Compilation of 10 Parts: The Brave

in #fiction6 years ago (edited)

⚠ Warning: Long story ahead of a compilation of my 10 parts of freewrites!

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Some cold breeze swung by and she could feel all the goosebumps all over her body. Was it her or was the wind really howling? The whole atmosphere around her became spooky.

"I am just probably overthinking," thought Charlotte after she had just moved in to her new room. "I don't believe in ghosts or spirits."

As soon as she was thinking this, the bulb in her room flickered. Not just once, but three times. Weirdly and strangely, it was all 3 bulbs from different lamps flickering at once.

Two days ago, Charlotte had just moved into the city and found this really good tenancy deal. She was so happy that without thinking, she just agreed to rent the attic because she wanted to save as much cash as she could. Her job was only going to start in half a month's time so she better watch her expenses.

Charlotte plucked up some courage and went to the each switch of the bulbs. She switched it on and off. The lights came back on and they stayed that way for some time.

Suddenly, she heard some children chuckling. She looked around and saw no one. "Who's there? Come out and show yourself!"

No one came out. Charlotte started to tremble and she quickly reached for her phone. "How can it have no reception now? It was functioning just a while ago."

Then she heard footsteps. They were getting closer, closer and CLOSER... Then, there was a knock on the door and some chuckles again!

"Darling, you may want to shut the window. I think a storm is coming!"

The bulbs flickered again.

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Charlotte was having chills down her spine by then. This was nothing she expected of since coming to the city. Maybe it was just her imagination. Or is it?

"I didn't do anything wrong, whatever or whoever it is, it may leave me alone, " she tried to comfort her shaky heart. "Look, the landlady just shouted and asked me to close the windows. I will just go and check with her." With trembling hands, she turned the door knob open.


The door screeched. It startled Charlotte a bit. The whole stairway looked dimmer than before.

She walked all the way down to the kitchen to find the landlady. She was baking or cooking something in the oven. For whatever reason, she must had sprayed some fragrance around the place as the whole place now smelled like lavender. Maybe she did that to mask a stench because Charlotte could still smell something foul in the air that could not be missed and the landlady was wearing a facial mask and a mask while cooking. Who does that while cooking?

"Oh, I didn't see you coming," the landlady almost dropped her tray. "How was your first night?"

"Hi, Mrs. Bennett. I was just wondering if the bulbs flicker in the room I am in. Did you come knocking on my door earlier?" Charlotte tried to sound calm but wanted an explanation for the happenings.

"Yeah that was me. I wanted to remind you about the windows. A storm can be here any minute. Oooh the lights! We haven't had a tenant for some time, I bet the bulbs need some fixing. I will get Mr. Bennett to do it tomorrow and change new ones for you. Don't you worry, dear, " Mrs. Bennett smiled.

"Erm... I heard some children laughing. Do you have children yourself?"

Mrs. Bennett's face turned pale. She looked a bit ill for a moment but she quickly recollected herself. "Oh, that must have been from the neighbours. The children are rather loud, don't mind them!" she tried to just laugh it off. "Now, if you can excuse me, I gotta finish this up!"

Charlotte knew she had to go then. That night, she went to bed holding her cross, hoping nothing weird happen again.

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The night went by without anything happening and Charlotte woke up from a good sleep.

"Silly me, everything must have its own explanation..." she thought to herself. "Let's go exploring the city today!"

Charlotte got dressed and went down to the kitchen to greet Mrs. Benett to let her know that her husband could go up to her room to change the old bulbs.

The only thing weird was her usual pair of shoes were missing. Yeah, her new pair of canvas sneakers. She had just got them before coming to the city and she loved them. They are red with the silver shoe laces that she likes, and Charlotte drew two little smiling suns on each side, symbolizing those were hers. She just likes to draw smiley suns on her belongings. Not making herself overthink, she put on another pair of older shoes, thinking she might have misplaced the red pair.

She wouldn't want to lose this pair of shoes because they had been the most comfortable pair of shoes she had so far. They made all the walking so easy and effortless. You know whenMarilyn Monroe said, "Give a girl the right shoes, and she can conquer the world", that's so true! Now, that's her pair of right shoes right there. She wore them with her dresses, she wore them with her jeans.

"Oh, Mrs. Bennett, is there by any chance you see my red sneakers anywhere?" Charlotte thought she could just ask.

