long before children would once again be served up for the Commander-in-Chief's perverse appetites. Przybysz was seriously considering going against orders and neutralizing Denning- the split within the Council prevented him from carrying out his previous plan to arrange an accident. Denning had Council protection now- he had thrown in with the rogue element of the Council represented by Beck. he would have to wait on the Doctor.

Late one evening not long before the planned strike, Przybysz got a call from Dick.

"Prz, where are you with your people?" He asked.

"They've got me in a holding pattern, Buddy," Przybysz told him. "Denning's got a new pimp- he's got his world war- and I'm stuck sitting on my hands."

"Maybe not," Dick replied. "There's something I thought of- it's a shot in the dark right now..."

"At this point," Przybysz broke in, "I'm open to anything. What have you got?"

"Remember Yuri?" Dick asked.

"Yuri... You mean...?" Przybysz began.

"Yeah, from the old days," Dick told him.

Yuri Kazakov was a sniper from the old USSR they had captured when Dick and Przybysz were in Central America. They had formed an uneasy alliance before releasing him... all three were basically there for the same purpose- they were all mercenaries- just on different sides. They all agreed to only kill locals, not each other. Yuri had kept his side of the bargain- earning him the respect of Dick and Przybysz. Now he was an official in the new Russian Government- stationed in Washington DC because of his familiarity with the nuances of the language.

"What if we feed him info about Denning," Dick began. "He could channel it back to his people in Moscow and..."

"How the fuck did you come up with this?" Przybysz asked incredulously.

"I ran into him," Dick informed his amazed friend. "He's got an American girlfriend that lives not far from me. I ran into him when I was walking the dog. Christ, Prz, he looks just the same."

"Did you mention any of this to him?" Przybysz asked, still in a state of shock.

"No, but we're getting together later for drinks," Dick said. "Why don't you join us? You won't believe it, Prz, he's almost American." Dick laughed.

"When and where?" Przybysz asked. "I wouldn't miss this for the world."

Arrangements were made to meet at a neighborhood bar. Yuri, after being informed of the details, turned out to be anxious to help- if for no other reason that he didn't like sadistic pedophiles. Przybysz began telling the men about Fleming.

"Denning's got a new playmate... His name is Fleming, Kenneth I think- an ex Air Force commando..." Przybysz began.

Yuri cut him off before he could finish: "Air Force? I thought that was so gays could serve in the military." They all laughed. "You want this guy gone?" He asked.

"You're not still in that business?" Dick asked the Russian.

"No," Yuri replied with a grin, "I got flunkies now."

"That's just what we need right now," Prz cut in, "Let's start another international incident. Why don't we try to keep this as legal as possible for now."

"You guys just want to have all the fun," Yuri laughed.

"So, Yuri," Dick changed the subject. "Tell us about this American girlfriend of yours."

"She's a widow," he said, her husband was in the diplomatic service... very pretty- very rich... Old money or something," he winked.

Przybysz took out his cellphone and scrolled down: "This is Fleming, remember his face. Sooner or later, Dick, Denning is going to go after Shoemaker again. You need to be on the lookout."

"He looks familiar," Dick said, I can't put my finger on it, but I've seen him. It will come to me."

Dick passed Yuri a cellphone. "Use this for all communications with us. It has Prz' and my numbers programmed in. One of us will feed you stuff on denning to pass on to your people."

"I feel like James Bond," Yuri grinned. "I only hope we can act in time. He got up to leave: "I have a lady that doesn't like to be kept waiting."

They said their goodbyes agreeing that it would be imprudent to be seen together in public again. Yuri would receive messages via secure phone to be forwarded to his contacts in Moscow by diplomatic pouch to scrambled phone.

"Guys," he said in parting, "I'll never forget what you did for me years ago... I owe you my life. If you ever need me for anything, just call... Anything."

(For links to previous chapters- go to Chapter XV)

GIF by @papa-pepper



Go @richq11 go!

Thanks, my friend! We're going to do it. I'm going to start reposting the original (my rewrite)... I need some feedback about how to integrate the two stories for the book.

simply great!!! I just read this chapter and it's the same "WOW" of the other chapters!!! Thanks for this good reading, dear friend!

And as always... Thank you my very dear friend!

Awesome, didn't expect this to go on and now.. Yuri...?

He has a great sense of humor by the way :D

Thanks... Darker days to come ;-}

Oooooh... this is leading up to a very interesting climax...

Btw Rich, I have a little thing you might be interested in, it's a writing challenge:

I may give it a try if I can find a little time. I'm working on a rewrite of the first Night Gods. I'm going to start reposting it with the improvements... I need some suggestions on how to tie the two stories together.

Lottery Council and Night Gods? Well, perhaps Lottery Council could be a prequel after you release the first book! Add more content to The Lottery Council, and voila, a prequel!

No!!! You missed it... Not the Lottery council. The original Night Gods that I took the second story from.

OHHH!! I just realized that you had an earlier story!!! I'll be sure to read it :P

Wait until tomorrow- I'm going to start reposting an updated version.

Pleasure to meet Yuri - always great to have more people ready to take down Denning! Steemit should definitely allow users to search through older posts instead of displaying just the most recent posts.

That's why I put the links!

Cool thanks Rich!

@richq11 I recommend that you enter
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