What It Means To Be A Woman

in #feminism6 years ago (edited)

Challenge Accepted.
Hosted by @beanz.

In celebration of International Women's Day, Ms. Beanz is hosting a contest and asking various questions. I chose the topic What It Means To Be A Woman, simply because that is what I am.

There was a time that women were given away as a child in marriage and life was very short. Unfortunately, in some countries this custom still exists. Not long ago a woman was lucky to live into her 30's, and that was considered fortunate. Many of us grew up being told that when we have our first menstruation that that is when we become a woman. As young girls growing into womanhood we may have been told that the first time we have sex is when we become a woman.

Oftentimes, women are told who and what we are before we even realize what makes a woman. Our classmates, teachers, professors, parents, siblings, grandparents all want to guide and shape us into either who they are, or someone better than who they are. The same was true for me.

The only difference is that I was a rebel and from the time I was a child I did what I wanted and as Frank Sinatra sings, I did it my way. (Although, I'm not nearly dead yet.)

I remember the first time someone tried to tell me what to do, and that would be my mother yelling at me to let me in the bathroom to give me a bath. I had locked the door and said I would do it myself. I was five years old. I still hear this story many years later. Mothers!

Let me not forget walking up the hills of San Francisco, and my mother tried to make me walk up that darn hill and I was just too tired. I was getting yelled at again, and she kept walking until she reached the top (cursing and threatening she would leave me forever) and I was still at the bottom of the hill. It was a very steep hill so I stood right in my spot until she came and picked me up. Sorry mom.

My point here is that our history shapes us and helps us become who we are, it was through many of these types of experiences that gave me the strength to be the woman that I am today. Some people may call this stubborn, strength, or hard headedness. I simply call it knowing who I am, and loving myself. These feelings of self-empowerment were always within me, and these inner strengths is what helps a woman get through the daily struggles a woman has to overcome in her lifetime.

I was very fortunate that my mother helped to raise me with self-esteem and the knowledge to figure out situations in order to survive. It is true, the formative years of learning are so very important.

When my family moved to Hawaii, Japan, and Korea I was allowed to walk the streets alone and to learn the language and cultures on my own. I picked up many languages by just having regular conversations while going grocery shopping, taking walks, or meeting new neighbors. My mother rarely ventured outside except to teach English to a few millionaires my father knew.

I would go off on my own, accompanied by many of these people who would take me on day trips all over the country in limousines and helicopters. There was always a sense of adventure and confidence that everything around me was to be an education and appreciated. As I look back today, this experience taught me to love all cultures and allow these experiences to happen with open arms. To be openminded to all who may have a different lifestyle, language, or custom because they may add so much to my life. As a woman, this life lesson had opened so many doors because of allowing no judgments to ever cross my mind.

As I got older, my mother turned to drugs and I left home at 16 years old. I became a couch surfer and lived on the streets, sometimes wandering for hours by taking different buses with my local bus pass until midnight, and crashing at anyone's couch that was kind enough to take me in. Life was not easy at this point, and life as a woman was very confusing. It was a struggle just to survive and try to graduate high school. Forget having a boyfriend, joining school clubs, or having a normal life. Finding food to eat and a place to sleep was priority. Through these years I truly learned to hone my instincts and not allow anyone to control my life but me. Men have a hard time understanding this type of independence, many times the men in my life have felt it is a threat. In all honesty it was years of being on my own and surviving that created a very strong sense of being a strong female, and there is nothing wrong with being a strong woman.

After graduating high school I put myself through an office training program and then attended junior college for a couple of years on scholarship. As you may recall, that young girl who wanted to give herself her own bath at 5 years old, well that personality never went away. There is always a way to make it in this world and if that means creating a way, then that is what we must do as women. We hold so much power to make things happen and that includes anything we may want in this world.

Shortly thereafter I moved to New York City and created a good life for myself. My master's degree was earned by hard work and mostly on scholarship. Working hard in a career and always participating in community engagement was a huge part of my life. Empowering women in particular through the creation of women's groups and participating in women's forums in New York City became a common activity. Through these groups I learned to appreciate strong women and be an example and teach women who may not be as strong. This did not mean that I did not have vulnerability. Quite the contrary I was very sensitive and encouraged with love.

As a woman, I have had to fight off molestation, rape, men who felt they could control me, objectification, narcissism, and many other things all women must face. For most of my life it was a struggle, since I basically raised myself and I was very vulnerable to male domination. It took a long time for me to learn that I could be strong and loved by men too. There are many men out in the world that do love a strong woman. Believe me when I say this was a fight within myself, because as all women we sometimes feel we have to act a certain way to obtain the perfect man. It took courage and honesty to break through the barrier of doubt and just be me.

It was at a moment when I finally achieved peace and acceptance that things really started to change. Something clicked internally and it was finally okay to acknowledge my strength without embarrassment and that the flair of rebellion and adventure was just a part of who I am. I finally loved myself. Just as it is okay for any woman to be who you are and to be loved for who you are. We all deserve to be loved.

There is a deep gratitude to the women I feel a connection to who paved the way for us. Rosa Parks, Harriet Tubman, Joan of Arc, and sorry here ... but I do love me some Wonder Woman. My true loves are the Goddesses, The Divine, Mother Teresa, and so many more women that go back to the ancients. The strong women of my lineage, the medicine women that died for the sake of their children, for them I will forever be grateful. The DNA that runs through my veins has kept me strong through some unbelievably difficult times. My matriarchs and teachers who have been by my side the entire time. I have never been alone. They taught me to always be a strong woman and not to be ashamed of showing kindness and love. It is only through these acts that we can truly be complete.