"How do they look like? Can you describe your shoes?" Mrs. Bennett asked her back as she was kneading a bread dough.

"They are just red sneakers with silver shoe laces. There is a sun drawn on each side. Have you seen anything like that?"

"Oh no, dear. But you can always go to the yard to check it out. We sometimes have shoes thrown over from each side of the neighbour's house. Weird but yeah, see if you can find yours there."

As Charlotte was just about to go out, she thought she saw her red shoes at the back door. She went to have a look and saw it was really hers, with the yellow smiley sunshines on them! But to her dismay...


"Now, that's peculiar! I don't remember leaving them out or wearing them into anywhere muddy!"

Then, Charlotte heard the chuckles again.

What on earth?! Her goosebumps came up again immediately!

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Charlotte was starting to feel the queerness about this whole thing more and more. She didn't want to conclude anything yet because she is that type of girl, she won't believe until she sees it, not that she is looking forward to see any strange spiritual activities at her new place of stay but yeah, she was determined to just face up with things or "beings". Honestly, she was terrified but she ain't going to let the mystery of this place be shoved under the blanket.

She scrubbed her red shoes, clean them and hung them up to dry. While scrubbing, she was also thinking of all the possibilities that it could be. Maybe someone was playing pranks on her? Maybe it could be just coincidences? Maybe she could try to lure "them" out?

"I am going to take charge of this mystery and not let fear paralyze myself!" she was determined, though still a bit petrified.

Charlotte went out to the city exploring while thinking about her questions in her mind whole day. At some point of time, she forgot about them while taking photos of the city. She wanted to show her folks back home the place she was settling in.

As she was enjoying the city, she kept feeling that she rubbed shoulders with the same guy. It was super weird because every place she went, he passed by her and gave her a kind of smile. He didn't speak a word, but it kept making Charlotte felt it was a deja vu.

Soon, her phone ran out of battery because she was heavily using it. Night fell, and she thought she might just grabbed some Chinese cook-out and return to her room.

As she put her phone to charge to where her charger was, Charlotte fell off to a nap. In her nap, she saw the same guy again and with that same standard smile. She asked him, "Who are you? why are you following me?" He was about to answer in the dream, but she woke up.

Groggily, she turned to where her phone was charging but she couldn't find it. Weird.

Charlotte searched through her table and floor but couldn't find her phone. She was very sure she left it to charge.

"Where is my phone, for heaven's sake?" She shouted into the air, out of frustration.


The chuckles came from the wardrobe. This time, Charlotte was more prepared in her heart, she was going to catch "them" red handed.

She opened up the wardrobe and found her phone lying there. Suddenly, something or someone flew by, opened the door and left the room.


She was stunned for a moment as she saw no one. Can they be invisible? She quickly regained her rationale and thought she must see "them".

Charlotte ran after "them". She was pretty sure "they" were more playful and mischievous than terrifying now. She has got to meet "them"!

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"Hey, wait up! I won't hurt you, " Charlotte said that as she was running. All of a sudden, she felt like "they" went on a brake and stopped. She started hearing whispers among themselves.

"She wants to see us. No one has ever wanted to see us."

"Can we trust her? Will she report us in?"

"She is not afraid of us. Can she be among the special election of God? "

"Only the Brave can see us, maybe she is one of those."

Charlotte was staring into darkness. But she knew they were letting their guards down. So she tried again, " How can I see you?"

"Only those who believe and are brave of heart can see us. You may not like what you see. Are you sure you want to?" someone asked her back.

"I know you don't mean harm. You were just playful. Okay I believe in your existence!" Immediately, the place lit up with sparkles and lights, Charlotte's jaw fell open to what she saw and she took a step back.

She was looking at some children standing in front of her with very peculiar features. Some were really tall, some were tiny. Some had wings, some had really big feet, some had the looks of an angels, some look as if their body features were out of proportions, so on and so forth.

They were examining at Charlotte while she was looking at them. "Hi, my name is Charlotte. I just moved here. Nice to meet you, " she went forward to touch them.


"She dares to touch us!"

"Do you stay here all this while?" Charlotte asked.

