Alice's dead body

in #family7 years ago

Alice was my auntie, my mum's sister. She took me on my first foreign holiday to Spain when I was nine years old. She let me help her make jewellery and tried to teach me how to knit (fail). She never had kids of her own. She giggled like a child though. It was so infectious.


Yesterday, I went with my mum to see her dead body. It was a cold day but at least the snow had melted. The funeral directors had cast salt across the walkways to avoid clients hurting themselves. Claim culture or niceness. Hard to tell.

We went into the cold section where Alice's corpse was on display. The room was small, decorated like an old-fashioned parlour. Large pictures clung to 80s wallpaper, bland, nothing you would ever remember. A kitsch urn-shaped vase filled with artificial flowers occupied the corner on an oversized pedestal. Alice wouldn't have liked this room at all.

Her coffin was set against the far wall, its lid propped against the other corner; on it was a brass plaque stating her name, date of birth, date of death. Factual. An autistic overview of a life.

A lace sheet was draped across the top of the coffin but not across her face. I'd never seen that before and it made me curious as to why it was there. My mum speculated that it might be to prevent dust but that didn't make sense considering she'll be dust and ashes this coming Thursday. So, I looked. It seems it was there to hide the discolouration on her hands, ankles and feet. Maybe the funeral directors were skimping on the life-like make-up they use. They sure didn't like spending money on décor.

Shrouds are so creepy. I'm glad she wasn't wearing one. She was wearing her normal clothes: pink blouse with a darker pink cardigan. A long dark skirt, 10-denier tights (beige), but no shoes. I'd never seen her without shoes, half dressed, in my life. This was weirdly shocking to me. It made her appear vulnerable (if being dead isn't vulnerable enough). Through her tights, we could see the sticky plaster that had been on the inner edge of her heel. I kept finding myself staring at it and wishing they'd removed it. The colouring was a sour grey where her blood had seeped.

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I looked at her face for a long time. It's always struck me that the jaw looks unnatural on a dead body. It seemed tense as though she were gritting her teeth, waiting for a punch. Previous dead relatives had had this jaw anomaly too, so I looked it up when I got home. Apparently, they stitch through the lower gum, up into the upper gum, then nostril, through the septum, down the opposite nostril, and tie it off. Probably to prevent the mouth swinging open at an inopportune moment.

Mum said she looks like she's sleeping. I nodded but couldn't bring myself to lie out loud. Looked dead to me. Why do people say they look like they're sleeping? Is it a self-comforting thing, a sort of denial, avoidance of death? I dunno.

Anyway, I don't think I'll visit any more loved ones unless they're actually alive. Whatever it was that was there, it wasn't our Alice.

Thanks for reading.
Love, @Anjkara

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I cant tell if this is fiction or a real story.
If its fiction, it's a nice one though sad.
Buh if it's also real, accept my condolences.
Personally I don't even like attending funerals of a loved one. I can't Glance at them on that last day. The picture will forever stay on my mind and I can't help but cry always. So for me, I just stay away too.

Thanks Perky

Yes, I don't like to look at them dead either. The funeral is always a nonsense parade IMO.

Anj x

Yeah. You're welcome

Hermoso y muy sentido texto, @anjkara. La imagen de la muerte es también para mí una de las más extrañas. Sobre todo cuando personas cercanas, familiares. Tal vez lo de dormir, es buscando aferrarse a algo que esté por encima de nosotros, como que va a despertar y algún día la veremos.

Thank you Nancy. Yes, the image of death is a very strange thing. Thanks for your comment.
Anj x

Condolence Anj.

I know how much you liked Alice so much.

Didn't know that dead bodies don't wear shoes and never bothered to ask. This made me curious might ask my mom.

Hope you are

Thanks Dawn. Lol, what did your mum say about it?

Anj x

They usually Putnam shoes on but maybe the shiws didn’t not fit or someone down not being her shoes yet?

I asked my sister she said my grandma was wearing one.

