Foxie on a mission - A story for children aged 7-12 - PART 9

in #fiction6 years ago

It was early morning when Jasper and Milo hit the road to find Foxie. The sun did not rise yet and it was still dark. The air was cool. Jasper prepared Milo for the task he was about to carry out. Milo had not met Magnus before and he had to know exactly how he was to approach someone like that.

Not far from the river, in an old, forgotten hunter's hide-out, little Foxie was already awake and wondered what this day would bring. He did not sleep much as everything that Jasper told him the night before, was gnawing deep inside of him. He played the whole thing back in his mind - how he entered the woods, the path he walked, up until the last detail of the singing and the tree that fascinated him so. The memory of the music was so fresh inside his mind that he could actually hear every word of the song.

It wasn't long before Jasper and Milo arrived. Although it was still dark, he could sense another side of Milo even as they greeted one another. This was definitely not the same Milo he got to know the day before.

"Good morning my King," Jasper broke the ice. "Did you sleep well?"

"Err, good morning, King Fox," Milo added with slight hesitation, but sincerity in his voice. "My apologies for my different behavior. I am not very used to meeting Kings around here."

Foxie didn't really know how to react. He smiled and then looked at Milo. "Good morning," he said. "Please don't apologize. I am still just a little lost fox and neither of you should call me 'King'. And good morning Jasper. I slept all right, thanks for bringing me here!"

Jasper nodded. He reminded Milo of his task and then explained that he would go back home to keep an eye on the house. "Safe travels to the both of you," he reluctantly said, "And if anything goes wrong, send the owl."

"Owl? What owl?" asked Foxie surprised.


"Hoo-hooo" said Grandma Owl and they all looked up in the direction of the sound. Foxie couldn't see very well but he remembered that voice. "It's you!" he said relieved.

"Good morning little fox King," greeted Grandma Owl with a smile. "Jasper found me last night on his way home and asked me to keep watch over you while you sleep. It was only when I got here that I recognized you."

"Grandma Owl has agreed to go with the two of you every step of the way," said Jasper.

"I know her!" said Foxie. "She saved my life a while ago and I never even got a chance to thank her. Thank you Grandma Owl. Perhaps you could show me the way back to Mrs. Smith's farm when we are done here."

Grandma Owl closed her eyes peacefully for a few seconds and nodded politely as if to agree.

"All righty then, shall we start our journey?" Milo asked. Everyone agreed and with a few flaps, Grandma Owl was the first to take off. Milo signaled for Foxie to go so that he could walk behind him and with a glance back at a very nervous Jasper, Milo winked and followed proudly behind Foxie. be continued...

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Part 5:
Part 6:
Part 7:
Part 8:


And so the journey begins with the wise old owl to guide the way. What troubles and adventures await them? Why do we always have to wait for more? LOL

Jy het ' great imagination'. Dit sê vir kinders 7-12 maar duidelik geniet ek dit meer as die kinders hahaaha

Great story friend, I'm in love with this reading, congratulations! God continue blessing you.


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