One little tiny pixie-like child came out and replied her, "Hi, we stay here all this while. We are all orphans who got adopted by Mr. and Mrs. Bennett who have no children. They hid us and told us not to come out when they had to let you move in to help with the finance. My name is Cherry Blossom. I'm the oldest among all of us here. Sorry if we scared you. We tried to make you think this house is haunted, hoping that you will move away and we need not stay hidden."

"Oh, why can't you let others know about you? You guys are magical!" Charlotte was amazed.

"Well, some of us have been captured to be tested out because of our peculiarities as you can see. Mrs. Bennett says it is only safe if we stay hidden. We aren't regular children, you know. Like for me, I can change form. This is my true form, but I can change into looking like someone else I saw. Like this!" Cherry Blossom snapped her fingers and she changed herself to look exactly like Charlotte.

"I can turn myself into liquid, any type of liquid," one of the guys, Ben said. He quickly changed himself into a puddle of water.

"Now you must be the one who wet my red shoes!" Charlotte was amazed and she found the answer. "No more mud please, I don't mind the water."

"Oops sorry, " Ben chuckled.

"I can make all of us invisible!" Dalton said. Suddenly, Charlotte felt like her hands and legs disappeared. She could "see" them but yet they looked as if they were transparent.

"I can bring people and myself to walk through matters!" a girl, Davisa said. "Sorry, I took your phone and hid it in the wardrobe to scare you!"

"I can control electricity! The bulbs were my doing, " Iris said shyly.

"Wow, all of you can be a superhero team!" Charlotte exclaimed in excitement. "Dont be shy around me. You are welcome to play with me and be who you are before me."

"But, Mrs. Bennett may not like the idea," Ben said. "She always asks us not to show our real selves to anyone. She says the CPS will come and take us away from her and we will be put into foster homes or labs."

"You can trust me. Your secrets are safe with me. Besides, I can use some company! You can discuss among yourselves."

They discussed and said, "We believe in the election of the Brave. We trust you and want you to be our leader."

"The Brave? Me? You mean I have special powers or gifts too?" Charlotte was astonished.

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"Yes, Mrs. Bennett has the ability to spot us with peculiarities and abilities. That's how she found us when we were homeless on the streets. She gathered us together so we can stay here. She has rejected many who came to rent the place. When you came to ask for a place to stay, she knew you were special. But she didn't know for sure if you will expose us. So we tried to scare you to see if you are the Brave. Courage is a gift, and in your case you have great courage, Charlotte! We may have gifts but we are so lack of courage," Cherry Blossom was excited.

"Don't you want to live normal lives to be adopted and be with a normal family?" Charlotte asked out of curiosity.

"Our lives in the orphanage and previous foster homes had been such a hell that we decided to desert. We met Mrs. Bennett who was alone that time. She wasn't married to Mr. Bennett yet that time. She told us to be brave and to stand for ourselves to not let anyone trash over us anymore. She was also deserted by her parents last time, because of her specialty," Dalton explained.

"I'm so sorry. Hmm, maybe I should go and meet Mr. and Mrs. Bennett," Charlotte decided.

All of them went with her. They went to the kitchen, but spotted no Mrs. Bennett. Then, they went out to the yard and saw the back gate leading to a forest was left open. All of them walked carefully behind Charlotte. For some reason, this time she was fearless, even as she explored into the unknown.

As they drew nearer to a spot, they could smell some blood, fresh blood in the air. They saw a silhouette of a person eating and munching off an animal like a barbarian, like a savage. Did he just eat it raw? Eeeeww!

Suddenly, they could not go any further, it was like there was a force field stopping them and it was created over the being. The being turned and they saw it with their eyes under the full moon, it was a werewolf who was munching on a sheep alive. It howled when it saw them and ran so fast towards them. Fortunately, it could not break the force field as well. It got bounced back but it was still gnashing its teeth hungrily at the children and Charlotte.

"Children!" there was a voice calling them out of a sudden. Charlotte turned and saw Mrs. Bennett, who looked very different. "Charlotte, thank goodness you are okay!"

"Mrs. Bennett?"

"Yeah, I see you have met all of the children. I will have a talk with you after I have settled with this matter."

She managed to paralyze the werewolf and it fell unconscious. Soon after, the dark clouds covered the moon, and it turned into......

Mr. Bennett?!

