City of fire | Kota api

in #esteem6 years ago


"Tuk ... tuk ... tuk ..." The sound of iron clashed with deafening hard objects. It had been a week of noise on the cliffs of Aramanyang, the palace gate in the Lamuri plateau. There is no pause. Morning, noon to night. The solid iron seemed to never remain silent. The blow after blow addressed by the human hand has now become the sleep lull of children at the Lamuri market. Not infrequently, the sound was also heard until Lamtuba and Lampanah. The workers seemed never tired of carving a giant stone statue in the form of the crown prince.

After many weeks the workers carved out the giant stone, its shape is now increasingly visible. There is a human head and body with two hands facing forward on the chest face. The workers are now focusing on the bottom of the statue. They are carving the shape of the crown prince's waist. Although the work was not finished, the crown prince had asked the workers to place the statue on the edge of the Aramanyang cliff.

"I want this statue to be seen by sailors from across the country," said the crown prince to the workers.

He also asked the sculptors to complete the stone sculpture as quickly as possible. Moreover, the commemoration of the victory day over the failed coup attempt by the prime minister will soon take place. The crown prince wanted the statue to be a reminder for Lamuri residents of his greatness in quelling the rebellion.

"This is my victory!" said the crown prince.

The average worker is a famous sculptor from all over Lamuri eager to realize the dream of the crown prince. They worked diligently, carving the corners of the depths of their faces to the perfect shape of the human body. However, unfortunately, their efforts stopped a week before the celebration. Earth moves great. The statue of the crown prince staggered. Sculptors ran away, even though there were some of them holding tightly to the new "idol" rope.

The ground is still shaking violently. The rocks on the Aram cliffs fell. Puffs of dust flow into the air. Aramany rock hills that become unstable. "Grusaakk ..." The dry land with the statue of the crown prince moved down leaving a hard plate at the top.

The statue fell with a face against a rock under the Aramanyang cliff. He looked like he was kneeling then hit by the waves that came. The sculptor patted the forehead. Berating ancestral spirits and then silence.

Sea gulls that had been alighted on the rocks were shocked. The white beaked birds flew wildly from Aramanyang and targeted the tops of mangrove trees on Lhok Me beach. This winged animal had been confused to detect the Lhok Me sand beach, which was originally sparkling white crystal has now turned into a pool of blood.

Below there were seen soldiers stabbing each other, fighting swords and even struggling in death. Two elephants who took part in the fight against the cavalry were also injured. Dozens of bodies costumed in black, copper yellow armor and cone hats scattered. Many horses are lying. Most don't move. Only a few people were still standing tall on the red sand. Among them are Mat Guci, the curly-haired and black-haired boy. On the left side was Pang Amin, an old man with a long white beard who looked hobbled, and a fat Brahim Naga with a wound on his right arm.

Aki Laot and his friends collapsed because of the strong shake of the earth that day. While the palace soldiers used the moment to escape from the location of the battle. They let their injured friends lie on the sand.

The earth is still raging in the bloody evening. The sound of the explosion at the top of Seulawah was clearly heard from the coast of Lhok Me. The sky is now black, dark like a night quickly picks up the sun this afternoon. Black clouds clotted above the top of Seulawah and then, "two ..."

The sky above the mountain turned red. A burst of flame flares as if touching the horizon. The pain of the soldiers disappeared instantly, including Brahim Naga and his troops. Mat Guci screamed while Pang Amin issued words that were never heard by humans in Lamuri. "Allah is the Greatest!"

Brahim Naga didn't bother with Pang Amin's words. He invited all his troops to sail to the bay. Stay away from the terrible anger of the "earth nail". He also asked his troops to help those who were injured, including palace soldiers who were unable to escape the disaster rage.

From the coast of Lamuri, there are many canoes that leave the port. At that point, Brahim later remembered his wife who lived on the border of the city of Lamuri. "You go with Pang Amin and the others, I will follow your mother home," Brahim told Mat Guci.

The fighting boy initially refused. He wants to collect the mother together in their home. However, Brahim insisted that his son not participate. He convinced Pang Amin to drag Mat Guci away from the disaster. From the pandan leaves, a Sumatran tiger roars violently. The big cat ran fast on the boat that was ready to sail. This made the soldiers initially frightened. However, Pang Amin said Kureng would not pounce. This time, they must share a small boat with the tiger.

