My Promo-Mentors Writing Challenge -- Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

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What was the experience that changed me?

People always said I was independent, strong, capable, the type of person that can cope with anything. I used to believe that too. I suppose I did everything to maintain this image. My mantra was You can do this! And I did. I was determined to make sure my family would be okay. I worked hard, paid all the bills, raised my kids, continued studying, got promotions at work.

So, I worked. And I worked. In the early days, I was getting by on about 4-5 hours sleep per night if I was lucky. There never seemed to be any time to just sit down and relax. There was always something that had to be done.

When was it?

A few years ago, I noticed the first signs that something wasn't right. I was getting pains in my neck, shoulders and back for no good reason. I noticed I was tired all of the time too. Not just tiredness, but an unworldly exhaustion. I put this down to overdoing it a bit and tried to catch up with relaxation at weekends. This didn't work though; I never felt replenished.

What happened?

The symptoms got worse. After work, I would fall dead asleep in my chair, overwhelmed with pain and tiredness. Chores were being 'postponed' and I started responding to friends' requests with a 'maybe' rather than my usual 'hell yeah!', knowing I would later find an excuse to cancel. I was exhausted. There was nothing left in the tank for extras such as fun.

I went to the doctor to ask if there was some sort of tonic I could take to help fix the problem. Over a series of months, I was prescribed an arsenal of painkillers and brain zappers. I became a Big Pharma zombie. There were tests and back-and-forths to the hospital.

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Eventually, I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. I was told there was no cure, only symptom management. I didn't like this answer, so I continued for a while as normal, thinking I would get through it somehow, on my own, like I always did.

I researched everything online until my eyeballs were raw. It seemed hopeless at first but I worked on rationing my energy and learned how to optimise my diet.


After a while, I started to see an improvement in my symptoms and gradually came off all the meds.

What did I learn?

The most important lesson, for me, was learning how to ask for help. I never liked to burden anyone, so asking them to spend time on me was a great discomfort. I just didn't want to do it. It made me feel selfish. Then I learned that my friends and family actually love me and wanted to help.

They'd provide distractions for my youngest son so that I could get a bit of 'me time'. My youngest son even asked for more chores – such as helping to put the clean clothes away – to help share some of the burden.

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My oldest son would walk my dogs when my pain was too much.

My daughter would make delicious meals and we'd have pamper days. Sometimes they'd even pick up the dog poo in the garden for me.


I was ashamed of having an illness and kept it secret for a long time. It made me feel like a failure. Eventually, though, people noticed I was forgetful (brain fog), which was very embarrassing. In the end, I decided to just 'come out' so that they'd understand why I was forgetful, not in the mood or just plain reclusive.

I asked my friends to text me instead of phoning because talking was too much sometimes. They also reassured me that they wouldn't take it personally if I bowed-out of social events early or had to cancel. Everything was going to be okay; different, but okay.

I took early retirement from work and concentrated on managing my new life. I adjusted my diet and managed my energy more efficiently. Even if I'm feeling energetic, I don't run my battery down too much. I leave a little in the tank because I've learned I recharge quicker that way.


Rediscovering old hobbies was a great joy. I never had time before. Now I can do my crochet, sculpting, carving, jewellery-making, reading and writing. This works better than any medication.

I learned that it is possible to have a high quality life with these conditions and that people are so kind. I learned that we're all in this together.

None of us are unbreakable. Listen to your body.

And you don't have to do the dishes straight away.

Thanks for reading.
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Anj x

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Not sure if I already mentioned this, but TURMERIC seems to help me a lot with pain management. I am not disciplined enough to experiment with diet, so my fatigue and brain fog is still a constant companion but my sometimes excruciating pain has not flared up since I am taking 3 capsules of Turmeric daily. Just some mild pain which is manageable.

^^^ THIS ^^^

Best thing I did to avoid "Big Pharma"
Well, that and CBD Oil. But My aches
and pains are waaaay minor. Still works
though! @anjkara check this!

Deffo. I remember talking to @herrleeb about it before.