Cool. Aw, I bet she looked much better with shoes on :)

Nice :) . Liked "Mum said she looks like she's sleeping. I nodded but couldn't bring myself to lie out loud. Looked dead to me." lol. And to the point about the clenched jaw, my guess would have been.. what's it called--there's a phenomenon that occurs at death in which all the muscles tense and grip--it's how forensic science can tell the positioning of an object in a cadaver's hand--a gun for example-- at the time of death (I just read about this in my extensive researches of Kurt Cobain's death).

Anyway, I'd also like to comment that, although I'm an "atheist" (don't believe in any sort of "supernatural" powers--there are many powers we do not understand, but, definitely don't believe in some "all powerful, all-knowing, all-"good""God"). Anyway. Like you said: whatever that was in the coffin, it was not your aunt. And I agree. I watched my cat (yea yea, a cat..) that I had for 18 years die right in front of me, and, although it was damn traumatic it was an odd experience to literally watch "Lilly" vanish. The "same body" was there, but, I felt no connection whatsoever to that "entity" any longer lol.

I know many may say, "well, yeah that's the 'soul..'" Yeah... no lol. Or at least, not in the Christian sense of the word, where I think Lilly is "in heaven looking down at me" or some similar fantasy--but it does bring up some interesting questions as far as what exactly "life" really is-- .

... I'm just gonna stop there for now lol.

Thanks GJ

I'm atheist and also think there's so much we've yet to discover. Interesting stuff though.

Aw, it must've been terrible to watch your cat die. But, yes, once they're dead, the body is just a body, eh. One of my bulldog's had a scary episode with her breathing and nearly died. It was terrifying. She lived, thankfully.

Yeah, what is life?

Thanks for your brilliant comment. Interesting stuff. What was your conclusion on Kurt Cobain? I've seen a few documentaries. Did she do it? Or do we believe the mainstream autopsy expert who analyses autopsy reports of Princess Di, Michael Jackson and so on? Hmm :D

Absolutely. It is my opinion that she, Courtney Love had her husband killed. Yup. I'd bet steem on it. I made a post here with the video if you'd care to watch: And that is scary with your dog. Yikes. I'm glad she was alright!

My condolences Anj


Thanks Gray x

Viewings are to give closure to a family and at one time it gave everyone who wanted a chance to make sure for themselves that the person was really dead before the burial. I'm with you though, I have never wanted to see someone in a casket unless I didn't know them very well or I had not seen them in a long time. I prefer to remember the bodies of the people that I loved as it was when they were living in it, not how it looks in death. I have told my wife that I won't complain if she has an open casket for me when I die, but I would prefer that it was a closed casket funeral so that people didn't come around gawking at whatever's left of my body.

I certainly agree that life is definitely more than just a body but I'm sorry to hear that you have given up on the God of the Bible. I do hope that you continue searching for answers, In my own opinion, the Bible is the only record that does adequately answer all the Questions of What are We? Where did we come from? Why are we here? And what happens after we die?

Thanks for your response @deaconlee

Yes, I'm with you on preferring a closed casket. That's what I told me kids when I returned from Alice. Much prefer to remember people as they were alive.

About the God of the Bible... I got a bit wordy, so here's a link to a brief overview of my atheism, if you're interested.

Best wishes

Thanks! 🙂

This was so sad to read and I felt you’re confusion and pain. The life of an empath. I’m
So sorry for you’re feleinfs and I truly hope the blessing I sent you will help.


Thanks Cas. Those blessings were gorgeous. Thank you so much <3

Anj xxx

Do you think you’ll read one? It’s not going against your atheist feelings. Interesting that both posts were close together. :)

I didn't do a reading. It was a purely Christian service. This is something I'll share when it's just me and her alone, when her ashes are buried.

Thanks again. Those words were very comforting to me.


Those blessings are ancient text. But yeah I thought you would only do the reading between you two when everyone left or when you were visiting the casket. It will be very special when you do. I’m happy it helped you.

Ps. No pressure!


👍 ⚡⚡♨️♨️

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