Between A Rock and a Hard Place

in #familyprotection6 years ago (edited)

I renewed my search for legal services since my last post thanks to the advice of @lturner, @markwhittam, and @canadian-coconut and have gotten a little further but not by much.


I was able to get a free question at I explained the situation to the lawyer and he said he doesn't see me losing my kids, and to cooperate.

I called judicare, an organization that provides lawyers at no cost. They said they couldn't help me.

I looked up lawyers with searches saying things like "free cps lawyers," and the searches found some numbers. Several of the numbers were no longer in service and the people I did get through to expected payment.

I searched for legal clinics, but found none

Let's face it, I can't even afford to get an application expediated at HSLDA yet, which is $40. I might be able to in a couple days, given my post doesn't get downvoted by a certain cranky cat. There's only one paragraph about him, but we'll see.

I called several local law firms and was able to get an appointment for a free consultation. The appointment was at 2pm yesterday. I didn't tell him I couldn't pay. Here's how it went:

I told him the situation and he asked many questions. He asked if we have a curriculum, how the children's diets are, if there's any drug use going on in the house, have they started any CHIPS proceedings (CHild In need of Protection Services), ect. I included the information about:

  • What curriculum we use.
  • Jared's depression and employment situation.
  • What the children said when interviewed.
  • What Jared was doing to warrant their visit.
  • What the social worker said concerning future UAs and pill counts.
  • The fact that we have a few beers at night.
  • The children's diets.
  • The fact that I've been logging everything I do concerning the care and education of my kids.
  • How I recorded Chloe giving an explanation of what she meant when she said "back."
  • The fact that we're only under investigation at this point.

Here was his answer in a nutshell: Cooperate with them, and they'll probably go away.

He said It's not worth hiring a lawyer at this point. Lawyers are expensive (this is coming from a $300/hour lawyer who had no idea I couldn't pay). It looks like I'm doing a good job as a parent and just give them the urinalysis, after a couple clean ones they will see that they don't really have much of a case. By logging everything and recording Chloe's explanation, I have proof to give the judge if they were to accuse me of something and they probably already know they won't win. Just roll with the punches right now, it looks like they are working with you. The UA person usually comes during the day, but sometimes they do come in the evening, and alcohol shows up in UAs, so stick to 2 beers a night. 3 or more, and they could start accusing you of being irresponsible. He's confident they will be satisfied to the point of dropping the investigation.

I've never been very adept at handling advice. I don't know if I'm too impressionable or what but advice from one person will get my head spinning in one direction, and counsel from another person will get my head spinning the other way. I really don't know what to think and this is a weakness of mine. I see the horrors of CPS here on Steemit. I know what they could do, but will it happen to us? I'm starting to doubt it by what the lawyer said. Meth is a big problem around here, people are losing their kids left and right because of it. Heroin is an issue too. I go out into the world and see disheveled parents with their disheveled children. Naughty children at the grocery store, being yelled at by mean parents. My kid's hair is fixed everyday. They always have something clean to wear. We never go out looking poor or disheveled as we really are.

Some of the largest problems I have with the kids though is bedtime. They go to bed too late and they sleep in too late. That and screen time. My son in particular wants to spend every spare moment on his tablet and acts like the world is coming to an end when he doesn't have it. My daughter is a drama queen, and has some behavioral problems, she'll scream like she's being boiled when she gets too upset and it always irritates the hell out of me, especially when the windows are open. People say kids are kids but I think mine are feral sometimes haha! Especially the older two believe it or not. They were the only ones that got vaccinated. I can't help but wonder if there is a link. Anyway I'm rambling...I guess my point is that every family has their problems. Some don't want to admit it, and they may be different than mine, but they're there.

Some of you have suggested I leave with the kids and hide out somewhere. There are a few problems with that:

  • My husband would never go for it. He says we need to cooperate.
  • I have half a tank of gas, and very little money
  • We've been kind of hermits since Jared's been depressed and are not in contact with our church, old friends ect.

That is why I have named this post "Between A Rock and a Hard Place." Sorry if this is basically all I've been posting about, but it's all I can really think about right now.

A couple of lyrics in Pink Floyd's "Welcome to the Machine" came to mind a couple of times.

Where have you been?
It's alright, we know where you've been...

You didn't like school
You're nobody's fool
So welcome to the machine

This is where I'm at. Thanks for reading.