Some strong soldiers forced themselves to swim near the canoe. Rowing your feet by still holding on to the boat wall. The small canoe was not enough to load all the remaining troops in the fight. Luckily, off the coast they met empty canoes that were swept away from the harbor.

From afar, Mat Guci stared at Lamuri's palace which burned with a number of houses in the surrounding area. The merchants' city was lost with the flames that continued to extend from the top of Seulawah. Everything was destroyed and left a thick puff of smoke covering the skyline of the Lemur in the afternoon. "Innalillahi wa innailaihi raji'un." Pang Amin whispered to Mat Guci who was hysterical, remembering father and mother. [] (The End)

I tried writing this story in English with google translate. I am sure, I made a lot of mistakes in the translation. For that, I'm put the original version of the writing Indonesian below.

Saya menerjemahkan fiksi saya dari bahasa Indonesia dalam teks Inggris menggunakan fasilitas Google Translate. Namun, saya mengkhawatirkan terjadinya banyak kesalahan dan kekeliruan dalam proses penerjemahan. Karena itu, saya turut membubuhkan versi bahasa Indonesia dalam postingan ini.

"Tuk...tuk..tuk..." Bunyi besi beradu benda keras memekakkan telinga. Sudah sepekan suara itu membahana di tebing Aramanyang, pintu gerbang istana di dataran tinggi Lamuri. Tidak ada jeda. Pagi, siang hingga malam. Besi-besi padat itu seakan tidak pernah diam. Pukulan demi pukulan yang dialamatkan oleh tangan manusia itu kini menjadi irama pengantar tidur anak-anak di pasar Lamuri. Tak jarang, bunyi itu juga terdengar hingga Lamtuba dan Lampanah. Para pekerja seakan tak pernah lelah memahat sebuah patung batu raksasa berwujud si putra mahkota.

Setelah sekian pekan para pekerja memahat batu raksasa tersebut, bentuknya kini kian kentara. Ada kepala dan tubuh yang menyerupai manusia dengan dua tangan menghadap ke depan di muka dada. Para pekerja kini fokus pada bagian bawah patung. Mereka sedang mengukir bentuk pinggang sang putra mahkota. Meskipun pekerjaan itu belum selesai, sang putra mahkota telah meminta para pekerja untuk menempatkan patung tersebut di ujung tebing Aramanyang.

"Aku ingin patung ini terlihat oleh para pelaut dari negeri seberang," kata sang putra mahkota pada para pekerja.

Dia juga meminta para pemahat untuk menyelesaikan pengerjaan patung batu itu secepat mungkin. Terlebih peringatan hari kemenangan atas upaya kudeta yang gagal oleh perdana menteri tak lama lagi berlangsung. Sang putra mahkota ingin patung itu menjadi pengingat bagi warga Lamuri atas kehebatannya menumpas pemberontakan.

"Ini adalah mendali kemenanganku!" ujar sang putra mahkota.

Para pekerja yang rata-rata adalah pemahat kenamaan dari seantero Lamuri ingin sekali mewujudkan mimpi sang putra mahkota. Mereka bekerja dengan telaten, mengukir sudut-sudut kedalaman raut wajah hingga bentuk tubuh manusia yang sempurna. Namun, sayang, upaya mereka terhenti sepekan menjelang perayaan. Bumi bergerak hebat. Patung sang putra mahkota terhuyung-huyung. Para pemahat berlarian menjauh, meskipun ada beberapa di antara mereka memegang erat tali penyangga "berhala" baru itu.

Tanah masih berguncang kuat. Batu-batu di tebing Aramanyang berjatuhan. Kepulan debu menguar ke udara. Perbukitan cadas Aramanyang menjadi labil. "Grusaakk..." Tanah kering bersama patung sang putra mahkota bergerak ke bawah meninggalkan lempengan keras di puncak.

Patung itu terjatuh dengan wajah menubruk karang di bawah tebing Aramanyang. Dia terlihat seperti bersimpuh lalu dihantam ombak yang datang. Para pemahat menepuk dahi. Mencaci maki roh leluhur dan kemudian diam.

Camar laut yang sedari tadi hinggap di batu karang ikut terhenyak. Burung-burung berparuh putih itu terbang tak karuan dari Aramanyang dan menyasar pucuk-pucuk pepohonan bakau di pantai Lhok Me. Hewan bersayap ini sempat kebingungan mendeteksi pantai pasir Lhok Me, yang semula putih berkilau kristal kini berubah menjadi kubangan darah.

