The System is Stacked Against Parents (FamilyProtection Series -- Anna's Family Story Part VI)

Instead of protecting children, government "Child Protection" agencies are often the ones harming these children and destroying loving families.
This is the seventh episode of TRUE EVENTS that my dear friend, Anna, is sharing in our Steemit #FamilyProtection Series.


{ Read earlier issues of the FamilyProtection Series Below: }

{ When Kidnapped Children Get Adopted -- Tammy's Story }
{ The Nightmare Before Christmas -- Anna's Story Part I }
{ Healing Families Destroyed by CPS -- Anna's Story Part II }
{ The Ministry of Children & Family DESTRUCTION -- Anna's Story Part III }
{ Police Brutality Breaks a Mother's Body & Shatters her Trust -- Anna's Story Part IV }
{ Fighting Government Child Kidnappers in Court -- Anna's Story Part V }


** Anna's story continues below.
** Names have been changed to protect both of our families from the very real risk of vindictive retaliation that faces anybody who reveals the dastardly deeds of these government-funded monster agents.

Anna's Family Story Part VI ...

( ... in her own words ... )

Save Our Children. Save Our Families.

Dredging up these memories is hard. What's really hard though, is knowing that the same people and the same broken system are STILL DOING WHAT THEY DO!
Countless families demoralized
permanently scarred
with no recourse
no remedy.

The system is stacked against the parents.

Regular people have no idea how the system works, but Social Workers have professional lawyers backing them. They know how to stack the odds in their own favor.
If they know they're going to be heard by a fair Judge, they send in a different lawyer to say they are unprepared and ask for an adjournment.
Twice they played that trick on me, before one Judge finally seized our case and insisted he be the ONLY one to hear it. After this, the Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD) lawyer played it so that the court date was delayed for several more months!
They do not give you court documents (containing their case against you) until you are entering the courtroom hearing. How can you and your lawyer possibly prepare your defense? Yes, you can ask for an adjournment to prepare -- but this means 3 more months wait -- and you know that your children need to come home ... NOW!!!

Oh, and if you do come prepared enough to demolish their accusations, they will simply withdraw their Application so that the Judge never hears your evidence against them and never knows how badly they behaved trying to set you up! Remember, your own lawyer will act in good faith and share the evidence you have gathered with them BEFORE the court hearing ... but your lawyer will not receive disclosure of their evidence until the same day as court.
Our MCFD battle went on for 3 years.
My husband was charged with sexual assault of a minor
who was protesting having her hair washed.
(The incident that Chuck's son, Benjamin witnessed.)

He was tried and acquitted.

The Supreme Court Justice, who heard the case, gave a SCATHING report.

In the "Reasons For Judgement," the Judge clearly stated that MCFD had led my daughter's testimony, but had NO actual evidence of sexual assault.

I gave the "Reasons for Judgement" report to the MCFD Team Leader,
who refused to read it.
He said that the Judge's report DID NOT MATTER!

During my husband's criminal trial -- before the prosecution made her final submission, the Judge said:
"Please clarify your basis for this charge -- and I DON'T want to hear about the bathtub incident anymore. If that were my child, I would've lathered my hands and washed her whole body! If this man were her natural father, we wouldn't be here today, would we?"
Nevertheless, the rumors and allegations had grown to the point where my small community had turned away from us, and believed that my husband was guilty and that I had protected him. One Social Worker spread gossip that my husband had "confessed" to her. Someone posted on Social Media that my husband was a predator and my older son was luring young girls into his truck for him.
By the time Liam was in Kindergarten, other children were asking him if his Dad had molested him too! There were little kids, for crying out loud!

When they finally started the process of re-integration with our family, it was only because my daughter was cutting herself and had a plan to hang herself.
The counsellor assigned to the task of re-integrating our family, could only sit there, horrified, as we all clung to each other and wept.
My daughter had been told that I abandoned her.
I had made a list, in my diary of all the rumours and allegations -- trying to make sense of it all, trying to understand what was true and what wasn't. -- My 9-yr-old daughter's counsellor read my diary entries to her over and over again and told my daughter that it was was all true -- that I had known, was in on it, that her own mother had knowingly let all these things happen to her ... that she needed to "remember" it all ..... until finally my daughter started to believe that she must have blacked it all out.

After my daughter became suicidal they sent her home to me.

... and closed the file as a "SUCCESSFUL RE-INTEGRATION."



This account of TRUE events that took place 11 years ago and was written by my friend, Anna.
It is the seventh in a series that she and I will be sharing here on Steemit with the familyprotection tag. Please share this story with others, so that we can wake people up to the atrocities being committed in our so-called civilized societies. The mainstream media will rarely broach the subject. We must expose these stories to the light of day -- and stand up as a society to stop this abuse of families and children.