Okay, Charlotte's goosebumps were back
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Charlotte saw the iris of the werewolf slowly turned from a beastly stare to Mr. Bennett's usual grey eyes again. She gasped, but the children behind didn't. They seemed to have already known it.

"I know how it looks like here, darling. Too much suspense and mysteries," Mrs. Bennett said as she took the force of protection down. "Come over here."

Mrs. Bennett looked much younger, apparently that night. She didn't look like her usual messy self.

"She is immortal," Cherry Blossom whispered, almost like she could read Charlotte's thoughts. "She is usually in disguise when you see her. You haven't seen her powers yet."

"Hi, my real name is Miss Pegasus. I am actually a guardian of the children who are deemed peculiar but special. Each of them have special powers which they are learning to use. That, includes you too, my dear. For all of us here, we age more than we look. Our age freeze at the age we first use our powers. The powers comes from the essence of faith. When we believe in who we are called to be, it manifests. Our beliefs function like an elixir."

"We have been hiding and not revealing ourselves because we are in danger from many different parties. Firstly, the government would love to take us in to be lab experiments, which you can see what was done to Dalton over there. As you can see, he has bruises all over his arms and also behind his neck. It was a very disrespectful treatment. Secondly, there is another breed who is thirsting after our powers and bloods, called the Exorcists. They had been hunting for us for decades and I have created the Circle to prevent us from their radar. However, as you can see, something happened to Mr. Bennett. I tried to contain him by cooking raw meat for him the other night when you came down and feeding him fresh blood from animals to avoid him from hurting anyone. What happened tonight is very out of control, which is a sign that they have come near. The Exorcists have the ability to cause delusions in our minds to confuse us."

"Oh no! They have come? What should we do?" Davisa started to panick. "They will come and take over my mind."

"Don't worry, Davisa. If we can work together, we can surely curb this together and we will be successful in our quest," Charlotte went to hug Davisa, just instinctively. She was also still stunned and afraid but she went to do that.

"How did you do that?" Davisa asked Charlotte.

"Do what?" Charlotte was puzzled.

"You calmed my fears. You made peace flow through me. Aren't you afraid?" Davisa tried to tell everyone what happened.

"She is the Brave! She can cause fear to flee! WOW! " Everyone started hugging Charlotte.

"I know you have goosebumps, Charlotte. Know that they are not bad. They are great indicators of danger or fear appearing. But you have something deep within you that you do not know you have, that is your bravery and they came from the essence of your parents believing in you since you were young. Feel the love. It is their love that has cast out fears in you and make you who you are, though this gift has been with you."

For a moment, the sky seemed to be clear again with all the dark clouds gone, though many uncertainties and ambiguities await.

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Charlotte went back to her room that night with a lot of disbelief and honestly, she was overwhelmed by all of the happenings. Discovering herself having the ability to give courage? What on earth right?

She tried to recall some incidents since she was young. She could remember vaguely when she was 5, there was something that happened. There was a racket outside of the house, so loud that her whole family got startled and awakened from their sleep. Charlotte ran along with her parents and saw this huge creature made a hole in the roof of their garage. It had wings and it was pointing at Charlotte, saying, "I have found you! You can no longer hide." She stepped out before her parents who were trying to hide her behind them, suddenly a sceptor appeared in her hand, commanding at it and said, "I don't want you here and you have to go!"

All this while, Charlotte thought it was a dream. But this creature in the dream did look like the guy she kept rubbing shoulders with some days ago and she saw him in her dream too. Maybe he was trying to awaken her to something... but to what? Now that she had heard from Miss Pegasus, perhaps it was not at all. But then again, it could be an illusion because the Exorcist can create illusions to mislead just to create more fear in a person. That incident did make Charlotte wonder but her parents never speak with her again about it. It almost felt like maybe something was done to plug the Exorcist from getting to her ever since. Her parents had tried their best to conceal some matters to protect her, she assumed. Now years have passed, so what's next?

After thinking so much, Charlotte dozed off to sleep. She began to dream. She saw how there used to be an utopia where there were wonderful colours and many special beings were co-existing together harmoniously. It felt like everyone has their own duties and they abide by their own responsibilities. Charlotte saw herself like a young child, playing and licking off some whipping cream. "Yumssss!" then she went off running and laughing. She saw Cherry Blossom and Miss Pegasus running after her. Then she saw her own parents, looking almost like... angels or guardians around her, looking very protective.