And I've used cannabinoids myself on occasion too. Very effective. :D

Yes, I remember us talking about tumeric. Glad it's helping you. I use tumeric in my cooking :D

That's not enough. I use at least 3 capsules daily, sometimes more. And again, no major pain flare ups since I take this, just minor pain. And before that, my pain was excruciating. Just sayin'...

Ah, ok. I'll up my dose. Everything I eat will now be bright yellow :D

Thanks :)

I don't want to push my "wisdom" on you, but seriously, you can't eat enough of it. I make the capsules myself, it's easy and really cheap and much more convenient and effective. Pennies. I was doubtful at first myself, but gave it a shot because it was recommended to my by someone who also lost his symptoms. Again, since I take 3 or more CAPSULES a day, my pain is manageable, sometimes I am even pain free. It's worth a shot I'd say...

Many thanks for this post. I was planning to comment yesterday but ran out of energy.

I see you have been commenting on my posts - thanks for that.

I have similar symptoms and have done for the past 20 years as I've gone from being a competitive mountain bike racer to a guy who on bad days groans walking to the mailbox.

I wish I could say that after researching supplements, therapies, diet, and health conditions for 20 years I knew how to reverse this. But I don't... (I do the lot but it doesn't always work)

I know some things make it worse - like nightshades (one potato can leave me in agony) and some things help - 6-12 grams of Liposomal Vitamin C a day are helpful - I never give up searching, but have passed out from exhaustion on several occasions (including twice while driving, which went badly) and I do sometimes wonder if this is beatable.

Thanks Sift. Sorry to hear you've got similar probs. Blows sometimes, dunnit!

Wonder if it's got anything to do with exertion too... I did martial arts (very high intensity, 4x per week) for ten years. Hmm.

Oh wow. You don't wanna pass out driving. What happened? It'd make a very interesting blog post.

Thanks for the heads-up about liposomal Vit C. I've not heard of that one before. I'll have to give it a go. Like you, I've tried all sorts. Low carbing, eating high quality meat and raw dairy, but I still have days where I just have to give up a bit.

Thanks for popping by.

Anj :)
PS I love reading your posts. Always interesting and often hilarious XD

Yeah I do think exertion is a key trigger.

The state of 90's cyclists is not good - all sorts of health problems - even just local ones like me. It just plays out in different ways.

And Tour de France cyclists are horrifying after 25 years - but they are all on drugs (yes ALL)

Laurent Fignon was one of the few to admit it and he died of cancer at 50

I was very lucky with the car crashes - first one was on a motorway and I woke up upside down in a ditch. No injuries. Second one 3 months later was in a 50k zone and I just drove into a tree. That hurt - even with airbags I broke some ribs, but the worst part was I had two passengers. I don't drive anymore, and by avoiding getting exhausted I don't think I've ever passed out since.

So nobody was permanently injured and I got two full car insurance payouts which was good because I couldn't do much work. That was a new low, but I started using Steemit while in bed with my laptop.

I'm currently doing a few more experiments and will let you know how they go.

Wow. Didn't know that about cyclists. Performance enhancers? Shame about Laurent going so young. Terrible. I wonder how long that Durian Rider will last. You know, the YT vegan who cycles all the time. I saw a vid of him pouring loads of sugar on cereal, literally pouring it out of the packet. Carb the fuck up, he says :O

OMG the car! That looks pretty nasty. I'm not surprised it put you off driving. I had a car concertina on me in a pile-up. I was a bit of a nervous driver for a while after it. It's good that it got you blogging and sharing the art and philosophy and theories about life, the universe and all that stuff though.

Looking forward to hearing how you get on with your experiments. For me, tiredness is the worst aspect. You can still get stuff done in pain, but exhaustion, nah.

Anj :D

I might do a post about cyclists and drugs - Chris Froome will be the next scandal I expect.

They all take drugs to mask the drugs!

Wow, that'll be awesome. I look forward to it. Actually, I'll go check now and see if you've done it :P

I've got it on my list, but it's a huge subject - I actually had an article published in a newspaper and a newsletter back in 98 before Lance Armstrong even started winning!

