Just when I thought I'd heard it all... Update crazy CPS lady

in #familyprotection6 years ago (edited)

All this crap with these people is taking up so much of my time that I hardly have any time to breathe, let alone do anything else. At this point, my income can barely be called an income. The freelance job (that I luckily still hold because the people I work for are very understanding) is on a very low at the moment. Simply because I can't concentrate and once I am done with keeping the house and kids sparkly clean and everything else that's been asked of me by this inhuman social worker (she comes up with something else every time she sees me) I am usually so drained and tired that I can't even come up with a title to write about, let alone a great article. If it weren't for the cryptocurrency I had stacked away, I wouldn't even have been able to get by these months. There's hardly anything left...(and what hurts the most is that I had to sell most of it with a loss).

I know now, more than ever that she's out to ruin my life and that of my children

But she is messing with the wrong person. I don't often wallow in self-pity, but I have caught myself doing so more than once over the last couple of months. Her energy is what brings me down and as soon as she enters the house, everything shifts into her negative aura, affecting everyone around her.
Every time, I promise myself to stand up to her the next time and every time I do she goes into full-blown attack mode, leaving me angry, humiliated and frustrated. This is NOT the way I want to be and I definitely don't want to degrade to her level of consciousness which is very much driven by what they call the reptilian brain.
She's a bully, nothing more and nothing less. I've seen it in action and I can see it in her face. She's the kind of person who most likely took pleasure in torturing her non-outspoken school-mates and laughed when she made them cry.
Every time I see her, all I want to do is wipe that smug look off her face and soon, this will be exactly what will happen!
My friend J. said the other day: She speaks to you like you're a 4 year old. And that's true. Sinking to her level wouldn't even be possible to me, I am just not equipped to scoop that low.

Standing up to a bully

source: www.polyvore.com

Last Wednesday, she graced us with another visit and another 'colleague' in tow.
She introduced her colleague and then said in the same breath that this woman would be 'working with the kids.'
She didn't wait for my reply but could probably see the huge question mark on my face. She said: "She will talk to the kids, fill out a booklet with them. This is needed for the conference." I asked how this would go and they replied that that other woman would see them one by one in a room and go through the booklet. Even the youngest, who's going to be 4 in June... I told them that I didn't feel comfortable with having the kids questioned by them, simply because I don't trust them. The other woman nodded as if she understood.
J & D were here at the house at the time (I don't know how she does that, turn up every time they're here) so J. threw in her ten cents. Right away, the case worker went into full blown attack and replied (looking at J. not me):
"Well, we can also get a court order..."
The nerve of that woman is something else! Almost every conversation I have with her, there is a request, then some questions from my side and then ALWAYS a threat from her.
When they left, I was shaking with anger and fear for the next few hours.
But I guess that's what she's aiming for.

New steps

The only person who would know what to do in this case, isn't really sure this time either. I called my sister in law for advice. At first she told me to go ahead with it and that even if the kids would say anything crazy it wouldn't hold up in court. Only children over the age of 12 are taken seriously. People who have kids know that children can just say the most embarrassing things, even if they mean something completely different...the case worker has no kids...)
She then added that now was the time for my eldest to speak her mind and tell them that she is sick of their meddling.
Make it into something like: "I now feel guilty for causing you to come into our lives..." etc.
It sounded plausible, but I still don't feel good about it at all.

I sent her an email about my concerns. However, she still couldn't give me a straight answer.
Here in Ireland everything is so much different than in most other countries. My sister in law told me before, that even judges sometimes make their own rules as they go.
Letting it come to them getting a court order, can be a bad thing. You're on the judge's radar as being non-compliant.
She told me that it is very hard for her to give me advice in this as she hasn't met the social worker nor her team leader and it's hard to guess an outcome.
Her advice: "Will the social worker be present or just the interviewer? It would be better if it was just the interviewer. There is no need for anyone else to be on their side. (they said it would just be the interviewer, but that's if you trust their word). You could ask for the sessions to be recorded so it won’t be possible to put words on the kids mouths. (I doubt that they will agree on that). Or you could say that you would prefer to go to court about it where you would get a chance to put your side and air your concerns about the process. (very hard to tell what that could become, I don't trust judges either) Or you could say that you want to have a child protection meeting first (they said it had to be done before the meeting), you would like to have a meeting with her team leader to get some assurances of fairness before the children are interviewed. (I think this is what needs to be done first)
It is hard for me to say until I meet them and get a sense of their position..."
In other words: nothing much to work with.
What I don't understand is this: They already interviewed the kids (all except the youngest) alone when they first came to our home. Why is that not enough?

source: https://puremadangel.wordpress.com/2016/03/02/breaking-the-chains-and-rising-above-an-outdated-system/

