WOOHOO! 🎈🍸Party post🍸🎈 My mom's on Steemit!!!

in #family7 years ago (edited)

This is a special post to welcome a brand new Steemian to our ever so expanding platform.

Presenting a new kid on the block... (drumroll)... My MOM!!! aka @ofildutemps

We took a while to choose a name that would be meaningful to her but was also catchy and relative to what she plans to blog about. After finding out that 2 of her first choices were already taken, she came up with this beautiful one which, in French, means "As time goes by" (correctly spelled: "Au fil du temps").

Here is a photo of her writing her introduction post:


Please take a few minutes to drop by her intro post and give her a warm welcome. She will love that 😊. She speaks French but understands English and can speak/write it quite well (even though she doesn't think so).

I am home at the moment to teach her the basics of Steemit, but only until next week. After that, she's on her own!
I never realized how much work it is to explain each tiny detail necessary to start blogging. I remember watching @abh12345 for weeks and asking him tons of neverending questions when I first signed up (which I still do actually!). So imagine what it is like for my mom, who is much older and hasn't grown up with computers around her as most of us have.

She will need my help and support throughout her journey here, but I will be far away, as we all are! I am hoping we can all help with encouragements, suggestions and advice on her posts. Let's show her what a great community we are building!

(My younger brother is my next victim... it's a work in progress for now but he'll be here sooner or later, like the rest of the world!)

To see my previous posts, click on the links below:

Les peintures de mon arrière-grand-père

La magie de l'hiver - 2eme partie

Colour Blast

Winter Wonderland 2 - English version

“Learning is not a race for information, it is a walk of discovery” - Jane Healy

osm0sis sndbox.gif


Hahaha. Calling your brother a victim was really quite funny lol.

I guess i'm a victim too, i was forced by my friends here because they thought i was wasting content on other social media platforms without earning from it. Well, i guess it's time to try new grounds and reach more amazing people across the world.

I saw your mom's intro and wow did she blow my mind. Was surprised to see a woman that age still being a tech savy. She is into photography and now she plans to share her art with the rest of the world all because of you.

I am still new to steemit, but i would be glad to have you around, so please know i would be glad if you could follow back.

Hope you are having a great day? 😊

Thank you for your beautiful message to both my mom and I. I've read your intro - following you ;)

Haha. Thanks for reading my intro. I hope to do more on this platform. Hopefully, i would be checking out your posts too. Do have a nice week 😊

Well done for Flying home to France to start the Burgundy #promo-steem mission!

Nice idea to write an intro at the same time as mums introduction too! :D

Thank you mister. I'm drained... and now my mom is replying to all her new friends. It's hilarious, you'd laugh if you saw her.



Yes I'm waitng for my upvote!

Hold on. That's lesson number 38. We're not there yet.

Don't forget to teach her the slider🤣🤣

HA! She won't have one of those for a loooooong time.

Bring in the bro before you leave,common..use ur charm. Dangle something. @roxane bribed hers ahahahaha

C'est très touchant... Je viens de lire son premier article et on se réjouit vraiment de voir la suite !

Oooh merci @jimeryl! Ca fait super plaisir de voir que la communauté francophone est la pour ma môman!

Je lui souhaite bien du plaisir en tout cas à nous faire profiter de son expérience et mon humble bienvenue ;)

Followed mom - clearly !!! Still trying to bring mine!! :D You go girlsssss
Bring her to @steemsugars !!!

We should start an all mom's discord chat!
I think for now she's got plenty to keep her busy with steemit alone. I'll show her the chats next time I come over.
Thank you so much for your support Loop <3

hahaha that would be SO cool and then they would just post promo our posts and talking about us and fighting over comments the kids do ahahahahaha SO funny !!!!!! Moms are always appreciated on Steemit :D Let's see when I'll manage with mine!!!

Yes, give her time. She reads your posts without having signed up though right? Thats what my mom did for a few months first. It got her used to using steemit a bit before taking the big jump.

She doesn't read them all, only the ones I sent her on viber - not that advanced to go into the blog herself haha! :D
But yeah, at least it's awesome this can be done (reading posts without having an account :D )Maybe I should insist a bit more then and hopefully get her into Steemit as well soon! :D

That is great news @osm0sis, I am going to follow your mother too of course. As I look at her picture I think she and I have approximately the same age, and she lives in Burgundy!!

Yes, I think you two have a lot in common as well :)
Today is lesson #2: explaining to her how to read other people's posts, how to follow, how/who to vote... Too much to teach, too little time!
Thank you so much for your support @clio!

Wow... that's great ;-)
We want more moms on Steemit :-)

P.S. I'm a mannequin, I don't have parents :-(

Haha :) Yes we do!
I think your mom may be a lovely little machine way out in China...
Thank you for your support @steemitri

I got both my mom and dad to create accounts before I left on my round world trip. They commented on my posts for a month, now they barely log in, they just read my posts. I told them to create posts, but nope, just like to read mine. It’s nice it’s a family affair now!

Yes, that's always a possibility for my mom too... although she does seem interested in sharing her life and photos with everyone.
Did your parents ever write their intro post? I think that really helps to motivate initially.
I hear a lot of people tend to sign up and not be very active for the first few weeks and even months, as they are focused on observing first - young or old. Who knows, maybe they'll start posting later :)

This is wonderful, and I'll pop over to her blog to say hello!

Thanks Ruth 😊😊😊

Looked in on your mom. Will be following her too!

Thank you so much @cecicastor. Everyone can always count on you that's for sure! Glad you are following her :)

So cool, I will check her account! And yes it's so much to learn... I was really confused in the beginning. Initial support is awesome and we should all have that kind of support :-)
Enjoy your days in France and you family!

Thank you so much for helping to support her @kerlund74. That is so kind of you. It really is so overwhelming at first. In fact, sometimes, I'm still overwhelmed!

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