One day, there was a great dispute. One of the magnificent lords, Damon created a huge power struggle. Something like he felt everything was unfair and him being the war lord was not significantly recognized after all his efforts of defending the utopia and everyone in it. He demanded to be acknowledged as the lord of all lords in this kingdom where everyone were equal and none threatened another. Everyone was just having different giftings and powers to make sure everything was in perfect equilibrium.

Charlotte then saw Damon built an army among some who were willing to submit to him due to the fear he imposed on them. She saw Damon slowly took on a different form and became really dark. Then, he changed and looked like the creature of her dream when she was 5. He called himself the Exorcist, commanding a genocide of the whole kingdom, anyone who refuses to obey and follow him. An army arose against him, and she saw her little self taking out a sceptor to summon courage for all those in the army.

Damon was the guy!!! The one she rubbed shoulders with, that's why she felt she had seen him somewhere. He is also the Exorcist who sought to attack her when she was 5! No wonder he sought after her because she gave courage to those who were against him.

Charlotte woke up here, with cold sweat but she felt like her body was very warm, almost like she was having a fever, with her heart racing really fast. She checked on her own forehead and behind her neck, nope, no fever. But she felt like she was all flaring up. She was mystified and almost like in a fever of some agitations.

She looked at the clock in front of her. It was an old clock that needed some oil, probably because it let out a creeking sound. Weird that it showed the same time before she dozed off. It almost felt like time has stopped?! Her discernment was suddenly elevated to know something or someone was approaching.

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Charlotte rushed out of her room and saw the others also rushing out of the house. She ran along with them and then she saw him. The Exorcist with his legions of army, right before their eyes. He had that sinister smile with him and he was staring right at Charlotte, as if he wanted to screen her soul. Everything else was frozen at the moment, the cars stopped moving along the street, the neighbourhood cats and dogs were all paused except for them, those with special giftings and abilities.

"Now, I see you have remembered me, Charlotte. It has been a while. I see you have grown from that tender age and perhaps life has also taught you some fears though you have your gift with you. I don't think anyone is an exemption from the grip of fear. Wonderful, isn't it?" the Exorcist taunted Charlotte as he did a screening on her from head to toe. He came as close as he could and gripped her by her chin to have a closer look at her.

Miss Pegasus immediately sprung out and came in between them. "What do you want, Damon? Aren't you sick and tired of the war between us?"

"Of course not, I won't relent until I have all of your blood fusing with mine, to have all of you under my dominion and full submission. This is the last time I am extending my invitation to you to join me as we rule over the helpless human beings to show them who their true rulers are as they beg us for mercy. True power is superior and it should be given its rightful reign!"

"Never! It has always been known that none of us need to rule over another. We are all different. We should just function in our own roles," Ben shouted.

"If war is what you want, then so be it! I will show you that there is always one side that is more superior than the other!" The Exorcist cast a spell of confusion and soon Ben and Dalton started fighting with each other. Then Davisa was also charmed to be using her powers against Mr. Bennett, who had turned into a violent werewolf.

Miss Pegasus knew he has used his power of illusion on them so she quickly created a force field to shield Charlotte who was a bit dumbfounded on the spot. Charlotte did not know what to do when she saw more and more of her comrades started to fight within themselves. She saw myriads of angels who were supposedly on their sides were also slaughtering each other. Blood were shed everywhere. Charlotte knew she had to do something. If not, everyone would die and that was exactly Damon's plan.

Damon came nearer with a weapon in his hand. Charlotte could sense that weapon with metal claws was infused and fed with fear, seeking to devour the next victim to master him or her with fear. She raised up her hand with trembling fear and something appeared in her hand. It was her sceptor. She knocked it to the ground and a strong force spread across the place. Everyone got awakened from the illusion and courage was restored. Soon, the army of the two sides went into a real battle, Charlotte's comrades against Damon's army.

Damon was furious and he pointed his metal scepter towards Charlotte. The claws of the metal ball flung off the sceptor and wrapped around Charlotte's head. She was terrified and she could feel terror enveloping her, from her legs to her heart. It was trying to not just paralyze her but to shatter her off. Many scenes and memories of fear played in her mind, even her fear of the future.

She could hear Damon laughing, almost like within her. "Fear is real." That was what she kept hearing from Damon. "Now you know the real power of fear."

