The Ballad of the Buddhist Chicken

in #existentialism7 years ago (edited)

The egg from which the chicken came from. The meme was originally from my own noggin.

Expecting a short story? Here you go. Shortest one so far.

#existentialism #buddhism #joke #funny

EDIT: Damnit! I still can't get used to this Zappl thing. I originally posted this on Zappl, but the tags became screwy and I forgot to tag it Zappl, which I think doesn't post it on Zappl. So much for enlightenment.


Hehe the Buddhist chicken came long after the normal chickens decided to cross the road!

Buddhist chicken doesn't wanna play like crossy roads because it knows it might get killed! Enlightened chicken!

I don't want to explain too much, but yeah exactly! Haha! You hit it right on the money there, bud ;) The only way to win in that scenario is to not play the game. Only enlightened chickens know what's what haha!

With that being said today's chickens are no more like that Buddhist chicken you've mentioned.
I fell in evolutionary trap too easily and now they are being served on everyone's plate 😂 no chicken is safe hehe!
I'll mention the Angry Birds movie hahaha. 😂

Haha! Maybe after a million more years they'll learn their lesson. I can't imagine a world ruled by chickens! Oh wait, I think I can haha!

Well of course you can in your fantasy and you can make up your own story on that and I think it will be epic cool. 😁

Think about it the chickens are just resemblance of dinosaurs they just kept getting dummer maybe we can help them in future haha, well I guess humans will cause the chickens to evolve through artificial selection, as we advances with biotechnology we will surely make chicken something gorgeous! 😂

Haha I do strongly believe that the genetically modified chickens would cause the extinction of humanity. Gone will be the days when we call them flock. They'll flock us right back for our past transgressions. I, for one, welcome our future poultry overlords!

Your edit really cracked me up, now I have to go check out this zappl thingie.

I'm quite surprised you're not already on it after our Good Fellow @b00m had been crushing it for quite some time there haha! Also, I sent you a notice to move your SBD while it's selling like hotcakes in another comment. I hope you don't miss the opportunity to cash in while the going's good, sis!

Sell the SBDs!!

Sell em now!!!

It has gone down :( Are we seeing the decline or is it just momentum building? We shall see. We shall see!

It could be a gradual decline but there is almost sobering that makes me think it could go up? Madness!!!

Oy vey... I do hope that it has some more legs in it. At least until STEEM rises to pick up the slack!

Since you have been to visit, maybe you won't mind my giving this link? I think it is the shortest post you've seen:

Sure, man. Quick tip though: most people don't like being solicited with links so I think it's best to avoid it. But, since you left such a heartwarming comment the other day, I don't mind you linking that post. I'll check it out in a bit. If you just continue to leave relevant and thoughtful comments on my post, trust that I will find myself hanging around voting and commenting on your posts without you needing to link anything to me :)

I only gave it because it is an old post, so you are not likely to find it and you cannot upvote it. I just thought you would enjoy the humour.

Anyway, hint taken - but if you have a post you want me to see, feel free to send me the link. I never mind when it is someone I've already exchanged comments with.

Man, you've already dug up A Day in the Clouds, you already found an old post haha! How did you stumble upon that by the way? I'm not sure if I asked that before.

I have already given you the answer. Remember I saw an exchange of yours at another site and he said you are a writer, so out of curiosity I checked your blog.

Remove the resteems, posts re cyber-this-and-that and my search for a story carried me into the never-never land where I spent a day in the clouds.

Oh right right! I forgot you already answered that. The conversation with ezzy haha! Well, I'm happy you checked the story out :)

LoL! So I was going to ask if you were getting the hang of Zappl yet as you seemed to be having slightly less problems, then noticed the edit, and then completely lost it at the last sentence fragment XD

Least you're giving it a red hot crack. And it's still early days, everything including the flagship is in beta, I'm sure they'll work it out soon :D I should probably learn to be more concise but the short form stuff is too short for me ;D


Haha! I just knew you were going to notice that last bit. If I wasn't going to make a succesful Zap, might as well ass some more humor in for good measure. Zappl's a tough nut to crack, but I do think it has a lot going for it.

I used to be heavy on Twitter years ago, so I went from long form to short then back to long because of Steemit haha! Once Zappl gets off the ground, I might switch to that haha! My posts earning the way they are is easier to stomach if I spent minutes on them instead of hours haha!

Aww so no more stories? :<

Ahh fair enough I guess :)


Haha if I ever get the call to publish more then I will :D Haven't you heard? Fiction here is being consolidated by a group now, one which does not include myself in their ranks haha! If ever other people, other than you and the other close friends I've made here, ever come calling. I will be here. Watching. Waiting. With tons of stories in my bag.