If you're just learning about this now and want to catch up, here are my other posts:
It's happening
Still Together
My Actions Concerning CPS
Police and Social Worker Coming Today
Better than Expected

Love, snowpea ❤

Image from Pixabay

Family Protection.png


@snowpea -- Mark and I have decided to return the funds that you donated to @familyprotection in the past. 42.05 Steem Dollars are now in your wallet.
I would like to see you keep some cash-on-hand to be sure that the gas tank can be filled up and refilled if you and the children need to leave.
... (written by Linda)

This made me cry... Thank you so much!! I feel kinda bad taking from @familyprotection, but I will fill my tank with this, and expediate my hslda application. Again, thank you. Sorry I didn't respond sooner - GINAbot is on the fritz today.

I feel your stress @snowpea I really hope things will get better soon.. So much love and support here from familyprotection is heartwarming right?
Do you know when they will visit again? Maybe I missed it in the post.. its late here right now..
Take care <3

She left it open ended. I don't know when they are coming again, which really puts me on egg shells.

Yes , I can imagine.. the idea that they may be at your door when its totally inconvenient.. It would make me stress out too.. Now idea if she will call /email first? Hope you can put this all behind you soon.. And good that you are documenting everything this may help a lot at a certain poin.. and maybe even good enough to let her back off because she sees you are no idiot ;) and prepared.. what about your mom? did she try to contact again? (I would refuse contact too so I totally understand you)

She said she will call when she puts in the order for the urinalysis, but after she puts the order in, we won't know when the UA person will come. She also mentioned pill counts in the future with the police officer, but didn't pinpoint when that will be. My mom hasn't tried to contact me since I texted her not to. I really hope they just back off too...Thanks for your comment! :)

I should have thought ahead of time to have you ask the lawyer this --
Does he/she ever represent CPS in court?
Many lawyers will sometimes represent CPS and sometimes represent parents. If CPS regularly gives them work, they will not want to make waves and will not be acting in the parent's best interest.

You make a good point. If he works for cps a lot that's exactly what he would say...

Thank-you @snowpea for submitting this post with the #familyprotection tag. It has been UPVOTED by @familyprotection and RESTEEMED TO OUR Community Supporters.

"Child Protection Agencies" are taking children away from their loving families.

I'm glad you were able to meet with the lawyer. It seems that a few of them are encouraging you to comply. I guess it is a difficult thing to decide which is better. In some ways, if you comply, they may leave you alone if they find nothing, but if they find even the slightest thing, they may blow it up. We made a schedule when we moved here that has really helped us. My kids went from playing video games as much as they wanted in the mornings before I got up (they would get up at 5 to play) to getting 30 minutes a day (in the afternoon, after school was over). They also get more time on Saturdays and Sundays. They now really look forward to "free time" where they can use screens. I also have thought about "if you read for 20 minutes, you get 20 minutes of free time" or whatever for "reading" time. Part of our schedule is 8 pm bedtime which works for us, but they sometimes get up at 6. :) Ha. Maybe something like that would work to help with bedtime. Plus getting them in bed at 8 gives me 2 hours to hang out at night and do what I want! ;) You have to do what works for your family though...and of course there are some pains when you make changes.

I really like the idea of however long you read is how long you can have screen time! That's a brilliant idea!! Thanks for bringing up the HSLDA on my last post! My application is being expedited. :)

This post was upvoted and resteemed by #thethreehugs. Thank you for your support of @familyprotection.

You will find my active post here: #thethreehugs

Wow, @snowpea. I'm so sorry you have been going through this. Honestly, CPS is one of my nightmares. You just never know who feels justified in feeling like they're "doing the right thing" by turning a family over to CPS. It's really sad that it's often family members who do so. But it can just as easily be someone who jumps to conclusions overhearing something or what have you. Praying for you! That's a lot of stress to be under as a family.

CPS is a nightmare. I pray you and your family never has a run in with them. Yes, so often it's family members who think they are doing the right thing...if only they could foresee the damage caused. Thank you for the prayers, we need them! :)

Your story has truly touched me and I can just feel how your head is reeling. Keep doing what you're doing because it sounds like you're possibly going in the right direction. Sending lots of hugs your way.

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The fact that you seek legal support, even though you are only under investigation, is often illegal.

So cps is a kind of monster, but do not fall here you have all the support of family protection..Much strength for you and everything to improve.

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