Through life lessons and the fact that love is really what completes us, I took on a new path. I am now empowering women through being a Doula. Assisting women in their own natural care and bringing in new life is amazing, what better way than to show support and power to womanhood. I am truly blessed.

As time passed I was able to forgive my mother and push through abandonment issues by her not being there for me. Today, we have a very loving relationship. That small rebellious girl who did not want to climb that hill finally made it on her own, but with lots of help. It is not a weakness to say that we need each other. I have found so many mothers, sisters, cousins, and friends along the way. They have helped to make me who I am today. I am woman. Peace.

To enter this amazing contest click here.

I found this contest through the daily list generated by @moneyinfant.

Image Sources for: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.




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Thank you so very much my Choo Choo group. Love you all so much! XX

Sometimes people don't know how awesome you are until you allow a little light to filter through the cracks.

This article could be considered a good example of such - and your story and your message unfolds exquisitely. It is something quite special.

It also provides some insight into how the @eaglespirit of today came to be... and not surprisingly such involved its share of adversity. To turn out alright regardless is a gift to the World.

hello there my dear @pathforger, you already knew how awesome I was ... Buahaha :p
Miss you my friend, hope all is well and thank you for reading and supporting me.
how the eagle came to be ahahahah you are too cute!
yeah to turn out alright and not coo coo was certainly not a bad thing. :)
Thank you for your kindness. Eagle.

There are no amount of words that I could write here to express how I feel about your lovely post! I relate a lot, I am sure many woman do. The struggles often connect us, and we can learn to flourish together too!

I love this: "They taught me to always be a strong woman and not to be ashamed of showing kindness and love."

That is indeed true, it takes strength to be kind, and it is something we all must remember. We can be rebels and we can be independent and we can be kind and strong. We can be whatever we dang well want to be! That is also so important to remember.

Ahk, so many things! Your awesome! Do it, be awesome and let us all be awesome together! Believe it!


@Cae you crack me up!! Thank you so much for this comment and leaving such a lovely comment. Here I thought only @limabeing was @teamgirlpowa. You are all messing with my head. Hee Hee
Yes we can love, flourish, and be awesome together. It is so very important to believe and remember that.


I am a journalist mod hehe, I get the chance to go around and be awesome some more. Believe it!

Lol teamgirlpowa is mad!!!

This was truly beautiful and if @skycae hadn't resteemed it, I would have. Thank you for sharing your story. It sounds like there is a lot more adventure to talk about. Hope to hear more Anoit little cassandra :P

this is girl power ception

My master's degree was earned by hard work and mostly on scholarship. Working hard in a career and always participating in community engagement was a huge part of my life. Empowering women in particular through the creation of women's groups and participating in women's forums in New York City became a common activity.

You an amazing woman, strong and confident.
Your story is inspiring.
Thanks so much for sharing it with us.
💖 Ya.

Did you mean to copy and paste the whole text?

Oh my goodness.
Of course not🙈.
Twa's a mistake. Gonna edit it.
Thanks for calling my attention to it @beanz

hi there @adedoyinwealth, thank you so much for your kind words and support. xx Eagle

You are always welcome @eaglespirit.
You are a woman of steel with a heart of gold.

You are so kind, thank you again.

This is so inspirational! I really enjoyed knowing more about you and it made me respect and love you even more. Beautiful!

Hey @sharoonyasir thank you so much for kind words. I am so touched by your love. Thank you so very much. xx Eagle

You came through lot @eaglespirit... you were tested through fire and it made you the stronger and the brighter...
Best wishes and happiness forever.
Regards, svk

Thank you so much SVK I appreciate your support and kind words.
I wish you very much the same. Much love and happiness to you.

This is a beautiful post. Unfortunately I don't vote after bidbots.

Thank you @beanz, no worries I understand. I appreciate you letting me know.

Yes Woman empowerment, I love this post @eaglespirit, I could feel your power through your writing before you wrote this but now I understand a little more about where it comes from. Your journey and awareness is inspiring. Thank you for sharing your life with us. I'm so excited to have you as a sister Birth Keeper xx

Thank you so much @trucklife-family you are so good to me and its women like you that help give me strength and I thank you so much for that. I am honored to share my life with women and especially to those that will somehow, someday maybe find encouragement. yay Sister Birth Keepers. Hey they really come out rather small and squishy. LOL!!! :)

Wow - that is such a fantastic, thought-provoking and inspiring post. I wonder about the issues that your mother had to struggle with too. It's wonderful that you have managed to come through all this with strength and wisdom.

Thank you so very much for your appreciation and comment. I sincerely feel your kindness.

Thank you for sharing from your heart your life as girl then how it shapes you to be the woman you are now. I love your inspiring story between you and your mum. Also such boldness you had to wander in streets and learned to survive by yourself. Had I been in the same situation I would cry my eyeballs out. I truly respect you and honor you for who you are. The woman you are to be and always will - a strong-willed independent one. -xoxo-

Your comment is so kind and thoughtful. I thank you so very much for sharing your thoughts in such depth and sincerity. I appreciate your words and take them into my heart .

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