Five tips for new Steemians. Tell me what you think of them.

in #etiquette6 years ago (edited)

As I start to write this, it’s 9.45pm, I’ve only just eaten dinner and I feel a bit shattered. I wasn’t going to post tonight, but I felt compelled to put together a new pic to go at the bottom of my post signature before making dinner. And now I feel compelled to post it. Sometimes you can’t deny the muse.


Established Steemians have been getting frustrated by things like begging for follows or upvotes, spam comments, people who comment without upvoting or reading the post, the general lack of upvoting from people who ARE reading the post. Sometime we just ignore it, sometimes we try to be helpful and sometimes we’re guilty of being a bit snappy.

New Steemians are frustrated by being dropped into an alien environment with such a lot to learn. They don’t know how to behave or what to do. How do you make friends, gain followers, make contacts?

So I’ve put together this pic with a few simple tips, that I’m intending to put at the bottom of all my posts. It’s not intended to be all encompassing. There are lots of other great posts around for that. It’s just a few basic starters that can be easily seen by anyone who visits one of my posts.


What do you think?

Established Steemians – does this cover the basic etiquette?
Newbies – would this have been helpful if you’d seen it in your first few days?

EDIT - here is a new version, updated and bigger. Feel free to use it yourselves.


Thanks for reading and please let me know your thoughts

Images by myself, @sift666 or from Pixabay, unless otherwise stated.

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How much are "spec-savers" paying you?
the hint section is smaller print than the phone book, and I need a magnifying glass for that.
from what I could see it covered most things.
possibly add that the writer needs the reader's vote to progress, so by helping yourself you are helping the writer as well [even if the vote carries no financial value]
Comments without a vote are likely to be treated as spam and downvoted [flagged] which will affect their reputation and future advancement.

Lol at the spec-savers comment :D

I think poor Kiwideb expects a smart arse answer from me by now.
I try to oblige when I can.
Get used to it, your next.

Bring it on :)

*You're next ;) Better to be a smartass than a dumbass I always say! lol

Ok, will add a couple of things and make it bigger, then add back to the post. Yes, I would worry if you weren't cheeky. I'd wonder if you were ill.

Great tips @kiwideb. Like you said ... no stress and chill. Create good content and interact and the rest will follow.

Hiya, how's it going? I sent my sister @andysantics48 over to follow you today, as she's eating healthy to lose weight.

All good here. Though super busy. But that's a good thing! New challenges coming up! Hope for you the same. Thanks for the mention! So nice you got your sister to join steemit. I'll gladly help her out! She's always welcome to bug me on or discord ;)

I like what you've done @kiwideb. It's concise and inoffensive.

I have a question - how do you or would you handle those who comment on your posts but never upvote you? I've tried upvoting everyone but those who don't hoping they get the hint. Is this a thing to be concerned about? Someone mentioned that this behavior is considered spam. I know of a couple of new people who don't upvote anyone but themselves. Are they learning this from somewhere? Would you ask?

Sometimes I handle it better than others. My options are 1) ignore and upvote everything else (mostly I give them the benefit of the doubt and do this) 2) explain nicely why it's bad behaviour (educate, and what this will hopefully replace) or 3) have a go at them and then feel ashamed of myself afterwards. I hadn't thought of asking why they do it. Maybe that's another option.

Thanks @kiwideb. I'll definitely use this chart.

I like the concept - and since you are graphically inclined..... how about doing it as a 'success wheel' similar to the hand image at the top of the post.

Make it nice and large (which will get resized down, I know) and put some text under it saying to option the image in a new tab to see it full sized.

I think if you can come up with something simple, yet striking that catches attention, you might find everyone else wanting to copy it for their own blogs :-)

I think just text on it's own will get skipped over, especially if it is smaller.

I hope that helps.

I'm not really graphically inclined. This is just a word table with a blue background, then a screen shot dumped into photoshop. It's a good idea though, and I'll put it on the back burner and see what I can think up. For now, I'll just make it bigger and add the new image into the post. I;m hoping that text on a blue background will grab some attention. We will see...

Hi Deb, so sorry for not getting back to your last message regarding this - family things took me away. But I love this! To the point, easy to read, and I think will play a good part in helping people to learn (or remember) how to conduct themselves in the community. I thank you for creating it and allowing it to be shared - which I will be doing in my posts from now on! I see I'm just in time to upvote and resteem too :-) Excellent!

Now all we need is for people confronted with it to actually read it, lol. If you see my most recent post, you'll see what I mean. Though in some of those cases, I think the issue was more of a language one. (PS all good, family comes first)

I really liked this advice. Making friends is prime and this is done by the 5 Cs.
Actioning them.

Good luck with building your brand with the 5 C's (and also more advanced promotion).

share is pretty readable on the spot

Good that some can read it. But nearly everybody else wants it bigger, so bigger it will be.

I am glad that I passed my first couple of months of been fresh Steemian. It is difficult to start something, like in real life all new start is difficult, one have to work hard. I think I was a bit lucky due to my hobby drawing and painting and also the variety of such contests I quickly found a lot of friends among the artists so we could share our works and support each other. As every new one there were days when some of my works where I spent days for creation and was very happy to share it brought ZERO upvotes and no comments. I just reassured myself, as many of artists work were valued much later, so I just kept going. I agree with your advises, one quite important is to support other people, to upvote and comment what you like and many of other Steemian do the same. It is again like in real life treat others how you want to be treated. By the way, I like your dress, reminds me Medieval time!

Yes! It is a very medieval type of dress. Thanks for commenting, and good luck on your journey here. Your drawings are great.

Ghee .... and I was going to leave you a comment without an up-vote after asking you to follow me and up-vote my post of mickey mouse. Ha ha.... People are living in a "ME" society everything comes after their needs.

Which goes right back to @aldentan's C - Cunt, don't be one. Maybe they are so self obsessed, they don't even realise when they are.

i m new to steemit about 1 month here!
i really notice that quality comment and as well as content really matter in steemit!
you are absouloutly right it helpfull for steemit!
hard work always pay off!

Were you able to read the tips ok, or was it a bit small?

For me, they are significantly smaller than the main text. I'm on standard view (no zoom) in my browser. I don't know if it is a steemit thing, but the fixed width is not exactly making great use of my widescreen either...

Anyway, to add to the conversation I would like to ask about the discovery of content on this platform. One thing that I used to love on youtube was bumbling into random content. Youtube has an endless treasure trove of genuinely good content, but these days it seems to be hidden behind a wall of lower-quality content which is bashed out on a regular cycle to game the platform's monetisation design. I think it is really important that big platforms (which I hope steemit becomes) take people outside their bubble. In the real world, we go on holidays to exotic (NZ was to me when visited in 2007) places and do things we don't normally do. I wonder if there is a digital equivalent?

My ideas there are checking the feeds of people you are following, and checking categories you are interested in. This guide is getting bigger by the minute! But I think they are worthwhile suggestions, and will give more interesting links that just New or Trending. Oh, and glad you found NZ interesting.

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