Charlotte knew there had to be more. She searched and screened within her for the slightest of courage she had and she started to focus on that. Somehow, that little courage grew into a ferocious lion kind of brave heart. Charlotte kept meditating on that until she heard a voice within, "Charlotte, you are courage and courage is you! You are not the absence of fear but you are the power in the midst of fear!"

With that, she broke off the metal ball and the metal ball strangely returned to Damon and wrapped around his head instead!

"What happened? This is not supposed to be for me!"

The quote by Jack Canfield that Charlotte had learnt in school came to her mind and she spoke it out loud to Damon, "Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear. As much as you are using fear on us, you are fearful.

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Damon was sweating profusely. Though his whole face was covered by the metal ball with its claws wrapping around his whole face, Charlotte could tell that he was nervous and panicky. She knew he didn't see it coming.

"This cannot be. All this while, only I can use fear on others. It doesn't work on me!" Damon exclaimed.

"Fear is a double-edged sword. It cuts others and cuts our own selves too. In your words, no one is exempted from fear," Miss Pegasus said.

"Let it go, Damon. You did all this because you were fearful of not being significant. We have our own place in this kingdom. All of us are reigning in our own directory. Striving for significance only undermines your significance." Charlotte tried to persuade Damon.

By then, Damon could not differentiate if it was his tears, sweat or his runny nose or was it rather all of them mixing together. He broke down on his knees, after all these years. Everyone stopped what they were doing at that moment.

Charlotte hesitated a while. She looked at Miss Pegasus. She then looked at Cherry Blossom, Mr. Bennett, Dalton, Ben, Davisa, Iris and also at everyone on Damon's side. She knew she had to do this now, because only she can do this.

She went over to Damon who was crying like a baby, shivering all over, and she hugged him. The whole atmosphere changed. It was like Damon received power suddenly. "Let love and courage cast out all fears from you, Damon." The metal ball broke its claws free from Damon's head. It was more like Damon finally broke free of his fears of being insignificant and tried so hard to fight for them to rule over others.

Lo and behold, a Voice broke through the night.

"Just as you have always been enough for me, I am for you. You have always been special, Damon. You have been fighting for something that you already have. Be restored." It was the voice of the Creator, the Ancient One. "Fear enslaves. When you feed on fear, it binds you. I knew this would happen one day and only when you allow love to be your courage, your fears within can be cast out."

"I have been wrong all this while, so blinded by fear. I thought I was its master but it has always been mastering me, " Damon still was trying to collect his breath. Charlotte put her hand on Damon's shoulder.

"As for you, Charlotte, you have been my faithful servant. Many do not know, the least in the kingdom will be the greatest. What you have within may not be seen but true power can only be harnested with true courage. It is not being fearless but it is what you are made of to act in a situation with fear. For what you have done, you can ask Me for a wish and it shall be granted."

Charlotte remembered this Voice clearly. It was like suddenly her memory of dwelling in the utopia got revived. Kneeling before the Voice, she said, "I wish for all of us to be able to live normal lives among the mortals, among the human beings, for our identities to be concealed but to look the same before the humans. No one will find us peculiar anymore."

"Very well."

Charlotte woke up the next day and she went down to the dining hall. She walked through the kitchen door and saw Mrs. Bennett served her with the heartiest breakfast ever, French toast with runny egg yolk in the middle. They smiled at each other and Damon walked in. He pulled out a seat and said,"May I too have the same breakfast set? Runny egg yolk, please?" Then he mouthed these words over to Charlotte, "Thank you."

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My Disclaimer:

This is a compilation of a fiction written over 10 parts involving 19 freewrite prompts from @mariannewest as follows:

    • Bulb
    • Mask
    • Describe Your Shoes
    • Charge
    • Election
    • Sheep
    • Iris
    • Essence
    • Successful
    • The Sky is Clear
    • Feel The Love
    • Racket
    • Plug
    • Fever
    • Whipping Cream
    • Describe A Clock
    • Screening
    • Runny
    • You Walk Through The Door - What Do You See?