The letter

Meanwhile, my sister in law has prepared the letter she is going to send them about attending the meeting.
Her words in that letter made me feel a bit lighter and even brought a smile to my face. Especially the signature made me laugh. (it's true though, the woman is highly educated...nothing to mess with. Very intuitive as well. Very rare in people like that).
Here is the letter she wrote (I left out names and addresses, but other than that, it's her exact words)

Dear Ms C.,

Re: Attendance at a Child Protection Conference

I am writing to seek permission to attend at a Child Protection Conference which has been organised in relation to the case of M.T. and her four minor children. She has yet to receive official confirmation of the date and time but I understand that the conference is expected to take place on Thursday 24th May in Co Mayo. I have Ms T’s permission to make this request and I will attend in the capacity of a friend and support person.
A.C. is the only child of my brother, E. C., and I consider myself to be very close to the family. M. is well known to me since she started seeing my brother, years before A.’s birth. We are in very frequent contact by phone and email, often weekly contact. Myself and my husband, G. M. have agreed to be testamentary guardians for all four children and this reflects the interest that we have taken in them.
I want to assure you that I am in a good position to understand the proceedings and will not require lengthy explanations of the process or purpose of the meeting. I teach Child Protection Law in () Institute of Technology, where I am also the Deputy Designated Liaison Person. In addition, I chair the Board of Management of a school for children with severe disabilities and I deal with all child protection and welfare issues on behalf of the school, where I interact with both Tusla and the HSE. My research area is family mediation where I am deeply involved in an action research project which encompasses the voice of the child and although primarily focused on private family law, I would sometimes deal with cases that have a public family law element.

Ms T. has kept me constantly informed of developments since a social worker, Ms C. C., became involved with the family. Her communications are increasingly distressed and I have become very concerned for her well-being. In all the years that I have known Miriam, she has shown herself to be a wonderful mother who gives all of her time and love to her children and also a woman of enormous strength who raises four children alone in a foreign country.
I have never had any concerns about the welfare of the children, have never seen evidence of neglect, abuse or ill-treatment. M. has strong views on the children’s education and she has been willing to make a commitment to home schooling, in line with her philosophy. They are intelligent and confident, their development has been on track at every stage. I thought that this would be clear at a very early stage of any engagement with services and I encouraged co-operation with Tusla.
I would very much like to attend the conference in order to understand how this situation has escalated to a point where Ms C. has actively threatened to have the children taken into care, causing enormous distress to Ms T. In addition, I have been given to understand that Ms C. has told S. (her daughter) that she, S. may have a life-long mental illness, namely bipolar disorder and this has caused foreseeable distress to S.
If I could achieve a clearer picture of events, I feel that I would be better able to offer support and advice to M., a person whom I consider to be a relative of mine, as well as a friend.

Yours sincerely,

Dr S.C., BL.

source: https://theportuguesewolf.com/2016/04/11/a-slap-in-the-face-made-in-portugal/![]

And this was the e-mail she sent me before that:

I am going to write to them today and get into the child protection meeting. We really have to meet her team leader and get the case ended, that is the number one priority. Once the case is closed, then we will make a complaint to Tusla about the social worker's behavior and if nothing becomes of that, we can go to the Ombudsman. That is why it is so important to have everything written down. That way I can see the specific parts which are most damaging to her. While she has been generally dismissive, undermining, judgmental and dishonest, she will deny that point blank. However, she told S. that she might have a life long mental illness and that is the kind of thing she will find very difficult to deny because it will be her word against S.'s. The main thing is to get the case closed, then it is time to make a complaint but you need to have a time log of all the incidents that have happened. I would bet that you are not the only person who is having problems with her, highly likely that you are not the only person who has complained!

I am completely furious about the way that you have been treated, just so angry I can't sleep some nights thinking about it. But the way to stop it is to be very calm and rational at the meeting and just ask why the case has not been closed, pressure them to close it and then hit the social worker with a complaint.

She is abusing her power, but she could never get a court order to take the children into care because they have no grounds. The constant threats to take the children and to seek court orders is abusing and malpractice in itself.

I am not worried about them talking to the children on their own, you are not hiding anything, you have never been anything but an excellent mother and they are undermining your confidence.

Their voices need to be heard because this situation is harming them and that needs to be heard.

Sit down and do a timeline of incidence and problems that you have had with her, we will bring that to the meeting and they will be on notice that you can bite back. Then watch her get all sweetness and light like any bully....

This woman is truly awesome and I feel blessed to have her in my corner.

Let's see how the bully gets after she gets BURNED!

source: www.slideplayer.com

Do you think my story is an exception? Think again!

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You are SO FORTUNATE to have such an educated and caring woman on your side. This may make all the difference in you keeping your children or losing them. I hope that they back off when they realize who is on your team.

All of this is so unnecessary. They hire controlling freaks who have zero empathy, and dare to claim that they are somehow protecting children?! This is a crazy, crazy world that we live in.

