Pizza Rolls, Tornados and Food Fight Friday!

in #fff5 years ago (edited)

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Happy Good Friday my friends! Ready to do the Friday night Happy Dance!

Had to share a few more friends I made during my trip to the Keys! The Curly Tailed Lizard! Obviously not doing a happy dance...

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That’s better…

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Just like a good portion of the USA we’ve had Tornado warnings all day today! Rainy season begins soon, so we’ll begin to have more Tropical Storms and potential Tornadoes for the next 6 months. We haven’t lost electricity yet, so hopefully I still have time to make dinner.

Luckily this dinner will be ready in 30 minutes or less!

This Friday Night family friendly meal is kid friendly, Keto friendly and best of all Healthy! Pizza Rolls, who doesn’t love Pizza? My friends at @foodfightfriday should love these! This wonderful weekly contest features food from all over the world, from vegan to non-vegan, amazing desserts (in fact you must check out my friend @puravidavilles Blueberry Pineapple crumble this week! It’s unbelievable!) A big thanks to my #fff friends!

Enough talk, time to fly into action!...


Birds Friday Night Pizza Rolls

I’ve shared this dough before, I love it. It’s a great dough for Pizza, Calzones, Muffin cups….the sky’s the limit!

What I used…

  • Almond flour (1/4 cup)

  • Coconut flour (3 tbsp.)

  • Garlic Powder (1 tsp)

  • Onion Powder (1 tsp)

  • Fresh Egg (qty 1)

  • Shredded Mozzarella Cheese (1 ½ cup)

  • Non- dairy or dairy Cream Cheese (2 tbsp.)

  • Nutritional Yeast (1 tbsp.)

  • Optional toppings: Pepperoni, Onion, Black Olives, Pesto Shiitake Mushrooms….it’s your choice!

Thunder sounded…

outside as I placed melted the cheeses together. I was a wee bit worried about power outages. We have those occasionally, even on a sunny day! Cheese melted and stirred, add the dry ingredients and the eggs and mix thoroughly. Now spread this sweet mixture between two pieces of parchment and then roll it out into a nice rectangle. I had bits of several toppings left in the fridge so I tossed them on top. Cheese, onion, black olives, shiitake and a drizzle of pesto!
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Rolled it tight…

kind of like that Curly Tailed Lizard! Did you see how flat he was? When I first saw him I thought he was dead, I had to chuckle. After a few minutes he was back up on his feet prancing around like he owned the place! That tail curled just so! Funny little creature.

Back to the roll…

all the toppings are in place so I gingerly rolled it up! Pizza Roll was now seam side down, so I sliced it into 1 ½ slices and place the slices into a muffin tin. Bake 350 for 20-22 minutes.
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Mission Accomplished! A Friday Night Success

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I hope you all have a great Easter Weekend! If you need a quick treat for little fingers on Easter day, this would be great to have! No forks needed! Thanks for stopping by, and don’t forget to check out my friends @foodfightfriday!

And as always, blessings to you all!



The STEEM Engine


This looks delicious! Thanks for sharing.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thank you @metzli! So glad you stopped by...they were awesome to eat. Although, I thought we were going to eat them by permitting! :)

@birdsinparadise. You.are.awesome! I really don’t know what else to say uhm.. always nice to see on Friday, uh.. happy Easter! Eh... nice pose, lizard! What else? Oh, I liked the beginning when you said “thunder sounded...” I wasn’t sure if you were ready to throw some punches or work by candlelight. 😉

You’re awesome, that’s all I got! Happy Easter, chef. Happy #fff.

lol, yes I often render people speechless....what can I say, :) (not sure if its good or bad...) @dandays, you're the best. You don't need to say anything, you're kindness shows through and through! I just wanted to join in on the food fight, a little taste of our Friday night feast you know? Flying over to see your fff....cheers and Blessings too :)

Well..well.. well.. Mrs. @birdsinparadise .. send me some of those roll muffin pizza, pleaaaseee!
I Love Pizza!

Hey @cicisaja! So great to see you, you always bring a smile to my face! You're the sweetest, I'll have to skip on over to see what amazing treat you brought to the #fff party :) Cheers and a big thank you my friend!

