Fields Of Fable- Stay On The Path (Chapter 6)

in #fiction8 years ago (edited)

 Chapter 1 can be read here! Chapter 2 can be read here! Chapter 3 can be read here!  Chapter 4 can be read here! Chapter 5 can be read here?! 

"Borris what happens now?..........what is in here? You said we would hear them before we see them.....what do you mean? Are there giants......... bigger than you?"

Borris looked down at the children. "Yes children but not ordinary giants, and they are big........... 10 times bigger than myself. They are Cyclops. Giant Cyclops! But don't worry we will hear them, and as soon as we do we will get in the cart. I just need a rest for 10 minutes!" He stretches out his big arms as he yawns.

" wanted to see the Cyclops!" Toby was sat crossed legged in front of Borris. "Tell me about the Cyclops Borris."

"Yes Borris....tell us a story about the Cyclops!" Lucy sat next to Borris crossing her legs also. Her face nestled into the palms of her hands.

"Never mind the story Borris....what about Rumplestiltskin? And the witch....they will kill us." Hermey was looking around anxiously until Leila slapped him hard across the face.

"What was that for?"

"For getting us all here in the first place. And you Borris!" She jumped up and down on his foot as she spoke. " You should know better!"

Borris put his head down in disappointment. 

"That's all very well Leila blaming us but you chose to come and what about Rumplestiltskin and the witch? They will come for you aswell! Oh no.........I........bit him.......I bit Rumplestiltskin. " Hermey appeared to go into a bit a of a meltdown until Lucy gave him a sweat out of her bag and a hankercheif . Hermey wiped his tears as he sat down with the children.  Leila sat on one of the branches of the tree. "Well we will have to face that when we get out of here wont we! Borris continue your story to entertain the children." She sat on the branch trying to figure out how they were going to get out of this mess.

"Once upon a time their lived a family of Cyclops that were placed the know the Greek God of the skies. Well he created the Cyclops originally to be workmen for his kingdom." He shook his head as he laughed to himself. " He didn't expect them to be as rebellious as they were. You see the cyclops are a little........undomesticated lets say. They have very little manners and because of what they eat, they do possess......erm........digestive problems."

Lucy looked up intrigued. " Digestive Problems? What is that?"

Borris chuckles to himself. "Flatulance!"

She still looked confused. "Flatulance!"

Toby was laughing hysterically. "He means they blow off Lucy!" Toby was laughing uncontrollably, Lucy joining in. 

"Sssssshhhh keep your voice down........they may not be near but we need to be carefull."

"You blow off Toby.!"

"No I don' do.......!"

"No I do not!"

Borris starts to fidget becoming slightly irritated. "Shall we carry on ?"

They nodded in agreement but something was bothering Lucy. "Borris, are you a mini cyclops?"

He again chuckled to himself. " No dear I am a jentil, another type of giant. We are kinder and we don't eat people. We are just.........bigger than you humans. Also Cyclops only have one eye. Right in the middle of their heads. They are ridiculous looking beings and they do not follow any laws or listen to anyone, which is why Zeus put them here. They actually were the first in the fables. Now there is 3 of them Mother, Father and a son. They eat rubbish, anything really, living in the fables they have had to adapt to nature as they don't see much of anything else. They eat alot of fish from the sky and birds, they just reach out and pluck them fresh straight from the sky. But they have one you know what it is?"

Borris looked at the children as he spoke in a low whisper. "Human Flesh."

 They nodded in response. 

"So children we need to get in the cart, and carry on through these parts as safely as we can. Do you understand dears?"

"Yes we understand, but what if they stamp on our cart as we are riding through. ?"

"They wont come on the path it's designed to be non existent. Magic almost. We just need to stay on the path."

As they walk to the cart Toby looks around in disgust. "Errrrrrrrrrrrrrr what is that smell?"

"Quick get in, it's one of them!" As soon as he spoke, the sound of stomping feet followed. They all jumped in the cart and Borris managed to get them safely on the path. As they looked through the window out of nowhere appeared to be a baby cyclops running in the distance. Standing a little taller than Borris he was wearing a nappy made out of brown leather.  He was gasping at words and babbling like babies do. 

Borris picked up his pace presumably to get away from there as soon as possible. But as the cart started to gain speed it started to rock and the cart soon toppled over, everyone falling out. As a consequence Borris lost his balance and fell outside the path and onto the grass, his invisibility cape pulled away from him in the fall. Before Borris had time to pick himself up and get on the path the Cyclops had already spotted him and was standing in front of him. 

With no way past him Borris froze as he tried to work out his next move. For a few seconds the Cyclops looked at Borris, his head bent to one side trying to work him out. Then he let out a giggle poking Borris on the shoulder.

"Babba.....Babba!" He shouted excitedly. He plopped down in front of Borris and handed him a stick he had found on the ground. 

To be continued..........................

Disclaimer:My writings are to extend my creative writing ideas. Call these first drafts if you like. Secondly I am dyslexic. I do struggle to proof read and I can't always get people to do it for me. So if there is some typo's, then so be it. Thank you for reading.      

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