Follow @familyprotection on Steemit.
Governments around the world,
are using "Child Protection Agencies"
to take children away from loving families
and place them in foster care or group homes
or place them for adoption.

Share your own story and use the tag #familyprotection



This post has been Resteemed and Upvoted by @familyprotection

Governments around the world,
are using "Child Protection Agencies"
to take children away from loving families
and place them in foster care or group homes
or put up for adoption.

Thank-you @canadian-coconut for supporting @familyprotection

These children also have a right upon love and care :)


The deeper this story goes the more sickened I become by the actions of this 'agency'. The way that they ostracise families from their support network is particularly insipid.
But what disgusts me the most is that they are losing the trust of people who could help when there are genuine case that need to be dealt with.
How many children are suffering genuine hardship and abuse while these idiots are going after families such as Anna's?
As ever I'm seething at the injustice and sociapathic actions of these people who's job is to protect not destroy.
Thank you Linda for being the conduit for this information on Steemit.
Resteemed as always, this info needs the biggest audience possible. I urge everyone reading this to resteem it so the word gets out.

Hear, hear @tremendospercy!! I have nothing but tears for Anna... :'( This is so terrifying!!! Thank you @canadian-coconut for continuing to share these truths so we can all learn from this, so there can be no more Annas one day!

Really? They call this a “Successful Re-Integration? How about a “Successful Seperation” or a “Successful Mind Control”. These people are so whacked if they think anything has been successful about their plans. Then again their intentions are to separate families so I guess they would call this a success.

Anna’s family may be slowly getting back together but they will NEVER be the same again. These people have stripped so much away from them. A beautiful little innocent girl has grown up to think suicidal thoughts because of what these monsters put her through. How dare they put into her head that her own mother doesn’t care about her and wanted these things to happen to her. The memories of those 3 years will never leave this family. It sickens me knowing they “succeed” with damaging families over and over again and they live with themselves knowing they just tore a family apart.

It’s time for them to answer to this madness, it’s time for them to answer to these crimes they commit. The secret is out and will continue to get out...these services do harm and more and more people are learning not to trust them. Thank you Anna and Linda for continuing with this tear jerking heartbreaking series.

Amazing series @canadian-coconut! I wanted to take a minute to thank you for all of your hard work and dedication to supporting this horrible issue. My fiance @entrepreneur916 has been so inspired by your drive and dedication to fighting this horrible governmental disease. You've inspired him to also speak out and take action and bring awareness to the entire situation. You're an amazing influence and I know at times it can be extremely difficult to keep going, especially when those you love the most are at risk. But know that you bring awareness and inspiration to all you encounter. So Thank You, from the bottom of my heart.

Wow, this story gets more tragic the more that's revealed. I am baffled as to how CPS could determine that a judges ruling "didn't matter" and continued to keep Anna's daughter from her. As for the community causing more harm, shame on them for not helping their neighbour. Too many people are caught up in the drama of television and social media to be able to decipher truth from fiction. The masses are shallow and unable to ask the hard questions to get to the truth a) because it makes them uncomfortable and b) because then they have to admit that the government is not righteous, nor do they exist to actually serve the people. I sure hope no one else in that community needs help because God forbit they learn what it feels likento be abanndoned. -Aimee

So true! Thanks for your thoughtful comment.

@canadian-coconut hello my friend I posted some good info today I been working on for some time you might be interested :)
Virus or Poison ;)
Thank you for all you do
Much appreciated !!

Can I report someone ?
Tired of their insults .
Saying things irrelevant to my post.
My post was questions and they are not providing Answers.

Either ignore him -- or tell the guy that if he makes any more comments you will begin to flag him. You've got way more steem power than he does anyways.
There is no "reporting" feature on Steemit -- only the flag.

I flagged his last 3 comments because he still wouldn't respond to the original post .

One of the biggest problems is that we were not taught to speak 'legalese'. This is why lawyers spend years getting their degree, because it literally is an entirely different language-or I should say the definitions are entirely different then what we've been taught. A small example of this comes from the famous Clinton trial- when Bill was asked a question and he came back with "That depends on what the definition of IS is." The reason he said that, is in law there are nine different definitions for that word. It was this that prompted my husband to start studying law where he learned that about the only word you could safely use in court when you don't know the language is No.
And while I'm sure there are lawyers who do try and serve the people, I have difficulty trusting them since they know this and do not disclose it. Of course they have taken an oath that prevents them from telling 'lay' people or 'civilians' certain information, but the way I see it, the courts and all of the officials are not there to serve the people, but legislators and their legislation.
I wouldn't discourage people from obtaining lawyers simply because they are the only real bridge in the gap, but what i would do is encourage people to do their own studying, so they have some idea of what to ask their lawyers and some comprehension of what's happening. (understand in law means to stand under. So when they say 'do you understand these charges' they are not asking you if you comprehend them, they are asking if you stand under them...which the obvious answer always would be no)

As always, I am grateful for the courage it is taking to tell this tale. Thank you Anna and Linda.