Well if you ever come up with anymore that you feel like sharing please do, I enjoy your writing!

Are you talking about Writer's Block? They seem like a pretty cool bunch. However I'm not very likely to get them to see how badly my scripts suck and might just find out on my own ;D


Thanks, mate! :') That honestly means a lot. Maybe it's that time of the year, but I'm honestly bursting with feels. Honestly, seeing everyone else progressing leaps and bounds while I'm sputtering about really puts things in perspective. I mean, I'm happy for them, but that doesn't really help me grow myself. If ever I'm not on here any more, I'll still definitely send some your way for sure! The world won't see the last of @jedau

Yeah them. Good for them and everything their group has accomplished.

I don't like the sound of "ever not on here anymore" D:

But if it comes down to that well I guess there's always Discord? XD


Yes, I do believe Discord will outlive Steemit. I just wish that it pays to use it as well haha! I don't like the sound of it either, but I feel like I'm silently being pushed out every day.

I think this was gifted!

Santa came early it seems! I was supposed to post a way longer post, but I opted for a Zap haha!

They have their uses!!

Haha! I had hoped this would be one, but alas, one of the tags became a 100+ character tag so I had to edit it, rendering the Zap... unzapped.

Unzapped!! Aiyee!!!

That would be a weird visual, wouldn't it? The laser would go back to gun after being fired.

I love backwards stuffs!

I'm sure just as much as backwards stuffs love you, dude!

You ever heard of a guy by the name of Anthony DeMello? Just curious.
Nice meme, but I actually like the text you added in the edit, haha. "So much for enlightenment" edit: It's because you are not the chicken.

I can't say that I have, and I'm quite surprised that I haven't come across him. I'm more of an Alan Watts guy myself. Haha! Glad you noticed it! I was wondering if anyone would haha! Since I was already screwing up the Zap, I figured what the heck, throw in added enlightened humor for good measure.

It's because you are not the chicken.

Am I not though? Aren't we all chickens in the grand scheme of things?

Am I not though? Aren't we all chickens in the grand scheme of things?

I just woke up, i'm not ready for this question lol

I take it you meant you woke up physically then, because if you had awoken like really awoken, then there is no need for questions like that.

ha, that is a good point; but I can assure you I mean physically. Just out of curiosity what religion do you follow, if any?

I'm actually a Catholic Christian, Christian. I was even an (unmolested, I feel like I need to disclose that for some reason) altar boy when I was younger. But, during my teen years I flirted with atheism, before I settled on agnosticism. Though I've had strong inclinations towards Buddhism and Taoism.

cool, thanks for sharing. I've been a Christian my entire life (you know what I mean) of the protestant variety - i've had my seasons of doubt, etc but I've always come back where I started.

Ohoho! ;) Good one!

I can't say I know many protestants. The religion itself isn't large here, as far as I know. I have read up on it though, well mainly on Martin Luther. No matter the differences in religion, what's more important is our compassion for each other and respect for each other's beliefs :D

You never fail to amuse....
My favourite in the meme link was:
Grandpa: In my day, we didn't ask why the chicken crossed the road. Someone told us that the chicken had crossed the road, and that was good enough for us.

Darryl (@dadview) resides in Canada. He is an active member of steemparents and teamcanada
Check out my Latest Blog

I'm glad I'm able to entertain while I'm here ;)

Hahaha! That made me laugh as well. It's quite fitting for their generation, too.

The chicken crossed the road because the dumb humans couldn't stand the vision of nature without roads (and the rest of what they've built). Otherwise, I like the Budda's answer best.

Haha! I like Buddha's answer the best as well. Solidified my choice for making the meme for sure.

Funny! And short nga?! Hahahahahaha

I was told to mix in short posts with the long posts hahaha!

So Boss, please educate me.. which one really comes first? Chicken or egg? :D

The egg of course! As per evolution, the egg came from a wildly different species that could be considered the predecessor of the chicken we know today. Who knows, someday, the chicken that we know could give birth to a different species of animals. A dinosaur perhaps. Science!

Finally! Found someone who believe in science! Most of my questions were answered based in religion (It's fine though). I just want diff answer. ^^

Haha! Glad to provide a contrasting answer!

Tsktsk. I'm a fan of this genius.
Mah lord! Lol

Haha you're too kind!

I second the motion

I second your emotions.

Hahaha! @jedau is really witty! :D

Haha! Thanks!

hahahah :D

Expecting a short story? Here you go. Shortest one so far.

humm why did you tag the image with the category

What tag are you referring to?

the funny had lumped with the image link, did you copy paste the image with the tags? or is it a busy that bugged? it's different now

I posted this originally using Zappl. It's what screwed up the tags. I fixed it using Steemit.

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