    You may check out all the 10 parts here:

    Part 1
    Part 2
    Part 3
    Part 4
    Part 5
    Part 6
    Part 7
    Part 8
    Part 9
    Part 10

    I challenged myself to make it into a continuous story and here how it is, being compiled together. All of the 10 parts were written by me and had been published on Steemit under my Steemit handle @happycrazycon. I wish I did more on the climax part and I shall improve to be better next time. It was honestly more challenging than the daily prompt because I needed to think of how to link the prompt with the earlier post. I was praying hard that the next prompt would be easier everyday hahaha! Sometimes, the plot changed because the prompts also "directed" the story in a way. I felt it was very exciting as I also anticipate to see the new prompt everyday since they are decided by @mariannewest and not by me. I may not be able to do this again though, LOL. Writing stories isn't exactly my strength but it was fun!

    Thank you so much for reading my little imperfect fictional story and sorry that it was such a looooong story. I compiled all of them together into a complete story for keep's sake!

    Freewrite is a prompt writing initiated by @mariannewest and @improv to write a free-flow post without correcting or editing. I checked out her post to really get what it is before I jumped on the bandwagon. Basically, there is no right or wrong, just let the mind and fingers do their work, to find our creative self and let it come out of us.

    created by @zord189

    **Posted from my blog with SteemPress : **


You're really a superwomen !! My hats off to you. If there is an award from Freewritehouse, I'll nominate you over and over again

This is spectacular, totally amazing

Aiyo, you are tooooooo kind @ireenchew :P I just was finding a prompt to end it!

Brave enough to hit the upvote button!

Posted using Partiko Android

Hahahhahahahah you too funny la. Thank you for your courage :)

Posted using Partiko Android

Tbh, I did not finish the piece. Half way through I already shut down. But I supposed an upvote speaks a trillion words. Steemauto is down, I'm going over 300 accounts one by one to manually upvote now! Speaking of which, forgot to browse Mr.Wong 😅

Posted using Partiko Android

Hahah it's OK. It's too long. Appreciate that you even reached half way Hahah! Thank you for doing manual upvote.

Posted using Partiko Android

Lol. Funny comment. I already read hers one by one so this one don't need to read just close my eyes and upvote. Hehe.

Brave enough to say it out even I only read half the piece(oh wait, was it really half the piece? More like the first paragraph…). Anyway I only got to know Mrs.Wong whilst she written her Chinese piece. So, nowadays mainly auto upvote her. And yours, quietly support only la. I can't read too much free write or I will have constipation due to indigestion of information. 😛

Posted using Partiko Android

You need free flow so that your poo can free flow smoothly and no indigestion. You are funny! Lol. Cracked me up!

Posted using Partiko Android

Finally did your compilation, great job!! 👏👏👏 I'm not brave enough to do a series, lol you guys are funny!! Poo also come out 😂

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Hey thank you @trufflepig!!! Always an honour :)

Posted using Partiko Android

Amazing series @happycrazycon. A thoroughly enthralling read and culmination of so many freewrites. You're my choice for the #steemitbloggers daily members suggestion

What a surprise and thanks @raj808!!! I went on writing because I didn't know how to end it :P

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19 prompts wow
I did 5 and called it a day
Your believe in The One makes it's appearance again :)

Hahahahahaha @kaerpediem! I didn't plan for it to come out this way, it was simply because I didn't know how to end it!!!! Everyday I hope there could be a more "suitable" prompt that could lead me to end it. Now it became toooo loooooonng! 😐

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It was supposed to be in 4-5 part, with my initial planning, for real with 5 prompts the most :P

Posted using Partiko Android

The thing about FreeWrite
But that's why I love it
Even you don't know where you are going haha
It's great :)

This is so true, from an experienced freewriter yourself :)


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Keep steeming good content.

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Thank you @yehey for what you are doing! :)

This is a long one

Super long!! Even I couldn't take it and wanted to end it when a suitable prompt came along :P Thanks for coming by @wales and even to read it.

Your 5 min freewrite is actually 50 min read. 5* confess i didnt read the content post your warning😉..but would love to read it one by one....during my coming traveling....

Posted using Partiko Android

Hahahah oops, safe travels and have an awesome time, @steemflow :)

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Haha sure have a day to go...most likely your 50 min write keep me good to read all fiction stories..hope to find other...just bookmarked yours one....though i will read in 10 equal instalment😉

Posted using Partiko Android

Haahahahah 10 equal installments! I am not kidding you when I say it made me laugh :D

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