Very true. The case worker has shown me more than once that she's not here to 'protect' children or she wouldn't put us through so much stress. Any rationally thinking person would know that it doesn't just cause stress in the parents, but also the children. It is a crazy world we live in. But yes, I am extremely fortunate to have her backing us. And she's not someone who will back off any time soon.

Thank-you @misslasvegas for submitting this post with the #familyprotection tag. It has been UPVOTED by @familyprotection and RESTEEMED TO OUR Community Supporters.

"Child Protection Agencies" are taking children away from their loving families.

Your sister-in-law wrote an excellent letter. I would only recommend she switch paragraph two and three around. Why? Because if one of those guys in CPS is only SCANNING the letter, they will see her credentials first. I love how threw in there -- " I thought this would be made clear at every stage..." and at the bottom, " ...to see how this has escalated..."

She's throwing in the proper checks and balances at them while coming at them with diplomacy and also a VERY SUBTLE but PROFESSIONAL, "I know exactly what's up. Wanna mess with someone? Mess with someone your own size." They should pick up very easily that she's someone who can and will have no qualms about making the proper reports, complaints and filings necessary -- making them PAY out of their pockets for the privilege for it it too.

I want to believe this will turn out well. I've also been conditioned to expect the most illogical and insane reaction out of the faulty party AND have it be upheld by someone representing the law at some point. I'm conflicted in my hope.

Either way, I want to see your sister-in-law beat these bullies!

Same here, they need to be beaten and learn a lesson. There have been some developments since they received the letter....

That feels like a long wait before 24th May! Hopefully they'll leave you alone until then and I hope your SIL gets this kicked in the butt! Has this come about because you're homeschooling?

Yes, it is a long wait until the 24th of May. I also think that the case worker did this on purpose. I've had a similar meeting before (when I first moved to Ireland, single foreign mother: must not be able to cope) and this was done within two weeks after they told me about it. The thing is that I am supposed to have a meeting at the end of June to see how things are (if I do what they want, which is the case) and it was supposed to be reviewed then to close it if everything was fine. With a conference, it means they can keep it open for another 3 to 12 months....The initial referral was because of something my eldest daughter (16) did (she lied about where she was, made a phone call from a gas station and when I didn't answer right away they called the police). Then when they came (we had just moved) of course the house wasn't tip top (boxes everywhere, clothes not unpacked etc.) that was noted and eventually the homeschooling was used as well. They can't get it into their heads that unschooling works without a curriculum but that my kids are learning a lot without it. Anyone who would talk to them more than just a sentence, would figure that out. But yeah, these people aren't trained to look outside of the box. I thought the time was good, because it gives me the time to prepare a statement. But they don't leave me alone. If anything, I see them more. I get a visit from the case worker once a week at least (used to be once every 2 or 3 weeks) and I have the family care worker here once a week. Then there is another woman who I see once every two weeks (in their office, so I have to arrange a child minder). I get up an hour before the kids do (which is very early!) to make sure the house is sparkly clean, just in case. By the time they get up, the floors are so clean, you could eat of them. It's something I would usually do in the morning after breakfast, but because I don't want to take the chance of them coming in and finding a speck of dust or dirt on the floor, I do it early. I change the kid's clothes (especially the youngest) about 3 times a day! It's completely crazy.

Sounds like a nightmare! I'm so sorry. Keeping my fingers crossed for you that this comes to an end soon.

I am perfectly aware of the anxiety that can arise from undergoing a social service process, a couple of days ago I talked to my mother, the most important thing is that she tries to use relaxation techniques, it sounds impossible but this can have consequences in your health and everything will get worse

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Who has taken them on & won?
And if it hasn't been done before crowdsource some new strategies. Engage "the wisdom of the crowd".

My advice would be to work a little to relax, remember that these people only seek to make you weak, this is one of the weapons they use, do not leave, always shows strength in this long wait. . You're very lucky, I'm sure your sister-in-law will be very helpful, and everything will be fine, I want that.

I'm glad to hear an update about what is going on with you and so glad your SIL is there to help you and on your side. It has to be troubling to always be on your guard and worried about when they might come. That would drive anyone crazy. Hang in there! I hope they will allow her at the meeting. The idea of them questioning the kids in private to fill out a booklet is insane. Hopefully you can get that recorded as well. I don't know how it is in Ireland, but in the US, they believe any kid at any age who makes a claim...even a crazy, unjustified one.

Oh my gosh, she is a real bully. And that may be the understatement of the year, I suppose. I am truly so happy for you that you have your sister in law by your side, she seems very well informed and educated due to her job, and I believe she will be your greatest help in this case. I guess even better than a lawyer would be.
Keep us informed please, I am thinking about you and this case every day, and hoping to read the best post possible: that they closed the case!

Stay strong, and bless your sister in law!

Yes, I am very blessed to have her. To be honest, without her, my friends J & D and the support I get here I really wouldn't know how to get through it all.

I can totally imagine that.. I am looking forward to a better update ;) fingers are crossed for you!!

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