Im taking off from any kitchens for a few weeks.. still working on some tasks in the real life😊 I didn't have anything to show off.. that's why I make my round to get my mood back to cook something again😊

God these look yummy @birdsinparadise, I'm going to have my gf make them for me. 🤞

Posted using Partiko Android

Oh you must!!! Just tell her to be careful to not overfill with toppings and when rolling the dough as it is fragile and may tear....but its okay, they bake up beautifully. You'll both be glad you made them :) Thanks @wonderwop!

This exactly looks like something I will crave for... Is technology advanced enough for us to transmit taste and smell over the internet? Would want to take a bite of it without doubts :P

Posted using Partiko Android

oh my we would certainly be in big trouble if technology included taste and smell. Everyone would be glued to their computers and either very fat or starved to death! Thanks so much @lilacse, you'll have to try them some time, they're so easy!

Your Food Fight Friday Contender has been entered into Round 39
May your contender make it out alive and not be placed in a permanent food coma!
Good Luck

I just love this clip, I smile everytime I see it...that little guy is in food heaven, lol Thanks so much @foodfightfriday! Glad to be a part of the Friday night fight :) Cheers to good food!

These pizza wheels are food fight Friday champs in the making right here. That curly tailed lizard knew you were going to cook up something radical and is probably why he changed his tune in picture number 2. Haha. Thanks for the mention @birdsinparadise, we are all just trying to keep up with you 😉. Happy Easter my friend!

Edit: have you ever thought of using #artzone as a tag for your recipes? All of your creations are such works of art that if you used that tag you’d get more curating eyes on your posts ‍♀️ Just sayin :)

It was so funny, that little guy was so flat I really thought he was squished or something, He kept looking back and forth, lol Then the next thing I knew he jumped up and started strutting around the place! So much fun. Hmmmm I'm not familiar with artzone...might have to give that tag a roll (I need all the help I can get, hehehe) You're a genius @puravidaville, thank you!! Have a fab day, Enjoy that blueberry-ilicious crumble :)

That crumble cake is long gone. We just got finished gobbling a cookie skillet fresh from the oven. I really did miss all of the cooking and baking I used to do. I’ve been making up for lost time these past few weeks, you can tell in my waistline 😝

Iguanas definitely do pose and show off for us. I think they like being the center of attention :) @dandays is a curator for artzone and I’ve been lightly trying my hand at curating for food with artzone. I forgot to use the tag myself but it can’t hurt to get extra eyes on your creations. Everything you put out is so beautiful, truly the oldest art form…

You are just too good in that kitchen, definitely the champion! That magical dough that I must still try next time I make pizza! Looks amazing my friend!
We had guests here from Florida this week, such lovely people! She's an ex-South African, married to an American and her family live near us. They were talking about the hurricanes, you must take care Mrs Bird!

You have to try this my friend, you will really be amazed. These were so rich! Your hubby will love them and so will you! So fun that you met some Floridians! Are they in Africa to escape our rainy season, lol That was some storm yesterday, but then after Hurricane Irma...:) Thank you my friend, we'll take care.

The Lizard sure looks more majestic in the second shot :) I am glad the power stayed on so you could cook this tasty looking pizza rolls

you to have a Happy Easter Weekend

Wasn't it funny, I couldn't believe how flat he was, lol You would have thought he was squished...but then he just jumped up and pranced away. Perhaps he was trying to make me feel sorry for him :) Thanks @tattoodjay! Electricity prevailed!! Hope you are getting to see the grand kiddos this weekend, nothing like Easter celebration with little ones and all of their finery!

Yeah at first when I looked at I did wonder if it was Ok, they can be quite deceiving

NO this weekend we arent with the family, we will be heading there soon my Wife wasn't feeling to well so we are having a quiet weekend

Hey, @birdsinparadise.

I can't decide what I like better. The idea of pizza rolls, as you call them, or pizza muffins, which is what they look like to me. Either way, they look awesome.

That curly tailed lizard has some interesting coloring. Reminds me of a rattlesnake. In plain view, they'd never be mistaken for a snake, but I wonder how many people wandered if that's was scurrying around in the brush. :)

hehe, they do look like muffins, must have been because I used a muffin tin to bake them....I was afraid they would spread out too much (or flatten) if I didn't contain them! As for that lizard....he is so perky and his tail is curled so nicely I don't think he would have been mistaken for a snake...he moves pretty fast too :) Thanks @glenalbrethsen, glad you enjoyed my pizza roll-muffs! :)

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