Part 6 | Freewrite Prompts: Desert and Sheep

in #freewrite6 years ago

Part 6, continuing from here:

They discussed and said, "We believe in the election of the Brave. We trust you and want you to be our leader."

"The Brave? Me? You mean I have special powers or gifts too?" Charlotte was astonished.

"Yes, Mrs. Bennett has the ability to spot us with peculiarities and abilities. That's how she found us when we were homeless on the streets. She gathered us together so we can stay here. She has rejected many who came to rent the place. When you came to ask for a place to stay, she knew you were special. But she didn't know for sure if you will expose us. So we tried to scare you to see if you are the Brave. Courage is a gift, and in your case you have great courage, Charlotte! We may have gifts but we are so lack of courage," Cherry Blossom was excited.

"Don't you want to live normal lives to be adopted and be with a normal family?" Charlotte asked out of curiosity.

"Our lives in the orphanage and previous foster homes had been such a hell that we decided to desert. We met Mrs. Bennett who was alone that time. She wasn't married to Mr. Bennett yet that time. She told us to be brave and to stand for ourselves to not let anyone trash over us anymore. She was also deserted by her parents last time, because of her specialty," Dalton explained.

"I'm so sorry. Hmm, maybe I should go and meet Mr. and Mrs. Bennett," Charlotte decided.

All of them went with her. They went to the kitchen, but spotted no Mrs. Bennett. Then, they went out to the yard and saw the back gate leading to a forest was left open. All of them walked carefully behind Charlotte. For some reason, this time she was fearless, even as she explored into the unknown.

As they drew nearer to a spot, they could smell some blood, fresh blood in the air. They saw a silhouette of a person eating and munching off an animal like a barbarian, like a savage. Did he just eat it raw? Eeeeww!

Suddenly, they could not go any further, it was like there was a force field stopping them and it was created over the being. The being turned and they saw it with their eyes under the full moon, it was a werewolf who was munching on a sheep alive. It howled when it saw them and ran so fast towards them. Fortunately, it could not break the force field as well. It got bounced back but it was still gnashing its teeth hungrily at the children and Charlotte.

"Children!" there was a voice calling them out of a sudden. Charlotte turned and saw Mrs. Bennett, who looked very different. "Charlotte, thank goodness you are okay!"

"Mrs. Bennett?"

"Yeah, I see you have met all of the children. I will have a talk with you after I have settled with this matter."

She managed to paralyze the werewolf and it fell unconscious. Soon after, the dark clouds covered the moon, and it turned into......

Mr. Bennett?!

Okay, Charlotte's goosebumps were back.

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Freewrite is a prompt writing initiated by @mariannewest and @improv to write a free-flow post without correcting or editing. I checked out her post to really get what it is before I jumped on the bandwagon. Basically, there is no right or wrong, just let the mind and fingers do their work, to find our creative self and let it come out of us.

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Ah, Mr Bennett I presume...

Wow ! Continuation of the freewrite from previous prompts... Only an expert like you can do it.. Hmm.. I've got to challenge myself to try it out one day

Hahah me no expert, cos now I dunno how to end the story! Adui, headache. Everyday different prompt so the story kept taking a twist lol.

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Very suspenseful and great writing. I really enjoyed this.

Thanks for contributing to the #Freewrites.

Here is today's prompt: Day 315 : 5 Minute Freewrite: Thursday - Prompt: iris

This is getting even more exciting. Mr. Bennett a wolf? Ops.

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