Wow. Nice article. It's sad for everyone involved -- having to take drugs just to be good enough to compete. I'm a big MMA fan and they're having all sorts of doping scandals. Jon Jones is obvs being ripped off by his handlers. He keeps getting caught, the daft banana.

Big price to pay for success though. Like those bodybuilders who drop dead before the age of 50.

Thanks for sharing this :D

Wow, this must've been tough and I think I'm going to be a candidate of having a stress disorder. Lol. ^^

Thanks for this anj. Wish I could do the same but can't but I just make sure am doing things that I do that I enjoy to make it not sound like working lol. ^^

Thanks Dawn. That's the best attitude to have: do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life.

Anj x

Hola lamento que estés pasando por esto, por lo que veo es complicado. Pero es excelente la manera como lo estas sobrellevando. yo no conocía de esta enfermedad hasta que supe que mi cuñada la tenía, aunque no conocía todo lo que implicaba. Ahora gracias a tu experiencia la entiendo un poco más. Continua con ese ánimo y las medidas que has tomado. Voy a pasar tu post, a mi cuñada.

Thanks Henry. I hope your sister-in-law finds a way to cope and then thrive. Thanks for your comment and kind wishes.

Anj x

Your story is amazing and full of strength. Thank you so much for writing this as it will help so many people. Great work Anj.

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Thank you, Eagle. And I love your seal of approval pic. It makes me smile :D
Anj x

You are welcome Anj, glad it makes you smile.


Yes, and you can see in the above picture that I actually do have two eyes mwahaha xxx

Could be photoshopped 👁

hahah but I've only got GIMP2 :P It'd look like a cartoon eye xxx

We should have an art contest or maybe I will and the winner will have fills sin the other half of Yo face 😛
Yeah it sounds an iPhone eye 😝

mwahahahahah XD

That'd be hilarious :P

No Idea why you are always hiding yourself... <3
...gaw-dang gaw-jusss :*

29 yo with an 11 yo :O

Lol I'm not hiding. And thank you for the kind compliment. It's good lighting. Hahaha <£

Been there, done that - thanks for sharing!
I have managed to reduce my fatigue by finding and eliminating some of the triggers. But there are some which may never be eliminated... I have to take each day as it comes, knowing that I will have some days with lots of energy (as I do from time to time) to get things done... helps me to cope with the majority of days where I don't.

Thanks for your comment Viking.

What are some of your triggers?

I found that I'd have high energy days too but worked out that rationing it -- ie not overdoing it and getting everything done -- worked best. It gave me more days of medium energy :D

Some of my triggers include: soy (the worst one for me), crowds, fluorescent lighting (the type in some supermarkets and most office buildings - home lights don't seem to), stress, PTSD is huge, but less fixable at the moment...

For me, pacing/rationing doesn't really work. I either have the energy or I don't... If I don't use it, it's no guarantee that it will be there tomorrow. So, I do what I can until I hit that brick wall that says "no more..."

I know what you mean about taking advantage of the small windows of energy. I used to do that all the time too.

Sorry to hear you've got PTSD. I've read bits about it. It seems like a nightmare. Have you written any blogs about it? I'd love to see the link.

Oh, I'm not good with fluorescent lighting either. I used to dislike crowds and get a bit of anxiety but I fixed that with a very low carb diet. The sugar makes my brain sticky.

thanks for your comments
Anj :)

I also find that low carb helps me a lot.
I did write an article the other week about chronic fatigue. I'm sure it will get a reprisal at some point. I haven't written about PTSD though. Probably will at some point. I did write about hypothyroid and how I fixed mine this week.
Yes, I'm convinced there is a very strong link between CFS and PTSD. I consider Fibro basically the same as CFS, just with added pain. :(

I'll have to go look at your CFS article. Oh, interesting about the link between CFS and PTSD. Seems possible. Looking forward to that. I'm gonna follow to increase my chances of spotting it.

Thank you.

So glad you are feeling better. Take a look at reducing lectins in your diet if the symptoms return.

Thanks Pryde

No worries there... I don't eat too many fruits and veg :D

Anj x

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