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RE: The Ballad of the Buddhist Chicken

in #existentialism7 years ago (edited)

You ever heard of a guy by the name of Anthony DeMello? Just curious.
Nice meme, but I actually like the text you added in the edit, haha. "So much for enlightenment" edit: It's because you are not the chicken.


I can't say that I have, and I'm quite surprised that I haven't come across him. I'm more of an Alan Watts guy myself. Haha! Glad you noticed it! I was wondering if anyone would haha! Since I was already screwing up the Zap, I figured what the heck, throw in added enlightened humor for good measure.

It's because you are not the chicken.

Am I not though? Aren't we all chickens in the grand scheme of things?

Am I not though? Aren't we all chickens in the grand scheme of things?

I just woke up, i'm not ready for this question lol

I take it you meant you woke up physically then, because if you had awoken like really awoken, then there is no need for questions like that.

ha, that is a good point; but I can assure you I mean physically. Just out of curiosity what religion do you follow, if any?

I'm actually a Catholic Christian, Christian. I was even an (unmolested, I feel like I need to disclose that for some reason) altar boy when I was younger. But, during my teen years I flirted with atheism, before I settled on agnosticism. Though I've had strong inclinations towards Buddhism and Taoism.

cool, thanks for sharing. I've been a Christian my entire life (you know what I mean) of the protestant variety - i've had my seasons of doubt, etc but I've always come back where I started.

Ohoho! ;) Good one!

I can't say I know many protestants. The religion itself isn't large here, as far as I know. I have read up on it though, well mainly on Martin Luther. No matter the differences in religion, what's more important is our compassion for each other and respect for each other's beliefs :D

Unfortunately religion (specifically Christianity in America) has become more of a tool than an actual belief system (I know this isn't unique to america) and, needless to say, most of "Christianity" is nothing like what Jesus intended, I would say. Even among Christians there are huge divides; personally I always go back to when the disciples asked Jesus as the greatest commandment was and He said, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and your neighbor as yourself." To me that pretty much sums it all up and that means to love everyone, period. Crazy what doctrine does, ha.

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