Thank-you! You have made many good points here.
It is sad thought that a mother who simply wants to be with and raise her own dearly loved child, should need to understand legalese and all myriad of other complicated social structures,
just to be allowed to stay with her own child.

And I've found, in my dealings with my own local authority, they are acting unlawfully much of the time because the law has become a mythical mishmash to them. Someone at some point misinterpreted it and then passed on the misinterpretation. This happened multiple times until the whole scene was strewn with people who are convinced they are acting lawfully. So, even the officers that could be well-meaning are blinkered and operating in ignorance of the law. This in itself can create a massive problem, even if you don't then factor in deliberacy like the sort you are reporting here.
I think a massive problem exists wherever there is a disconnect between the 'customer' and the 'service provider'. Hell! These people are supposed to be service providers. They 'work for us', I was told by a county councillor during our work with Staffordshire County Council [who were issuing school orders to home schooled kids who happened to be on holiday when they made their unlawful house visits]. We were also told we can't just sit back and rely on them to do their job lawfully; we had to be engaged!
I think the disconnect brought about by these people & departments being paid via taxes enables these people and departments to arrogantly act upon people rather than offer a service to them. Tax paid services are often very poor and often corrupted, as you are reporting.

Oh, I agree, it is beyond sad, just another way the system fails to care for the people.

Lawyers are actually officers of the court by extension. Part of the oath that they take is to uphold the court interests BEFORE the interests of the client when the two conflict. After I learned that, I saw it all for what it really was:

A pyramid, "legal" powered corporation funneling money from false accusations, slow and manipulative processes -- all while causing harm to families in the mean time. The system IS stacked against the parents.

It's stacked against the truth for the sake of almighty $$$.

I can't read Anna's story and that of her family without emotions. What an incredible injustice has been done to them and is being done to others every day. To think that these same people handle other people's cases as well and that there are probably many more stories like this one is just horrible. Brainwashing a little girl into believing that these things actually happened to her and on top of that make her believe that her own mother was aware of it all and was in on it, is a crime on its own. How can you ever bounce back from that? I wish for Anna and her family that they can. That they will have a happy life after all the horror they were put through. I wish them much love and happiness in their lives and truly hope they can step out of the shadows of this horrible injustice. ❤️️❤️️❤️️

This same king of torture is going on in the UK to with tens of thousand of parents suffering under a twisted judicial system.

50 years of cultural marxsm and the attempt to break down the family and it's values, in all its sick glory.

When governments becomes involved- so does corruption. Always.

The government is not our friend, nor ever has been. Short term social 'benefits' for long term authoritarianism and evil.

Wow. It sounds like the courts and the judges have been bought off in addition to the social workers. The cards are stacked against families and children. I would like to think there was a time we had good judges and good courts. We didn't get this way over night. I know here in the United States we have the Supreme Court that is a check and balance. I wonder if they have ever heard any CPS cases. I also wonder if we have anything like the United States Supreme Court in other countries as a check and balance for this crap. That is why we must make sure to vote for good judges. It is my opinion that people do not check the background so judges when voting for them. And also sounds like the system needs a complete overhaul. Anna's story brings tears to my eyes I so fear that this tyranny and terrorism will spread to other populations the senior citizens and the middle aged. It's interesting they chose to first pick on children. Children are helpless and it seems like only a coward would choose to attack and destroy a child. Thanks for sharing

At least in my state, Therapists, social workers, caseworkers, GAL's, and most public defenders work for non-profit organizations. This means they will get paid the same amount no matter how large their caseload and no matter which way the case goes. This gives them absolute freedom to do what is best for the client and the child, not what is best for their own wallets. I have seen, however, lawyers and at least one therapist for-hire who have dragged out the case - likely for their own benefit. There are some things that simply should be non-profit (like health care).

The truth must be told. Many do not believe that our government is capable of doing these things. The thing is DCF or whatever name it goes by in your area, is not really a branch of our government. It is a private corporation. Given power by our government and told that they need to report to them yearly on their results. And just like any other business it needs to be profitable. But at the cost of our children and families. And this will continue until people wake up and see the truth.

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