Di bawah sana terlihat para prajurit saling menikam, beradu pedang bahkan bergelut dalam kematian. Dua gajah yang ikut dalam pertarungan melawan pasukan berkuda juga ikut terluka. Puluhan jasad berkostum hitam, berjirah kuning tembaga dan topi-topi kerucut berserakan. Banyak kuda yang tergeletak. Sebagian besar tak bergerak. Hanya terlihat beberapa orang yang masih berdiri tegak di pasir nan merah tersebut. Di antaranya adalah Mat Guci, si bocah berambut keriting dan berkulit hitam. Di sisi kirinya terlihat Pang Amin, seorang tua dengan janggut panjang memutih yang terlihat tertatih-tatih, dan Brahim Naga yang bertubuh tambun dengan luka di lengan kanannya.

Aki Laot dan kawan-kawan rebah karena hentakan bumi yang berguncang kuat hari itu. Sementara para prajurit istana memanfaatkan momen tersebut untuk kabur dari lokasi pertempuran. Mereka membiarkan teman-temannya yang terluka, terbaring di atas pasir.

Bumi masih mengganas di petang nan berdarah itu. Bunyi ledakan di puncak Seulawah terdengar jelas dari pesisir Lhok Me. Langit kini hitam, kelam seperti malam cepat sekali menjemput matahari pada petang ini. Awan-awan hitam menggumpal di atas puncak Seulawah dan kemudian, "duaaarrr..."

Langit di atas gunung itu berubah merah. Semburan pijar api seakan-akan menyentuh kaki langit. Nyali para prajurit menjadi hilang seketika, termasuk Brahim Naga dan pasukannya. Mat Guci menjerit sementara Pang Amin mengeluarkan kata-kata yang tidak pernah didengar oleh manusia di Lamuri. "Allahu Akbar!"

Brahim Naga tidak ambil pusing dengan kata-kata Pang Amin. Dia mengajak semua pasukannya untuk berlayar ke teluk. Menjauh dari angkara murka "paku bumi" yang mengerikan itu. Dia juga meminta pasukannya untuk menolong mereka yang terluka, termasuk para prajurit istana yang tidak mampu menyelamatkan diri dari amuk bencana.

Dari pesisir pantai Lamuri, terlihat banyak sampan-sampan yang meninggalkan pelabuhan. Di titik tersebut, Brahim kemudian ingat akan istrinya yang tinggal di perbatasan kota Lamuri. "Kau pergi dengan Pang Amin dan yang lain, aku akan menyusul ibumu ke rumah," perintah Brahim kepada Mat Guci.

Bocah petarung itu semula menolak. Dia ingin bersama-sama menjemput sang ibu di rumah mereka. Namun, Brahim bersikeras agar anak lelakinya itu tidak ikut serta. Dia meyakinkan Pang Amin untuk menyeret Mat Guci menjauh dari bencana. Dari sela-sela daun pandan, sesosok harimau Sumatera mengaum hebat. Kucing besar itu berlari kencang ke atas sampan yang sudah siap berlayar. Hal ini membuat para prajurit awalnya ketakutan. Namun, Pang Amin mengatakan Kureng tidak akan menerkam. Kali ini, mereka harus berbagi sampan kecil dengan sang harimau.

Beberapa prajurit yang masih kuat memaksakan diri berenang di dekat sampan. Mendayung kaki dengan tetap berpegangan pada dinding perahu. Sampan kecil itu memang tak cukup untuk memuat semua pasukan sisa pertarungan. Beruntung, di lepas pantai mereka bertemu dengan sampan-sampan kosong yang hanyut dari pelabuhan.

Dari jauh, Mat Guci menatap istana Lamuri yang terbakar bersama sejumlah rumah penduduk di sekitarnya. Kota para pedagang itu hilang bersama lidah api yang terus menjulur dari puncak Seulawah. Semuanya musnah dan menyisakan kepulan asap tebal yang memayungi kaki langit Lemur pada petang itu. "Innalillahi wa innailaihi raji'un." Pang Amin berbisik kepada Mat Guci yang histeris mengingat ayah dan bunda.[] (Tamat)

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